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One Piece Online 2 Pirate King

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The game's official website: http://op2.joygames.me/
One Piece Online 2 :Pirate King is a ARPG web game based on the popular anime One Piece.In the game players can challenge each other, which easily achieves multiple people online.

Players can put on all high quality equipment without level restrictions. The game is no longer a boring battle upgrading mode.

We are primarily a game development board and made up of indie game developers - is this a game you are creating / have created? Generally posts with just an image and a link are a big no - we aren't just a place to advertise games but a board for discussion and critique.

Is this a one-person operation or a team? Is JoyGames associated with JoyWar? How about SoarGames? (I've noticed many similar trends in the websites and UIs...)
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