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Project GRID - Full Game Out Now!


Awesome Bro

I've updated the main post with a screenshot section, there aren't many, but if you'd like to add any of your own, post them here in the comments and they'll be added! I've also put up the userbar again, sadly I haven't worked on the userbar to bring it more up to date, but it serves its purpose and shows Tuna and me that you've taken an interest in our game and will be supporting us!


Awesome Bro

Competition: Do you want your very own car design in the game?

If you want to have a car design in the game, all you have to do is submit a series of screenshots in this thread, we're looking for people to be creative, but don't worry, there can be multiple winners! here's a checklist of what we want to see in your screenshots:

Happy Mines!
- Mines positioned to make a smiley face, the more mines the better.

Come at me, bro!
- You, facing towards a tank that has just shot a plasma blast (Take the screenshot just before it hits you, the tank must be visible and you MUST be facing towards it)

You guys need glasses!
- An enemy tank shooting at an enemy car that is chasing you.

- You, and the two enemy cars lined up straight (Must be touching BOTH cars)

Another one bites the dust!
- An enemy car driving over a mine that you have deployed.

Stop bothering me!
- Kill over 500 enemies while both cars and the tank are still alive (Both cars and the tank must be on the screenshot, along with your 500+ kills)

It's over nine thou-hundred?!
- Kill over 900 enemies, simple!

If you feel up to the challenge and think you can take a screenshot of all these (One point per screenshot), then you'll win your very own car design for the player to drive around as!


Feel free to add your own screenshots too, they'll still be added to the main page for everyone to see!

It's about as straight as I could while steering and taking the screenshot. Come At Me Bro. It did turn into a "Do You Need Glasses" but I wanted to make sure I had something.

I humbly request the Craymobile which should look exactly like the Batmobile but be referred to as the Craymobile. If not possible due to legal issues, I request that deployed mines do not go over the car when you drive over them, as it is consistently ruining my smiley face. :)


PS - That was in Firefox, which is amazing, because my game goes to complete ugly in Firefox. I just forgot to switch browsers. Nice.
PPS - The opening music brought back a strong sense of the Super Metroid opening for the Super Nintendo. Good stuff.


Awesome Bro

Yeah don't worry, the mine layer has been fixed (Or I think it has...), it's just a little simple thing I forgot to change, lol (All I have to do is right click the mine and set its Z order to the back, lol.

I'll happily make you a Craymobile, but first you need a screenshot for each of the points on the checklist :thumb:


Awesome Bro

If you feel up to the challenge and think you can take a screenshot of all these (One point per screenshot), then you'll win your very own car design for the player to drive around as!

Yep lol, that's where the challenge comes from :wink:


Awesome Bro

That's a bit much, getting all of them O_O

Maybe the person getting the highest number of points by the end of the Construct contest could win.


Awesome Bro

That was actually my original idea, but then I thought about letting multiple people win, so I was going to do something like: Get over 1000 kills to win something... it was actually my brother that suggested making the challenge harder, and to be honest, it should be, I don't want EVERYONE to be having a new car, otherwise it won't be anything special... maybe I'll lower the kills, but we'll see what others think first :thumb:


Awesome Bro

I've lowered the requirement for one of the screenshot points, "It's over 9000!" has now been renamed to "It's over nine thou-hundred?!", you now have to kill 90% LESS enemies to be awarded a point for the screenshot, I hope this decision makes it easier for people to work towards gaining their own car in the game, I wanted it to be a challenge, but Tuna made me realise I should set it a little more realistically, 9000 is possible, but would take WAY too long that the game may get boring (Since in this demo build there's very few harmful enemies to keep you occupied), so yeah, it's now set at 900.

Now get playing the game and take those screenshots!


Awesome Bro

Woah, Tuna! What are these really cool screenshots you just posted?

Here are some screens of the newly renovated Title Screen. We won't actually be releasing another update until the contest deadline, but here's something to hold you over until then!




Awesome Bro

Yeah, hopefully these will keep people interested, since there's three new things to be seen from these two screenshots alone:

A new game mode!
High scores!

Hope you guys are excited as we are about seeing the final version released on Saturday!

Big thanks again for making everything above possible too! If you pop into this thread, be sure to thank him again! :heart:

This game has certainly come a long way from when I first played it. Wow :0
Very polished!

Okay this is mostly a nitpick, but:
Doesn't feel like it makes sense that [Esc] unpauses but [P] pauses. Either make both keys pause AND unpause, or only 1 key (IMO, both keys).

The game always starts paused, with an explanation of controls. Say a new player only glances at it, sees "Press ESC", and then enters the game. They'll naturally go "oh shit wait how do i do this" and hit they only key they know to definitely work (Esc). But [Esc] doesn't do anything while the game is playing so they're like "OH GOD WHAT"

(Yes yes the player in this example should READ the instructions blah blah, but a great game dev always strives to never leave ANY player going "WAIT WHAT DO I DO", esp when faced with basic controls.)

Again that is mostly a nitpick b/c I couldn't really find any bugs or anything.


Awesome Bro

@Veneriffic I thought the exact same thing when I saw Jason had it set up that way. Since the latest demo I've actually replaced it so that P both pauses and unpauses. Additionally, Jason had the idea of moving the controls outside of the actual game, so now they're displayed on the web page instead of in game. I've since been debating between adding Esc as an additional pause key, and based on your feedback I think I'll program the functionality to both buttons. Thanks for the comment!

@Bob You are driving a car, after all! And don't worry, more firepower will be available in the next update in the form of a new weapon upgrade!


Awesome Bro

Yeah what Tuna said, the build we have now is way better and fixes just about EVERY issue lol, the demo on this thread is a little outdated now, but we won't release a new one until the final release...

(Also my way of eventing is awful haha)


Awesome Bro

Another crazy testing screenshot!


Silly lines of code placed incorrectly make for interesting results :thumb:

(The HUD is weird looking like that because I pasted the image twice into MS Paint without knowing, and repositioned one of them, lol... but don't mind that)


Awesome Bro

Final Release! - Click here to play!

That's right, we've done it, we've finally done it!

You can now play the complete version of the game, complete with new features not seen in the demo, these include:

- A new gametype, Time Trial!
- High scores that are saved in your browser's cache!
- Awards!
- A new enemy type!
- A new AoE pick up weapon!

Click the link above to play the game, and tell us what you think about it! We're really proud of the final outcome, and think you'll really enjoy it!


Awesome Bro

Before I submit the game to the judges, I'm going to add new sections to the main post as they're needed, in the meantime, get playing, you'll enjoy it, I promise!

Thank you for viewing

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