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does anyone know how to change the "z" of a picture? I've tried messing with Sprite_Picture Z, and Spriteset_Map viewports Z, but it didn't change anything. so... can you hel me? please :D
From looking in Spriteset_Battle and Spriteset_Map, you can see which viewport they are assigned to.
# SS_Map
for i in 1..50
# SS_Battle
for i in 51..100
The Z coordinate on the map would be viewport 2's z, which is
@viewport2.z = 200
The Z on the battle would be viewport 3
@viewport3.z = 200
changing viewport z was the first thing I did. also I've tried changing the viewport in which the picture was created... nothing :/
I'm trying to display the pictures (or at least one of them) at the z of player. maybe there's another way to do it? I tried deifining self.z of Sprite_Picture as $game_player.screen_z but again, no results