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DoubleX RMMV Formulae Edit


Just a nameless weakling

This plugin's available for commercial use.

Lets users modify some hardcoded default RMMV formulae on the fly

Games using this plugin
None so far

Plugin Calls
 *    # Configuration manipulations                                           

 *      1. DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit.param                                   

 *         - Returns the function param under DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit      

 *      2. DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit.param = function                        

 *         - Sets the function param under DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit as function

 *         - No DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit.param change will be saved        

 * @param makeEscapeRatio

 * @desc Sets the party escape ratio upon battle start as makeEscapeRatio, which

 *       must return the content of a function that takes the party and troop's

 *       agi, which can be referenced by partyAgi and troopAgi respectively, as

 *       the arguments

 *       The content of the function returned by makeEscapeRatio will be bound

 *       to BattleManager upon use

 * @default this._escapeRatio = 0.5 * partyAgi / troopAgi;


 * @param speed

 * @desc Sets the action speed as speed, which must return the content of a

 *       function that takes the subject's agi, which can be referenced by agi,

 *       as the argument and returns a Number

 *       The content of the function returned by speed will be bound to

 *       Game_Action upon use

 * @default return agi + Math.randomInt(Math.floor(5 + agi / 4));


 * @param lukEffectRate

 * @desc Sets the luk effect rate multiplier applied to adding states and

 *       debuffs to a target as lukEffectRate, which must return the content of

 *       a function that takes a subject and target, which can be referenced by

 *       subject and target respectively, as the arguments and returns a Number

 *       The content of the function returned by lukEffectRate will be bound to

 *       Game_Action upon use

 * @default return Math.max(1.0 + (subject.luk - target.luk) * 0.001, 0.0);


 * @param expForLevel

 * @desc Sets the required experience for levelling up to level as expForLevel,

 *       which must return the content of a function that takes the level,

 *       actor's class, experience basis, extra, acceleration a and b, which can

 *       be referenced by level, c, basis, extra, acc_a and acc_b respectively,

 *       as the arguments and returns a Number

 *       The content of the function returned by expForLevel will be bound to

 *       Game_Actor upon use

 * @default return Math.round(basis * (Math.pow(level - 1, 0.9 + acc_a / 250)) * level * (level + 1) / (6 + Math.pow(level, 2) / 50 / acc_b) + (level - 1) * extra);


 * @param distancePerFrame

 * @desc Sets the characters' moving distance per frame as distancePerFrame,

 *       which must return the content of a function that takes the real move

 *       speed, which can be referenced by speed, as the argument and returns a

 *       Number

 *       The content of the function returned by expForLevel will be bound to

 *       Game_CharacterBase upon use

 * @default return Math.pow(2, speed) / 256;


 * @param makeEncounterCount

 * @desc Sets the number of steps needed to trigger an encounter as

 *       makeEncounterCount, which must return the content of a function that

 *       takes the encounter count, which can be referenced by n, as the

 *       argument

 *       The content of the function returned by makeEncounterCount will be

 *       bound to Game_Player upon use

 * @default this._encounterCount = Math.randomInt(n) + Math.randomInt(n) + 1;

1. Some Javascript coding proficiency to fully utilize this plugin

Terms Of Use
You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his/her aliases

 *      v1.01b(GMT 0400 9-9-2017):                                            

 *      1. Fixed not loading the edited formulae from save files bug          

 *      v1.01a(GMT 1400 27-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed called DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit before it's defined bug    

 *      2. All configuration values will be saved in $gameSystem              

 *      3. Increased this plugin's readability                                

 *      v1.00b(GMT 1200 17-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. Fixed wrong number of arugments bug for lukEffectRate and          

 *         makeEncounterCount                                                 

 *      2. Increased this plugin's efficiency                                

 *      v1.00a(GMT 1300 10-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished                                

Download Link
DoubleX RMMV Formulae Edit


Just a nameless weakling

 *      v1.01a(GMT 1400 27-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed called DoubleX_RMMV.Formulae_Edit before it's defined bug    

 *      2. All configuration values will be saved in $gameSystem              

 *      3. Increased this plugin's readability                                


Just a nameless weakling

 *      v1.01b(GMT 0400 9-9-2017):                                            

 *      1. Fixed not loading the edited formulae from save files bug          


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