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Momo's ears, Warrior01's hair, and Fighter06's body (Solved)

The help is because I am having trouble getting it to work right when importing. Anyway, here is the sprite:

Anyway, I was playing Breath of Fire III one of my favorite classic RPGs, and I decided that I liked Momo's ears so I thought to add it to one of my characters. So I took her ears and I did add it to my sprite, and I really like how it turned out.

So, on to the problem. When I was doing it, I had to push the sprites away from the 'walls' of the background in order to make room for the ears, and I had to increase the distance between them. Now when I import it and when she is walking...well it looks like the way Mr. Game and Watch walks. It isn't fluid, and when she is walking south or north she inches to the left or right. When she walks to the east, you can see almost 1/4th of the ear of the next part of the animation.

I think I got the distances wrong or something but I am not sure how to correct it. Any help would be appreciated, and if you want to see for yourself what the problem is you are free to go ahead and try it out. (By the way, I am using RPG Maker XP)

Problem solved!

Critique is welcome.



Are you using ms paint? Try getting "Gale" if there is not enough room in the charset then FREEZE! Don't move anything, just make the canvas bigger and make sure that the person is in the middle, if this doesn't make sense, because I can't understand it then go and download the picture and position you character on top of the arshesit should be fine then.
Here is the picture:

and then you just select the person on your character sett and match up the feet then you should delete the rest of the arshes that is sticking out under the character set you are using... That should help hopefully.

Thank you and have a great day!

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