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Face Face Template (Resized Little Fighter 2 template)

I take no credit of this because it's just a resize of the template character's face set for little fighter 2.

I don't really think anyone will use it, but I've been having a go with making character faces using this template.
ok, well here is the new shaded version with a better back ground. i quess all credit goes to me? i am not to good at shading, so i used photoshop, it turned out pretty well, but now it seems like it is still for photoshop users, so use the old one if you are using paint, unless you are really good.\ then you can give this one a try. plus i made one with eyes.

http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/4377/oldte3.png[/IMG] http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5088 ... atebd2.png[/IMG] http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/3118 ... yesbj2.png[/IMG]

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