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Hello from Haydyn - A Sneak Peak at Exodus

Hey guys, after a long break from the RM Community I am back to developing games again. 10 years later, I think I have the experience now to finally finish a project. Below is a little bit of information on whats to come - not ready for its own project discussion thread, but you can expect that in a few days.


A Message From The Developer:

Hello everyone. I've been around the RM Communities for a very long time. Though I've generated a lot of hype from many of my projects, mostly from my ability as a mapper and for the story and interest that had sparked from these stories, I've never finished a project. I started with RPG Maker 95 and dabbled in the makers to follow, perhaps mostly with RPG Maker XP which my first project "Haydyn's Fable" was being developed for.

I've met a lot of people in my time. I watched Reeives grow from RMXP.net (later to become RMXP.org and finally HBGames) into the indie developer he has become now with his titles Memento, and more recently "To The Moon". People like Ken Gao are really why I am back here trying to start up in the RM community again. 10 years later, I've a wealth of experience with writing short stories, developing 3D worlds for second life communities and earning some cash as a builder for those communities. I'm ready to start telling some great stories and sharing them with the community that remains -- and hopefully -- you'll all see me active in the RM community for the days to follow.

Reeive's "To The Moon" is kind of the epitome to me of what potential can be found in the RM Community. That game made me loose a few tears more than a couple times, even as it was short. And that is what I hope to be able to do for the players and viewers I draw in to this project. And so first, a thank you -- to all the people who supported me before - CrazyMew - Masamuna who did original concept art for Haydyn's Fable and a few freelancers here and there that helped me with some of the custom scripting for that game. For people like Reeives' who cheered me on and also inspired me to bring my A Game. And to all of you who have continued to see the RM Community grow over the years. I hope to hang my hat here and be a contributing member to the highly anticipated projects for the days ahead of us.

And so I present to you my returning project: Currently titled "Exodus" (Subject to change later).


The design behind Exodus aims to target political intrigue, mysteries of science and spirituality, and lastly and perhaps ultimately, the duality of humanity.

Taking place on the World of Gaia, players will be introduced to a very different, yet familiar feudal world that is ravaged by wars waged in dark medieval esque politics. Wars that are fought for resources, wars fought for religion, and span the vastness of a world very much like our Earth.

Sort of borrowing some from the 'Star Wars' theme, Gaia is a world that is saturated in a spiritual microbiotic life forms that play a large role in the 'magic' of Gaia. Unlike high fantasy settings, The magic of gaia isn't something that simply comes from nowhere. It is this spiritual energy called Etherium that explains much of the evolution of these creatures, and the magical elements of the setting that exist. That being said, Gaia is a very harsh and realistic world. Death will be very much apart of that world, and will be displayed in a way that impacts the characters you follow deeply, and is targeted to impact the players who are looking through their eyes.

As I mentioned before, one of the core concepts behind the design of "Exodus" is the duality of Humanity. That is, that humanity, in its nature is both our greatest gift, and our worst of curses. Concepts like good and evil have no absolutes, and really perhaps the question that the story of Exodus is asking the players will be, can we as morally driven creatures overcome what is in our nature?

You will see influence from our history here, and influence from cultures around our world, and even religion, because though Gaia is a completely different world than our own. Our world and Gaia are very much connected.

The Protagonist:
Tristan Tirthalion

A celtic inspired Kingdom of Cana is where Tristan's story will begin, the son of a Duke and second in line to inherit the duty of the Duke of Westhollow, a martial position instituted by the current King of Cana. Though Cana is a very large and considerably strong nation, it is on the edge of civil war when the lines of inheritance of an old and dying King become unclear. Tristan's role in this will become clear as the players traverse through the first chapter of Exodus' far spanning story.

Ultimately, Cana is a small piece of the world of Cana, and how this story spans to affect not only one nation, but the entire world will have to be revealed by the players.

Thats all for now:

I'll be doctoring up this post in the following days. Right now its a pretty ugly wall of text. I'll be happy to answer some questions regarding the direction of "EXODUS" but keep in mind that EXODUS is in its very beginning stages and some things are like to change over time.

Thank you all for taking the time to read up on this project - Its good to be back!


A very basic summary of the first chapter (And thusly, first game)

The Paladin and the Prince

As a great empire collapses into civil war due to the strain of a shattered line of inheritance, two boys must flee their homes to survive the bloody war that will ensue. Forced away from their lives that had came easily to them, young Tristan and young Edric must accept that they will have to rely on each other, or death will befall them both.

The Paladin and the Prince mark's the first chapter of the story of Exodus a tale of survival that spans across the the seas, mountains, prairies and civilizations of Gaia.
Yes, I had a pretty great art team. Masamuna did the work for all the character concept and then Crazymew did most of the pixel work. I believe both still have Deviant Art accounts if you guys ever want to look them up. Great guys.

As for the game - I think the topic is still here if you ever want to read a little more about it - Right now the project is on indefinite hiatus, but that said - its always had a dear place in my heart. I have to focus on one project at a time, but if Exodus is successful I may revisit Haydyn's Fable again in the future - by its nature of setting and story, its going to be a little more difficult to pull off.

I also am debating if I want to create - less of games, and more of episodic interactive stories.

Thank you for viewing

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