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Half Kaizer Template

This is the Half Kaizer template by Showkaizer edited for RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker VX Ace. There are some full walking animations and some idle poses mixed in.

Please do not credit me for this, all credit goes to Showkaizer, original creator of the template. I just moved things around and positioned them in a VX template.


These can be used in any engine, not just RPG Maker, but are formatted for RPG Maker VX/Ace.
The HK template was revised a handful of times.

I don't think many people ever saw Showkaizer's "complete" HKtemplate.

Because of it's size and the limited number of frames, the walk cycles looked really stiff. Probably would have looked better with more frames but it was hard enough keeping a standard to make resources for. People kept going back to the old template.

Pretty sure Tana made most of the poses and body variations for the early template. But IMO, the only pose the template really needed was a downpose and I've never seen it done well. A few people attempted diagonal sprites, but that might be lost now.


Wow, that's a lot of poses O.o. Looks like the pose set was a simplified version of the template, almost like it was left cell shaded. I wonder if that was on purpose.
That was the idea. Rather then pay a pixel artist to create graphics for his game maker studio, Near Fantastica figured it was a good idea to get a forum full of teenagers to make it for him. And offered 3 PSPs and 2 $100 godaddy gift cards to the top 5 places. That was the build it! contest a.k.a gRTP
Of course it sounds terrible when I say it like that.
I've got some unfinished tilesets saved from the HKCP. Also some from the gRTP which just look like outlines and flat colors. If anyone wants to use them as a reference.
A simple start would be just to look at the rtp and work out which bits aren't modular (like wall tiles) and tweak them to fit the template. In fact I might do that at some point.
Technically, if you look back at the the gRTP contest terms it's only meant to be used for near's game studio. Whatever was made for the contest, including Tana's templates, relinquished their rights. But the studio thing never happened as far as I can tell.

Tana took all her resources down. So I don't know how she feels about people still using them. Or using wayback to dig it all back up. Like her lego templates. Probably just play it safe with your basic creative commons: Credit , Non Commercial use. yada-yada
Well, they're templates, so in theory the actual sprite disappears at the end of it, your work goes on top of it and all that is left is perhaps the skin of the face and the eyes.
Whatever you build on will still be subject to the template's terms. You can't place new restrictions or change the licence. So if you make a character, people would be free to edit it and use it in the same way as the templates.

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