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[XP] Yet another Tilemap script (for any size /w autotiles)

Tilemap Script
version 1.2 /w autotiles

What's this?
This is another recreation of the hidden tilemap script. Different is maybe that this script runs as fast on a 500x500 map as on a 50x50 map. I took a new way into producing the graphics and threw in some time consuming functions to save cpu for bigger maps. So, what does that mean?

- Works with other Resolutions
- Works with animated autotiles
- Works with priorities
- Completely Commented  :bunny:

Oh, the load gets higher when you have: more animated autotile tiles/more prioritized tiles.

What's next?
What am I doing now? I am updating this script at the moment to:

- Incorporate Flash Data (and flashing as one or many sprites)
- Enable the use of the Three SingleXXX constants. Meaning less sprites thus more fps.
You can do it yourself, if you want, but let me release it - it feels like a milestone to get.
- I am also converting this to an dll at this moment :D
- A non-animating autotile on the second layer has a z lower then a normal-tile on the first layer. an autotile on the thirth layer has a z higher then anything on the other layers.

What's new?
Ok, this script differs from others by creating a bitmap of the size BitmapRect which is in the script. By default this will be the WindowRect (viewport) size plus a buffer size, where 1 tile each way is recommended (Set by BitmapWindowOffset).
Why all this shit you might ask - well I can tell you: What I did was only drawing those tiles visible and redrawing it every step. Whoaha, but that is time consuming? Yes, therefor I only draw the NEW tiles! It saves a LOT of FPS.
Only the priority tiles and autotiles are drawn separately.

- AutotileLength determines the number of frames before an autotile get updated.
- KillOutScreenSprite kills any tile sprite outside the bitmap rect is set to true.
- EnableFlashingData enables updating the flashing data, but the methods are missing in this script

And I am working on SingleFlashingSprite and SingleAutotileSprite which create one single sprite layer rather then many different. This will save CPU if you have alot of autotiles on screen or lot of priority tiles on screen. But if you don't use a lot of Animated autotiles you are better of setting this to false in the next version.

version 1.1 - I tried to fix the positioning error (sprites don't move properly when skipping frames) [I fixed a part]
version 1.2 - I finally fixed the flashing sprites/not moving sprites error.

What can I do?
You can test the script, throw in the other tilemap scripts and evaluate the results. I would like to know when one is faster then the other.

# ** Tilemap (hidden class)
#  This class handles the map data to screen processing

#   Yet another Tilemap Script (for any map size /w autotiles)
#   by Meâ„¢ / Derk-Jan Karrenbeld (me@solarsoft.nl)
#   version 1.0 released on 08 nov 08
#   version 1.2
class Tilemap
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :tileset
  attr_reader :autotiles
  attr_reader :flash_data
  attr_reader :priorities
  attr_reader :visible
  attr_reader :ox, :oy
  attr_writer :autotiles
  # * Constant Configuration
  # Window Rect - the visible Area of the Map (default: 640 x 480)
  # Bitmap Rect - the active drawing Area of the Map (window tiles + 2 tiles)
  # BitmapWindow offset - the invisible tile count on one side
  WindowRect = Rect.new(0,0,640,480)
  BitmapRect = Rect.new(0,0,640 + 64, 480 + 64) # Recommended
  BitmapWindowOffset = (BitmapRect.height-WindowRect.height)/2/32
  # Length in frames of one frame showing from autotile
  AutotileLength = 10
  # KillOutScreenSprite - Kills priority and autotile sprites out of screen
  # EnableFlashingData - If activated, enables updating flashing data
  KillOutScreenSprite   = true
  EnableFlashingData    = false
  # SingleFlashingSprite - Uses one Flashing sprite, instead of many
  # SinglePrioritySprite - Uses one Priority sprite, instead of many
  # SingleAutotileSprite - Uses one Autotile sprite, instead of many
  SingleFlashingSprite  = false
  SinglePrioritySprite  = false
  SingleAutotileSprite  = false
  # This is the Autotile animation graphical index array. It contains numbers
  # that point to the graphic part of an animating autotile.
  Autotiles = [
    [ [27, 28, 33, 34], [ 5, 28, 33, 34], [27,  6, 33, 34], [ 5,  6, 33, 34],
      [27, 28, 33, 12], [ 5, 28, 33, 12], [27,  6, 33, 12], [ 5,  6, 33, 12] ],
    [ [27, 28, 11, 34], [ 5, 28, 11, 34], [27,  6, 11, 34], [ 5,  6, 11, 34],
      [27, 28, 11, 12], [ 5, 28, 11, 12], [27,  6, 11, 12], [ 5,  6, 11, 12] ],
    [ [25, 26, 31, 32], [25,  6, 31, 32], [25, 26, 31, 12], [25,  6, 31, 12],
      [15, 16, 21, 22], [15, 16, 21, 12], [15, 16, 11, 22], [15, 16, 11, 12] ],
    [ [29, 30, 35, 36], [29, 30, 11, 36], [ 5, 30, 35, 36], [ 5, 30, 11, 36],
      [39, 40, 45, 46], [ 5, 40, 45, 46], [39,  6, 45, 46], [ 5,  6, 45, 46] ],
    [ [25, 30, 31, 36], [15, 16, 45, 46], [13, 14, 19, 20], [13, 14, 19, 12],
      [17, 18, 23, 24], [17, 18, 11, 24], [41, 42, 47, 48], [ 5, 42, 47, 48] ],
    [ [37, 38, 43, 44], [37,  6, 43, 44], [13, 18, 19, 24], [13, 14, 43, 44],
      [37, 42, 43, 48], [17, 18, 47, 48], [13, 18, 43, 48], [ 1,  2,  7,  8] ]
  # * Object Initialization
  #     viewport : the drawing viewport
  #     rpgmap : the rpgmap object
  def initialize(viewport = nil, rpgmap = nil)
    # Autotiles Array
    @autotiles    = Array.new(6, nil)
    @oldautotiles = Array.new(6, nil)
    # Tilemap Viewport
    @viewport   = viewport ? viewport : Viewport.new(WindowRect)
    # Showing Region Rectangle
    @region     = Rect.new(0,0,BitmapRect.width/32, BitmapRect.height/32)
    # Old Region Rect
    @oldregion  = nil
    # Set TilemapSprite
    @sprite     = Sprite.new(@viewport)
    # Set Bitmap on Sprite
    @sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(BitmapRect.width, BitmapRect.height)
    # Set FlashingSprite and bitmap
    if SingleFlashingSprite
      @flashsprite = Sprite.new(@viewport)
      @flashsprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(BitmapRect.width, BitmapRect.height)
    # Set Informational Arrays/Hashes
    @priority_ids     = {}  # Priority ids
    @normal_tiles     = {}  # Non-auto tile bitmaps
    @auto_tiles       = {}  # Autotile bitmaps
    @priority_sprites = []  # Priority Sprites
    @autotile_sprites = []  # Autotile Sprites
    @flashing_sprites = []  # Flashing Sprites
    # Disposal Boolean
    @disposed   = false
    # Visibility Boolean
    @visible    = true
    # Flashing Boolean
    @flashing   = true
    # Disable Drawing Boolean
    @can_draw   = true
    # Set Coords
    @ox, @oy = 0, 0
    # Create TileMap if rpgmap is provided
    create_tilemap(rpgmap) if !rpgmap.nil?
  # * Get Bitmap Sprite
  def sprite_bitmap
    return @sprite.bitmap
  # * Data Tileset Referer - loads if needed
  def data_tilesets
    $data_tilesets ||= load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
  # * Check: Disposed?
  def disposed?
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    # Dispose all sprites (and cached bitmaps for quick memory clearing)
    for sprite in [@sprite] + @normal_tiles.values + @auto_tiles.values + @priority_sprites + @autotile_sprites + (SingleFlashingSprite ? [@flashsprite] : @flashing_sprites)
      sprite = sprite[0] if sprite.is_a?(Array)
      sprite.dispose if sprite.is_a?(Bitmap)
    # Set Informational Arrays/Hashes
    @priority_ids     = {}  # Priority ids
    @normal_tiles     = {}  # Non-auto tile bitmaps
    @priority_sprites = []  # Priority Sprites
    @autotile_sprites = []  # Autotile Sprites
    @flashing_sprites = []  # Flashing Sprites
    # I am disposed
    @disposed = true
  # * Checking: Drawing Allowed
  def drawing?
  # * Enable Drawing
  def enable_drawing
    @can_draw = true
  # * Disable Drawing
  def disable_drawing
    @can_draw = true
  # * Enable Flashing
  def enable_flashing
    @flashing = true
  # * Disable Flashing
  def disable_flashing
    @flashing = false
  # * Check: Flashing
  def flashing?
    EnableFlashingData and @flashing and @flashing_sprites.size
  # * Check: Visible
  def visible?
  # * Check: Autotiles Changed
  def autotiles_changed?
    @oldautotiles != @autotiles
  # * Set Visibility
  #     value: new value
  def visible=(value)
    # Set Visibility value
    @visible = value
    # Update all sprites
    for sprite in [@sprite] + @priority_sprites + @autotile_sprites + (SingleFlashingSprite ? [@flashsprite] : @flashing_sprites)
      sprite = sprite[0] if sprite.is_a?(Array)
      sprite.visible = value
  # * Set Tileset
  #     value : new RPG::Tileset, String or Bitmap
  def tileset=(value)
    # Return on equal data
    return if @tileset == value
    # Set TilesetName
    value = value.tileset_name if value.is_a?(RPG::Tileset)
    # Cache Tileset
    @tileset = RPG::Cache.tileset(value) if value.is_a?(String)
    # Set Tileset
    @tileset = value if value.is_a?(Bitmap)
    # Draw Tileset
    redraw_tileset if @can_draw
  # * Set Priorities
  #     value : new value
  def priorities=(value)
    # Return on equal data
    return if @priorities == value
    # Set Priorities
    @priorities = value
    # Draw Tileset
    redraw_priorities if @can_draw
  # * Set flash data
  #     coord[0] : x
  #     coord[1] : y
  #     value    : Color or Hex
  def flash_data=(*coord, &value)
    # Return on equal data
    return if @flash_data[coord[0],coord[1]] == value
    # Already Flashing this tile?
    flashing = !@flash_data[x,y].nil?
    # Set Flash Data
    @flash_data[x,y] = value
    return if !EnableFlashingData
    # Take action and remove/change/add flash
    if value.nil?
    elsif flashing
  # * Map Data referer
  def map_data
  # * Set Map Data
  #     value : new Table value
  def map_data=(value)
    # Return on equal data
    return if @map_data == value
    # Set New Map Data
    @map_data = value
    # Flash Data Table
    @flash_data = Table.new(@map_data.xsize, @map_data.ysize)
    # Redraw Current Region
    draw_region if @can_draw and @priorities and @tileset
  # * Get Map width (in tiles)
  def map_tile_width
  # * Get Map height (in tiles)
  def map_tile_height
  # * Create Tilemap
  #     rpgmap : base object
  def create_tilemap(rpgmap)
    # Return on invalid data
    return if rpgmap.is_a?(RPG::Map) == false
    # Restrict drawing
    @can_draw = false
    # Set Local Tileset Object (RPG::Tileset)
    _tileset = data_tilesets[rpgmap.tileset_id]
    # Return on invalid data
    return if _tileset.is_a?(RPG::Tileset) == false
    # Set Informational Arrays/Hashes
    @priority_ids     = {}  # Priority ids
    @normal_tiles     = {}  # Non-auto tile bitmaps
    @priority_sprites = []  # Priority Sprites
    @autotile_sprites = []  # Autotile Sprites
    @flashing_sprites = []  # Flashing Sprites
    # Set Tileset
    tileset = _tileset.tileset_name
    # Set AutoTiles
    (0..6).each { |i| autotiles[i] = _tileset.autotile_names[i] }
    # Set Priorities
    priorities = _tileset.priorities
    # Set Mapdata
    map_data = rpgmap.map_data
    # Reset drawing
    @can_draw = true
    # Reset disposed (need to reinit info variables)
    @disposed = false
    # Draw Region
  # * Get Tile id
  #     x : x tile coord
  #     y : y tile coord
  #     z : z layer coord
  def tile_id(x, y, z)
    return map_data[x, y, z]
  # * Get Priority
  #     args (1) : tile_id
  #     args (3) : x, y, z coord
  def priority(*args)
    return @priorities[args[0]] if args.size == 1
    return @priorities[tile_id(args[0], args[1], args[2])]
  # * Redraw Tileset (on change)
  def redraw_tileset
    # Kill current bitmap
    # Get rid of tile bitmaps
    # Get rid of autotile bitmaps
    # Dispose current tiles in screen
    (@autotile_sprites + @priority_sprites).each { |sprite| sprite[0].dispose if !sprite[0].disposed? }
    # Clear disposed graphics
    @autotile_sprites.clear; @priority_sprites.clear
    # Draw if allowed
    draw_region if @can_draw and @priorities and @tileset
  # * Redraw Priorities (on change)
  def redraw_priorities
    # Dispose current tiles in screen
    (@autotile_sprites + @priority_sprites).each { |sprite| sprite[0].dispose if !sprite[0].disposed? }
    # Clear disposed graphics
    @priority_sprites.clear; @autotile_sprites.clear
    # Clear Priority id information
    # Do a one time check for all priorities (can't do @tileset.priorities
    # because RPG::Tilemap is normally not passed trough, but if it were, you
    # can do the following - just uncomment this part and command the next for
    # loop:
    ## for tile_id in 0...@tileset.priorities.xsize
    ##  next if @tileset.priorities[tile_id] == 0
    ##  @priority_ids[tile_id] = @tileset.priorities[tile_id]
    ## end
    # But because we don't have that data, just iterate trough the map and
    # get seperate priority data for each tile, and save if there is one.
    for z in 0...3
      for y in 0...map_tile_height
        for x in 0...map_tile_width
          next if (id = tile_id(x, y, z)) == 0
          next if (p = priority(id)) == 0
          @priority_ids[id] = p
    # Draw if allowed
    draw_region if @can_draw and @priorities and @tileset
  # * Redraw autotiles (on change)
  def redraw_autotiles
    # Clear autotile bitmaps
    # Dispose current autotiles on screen
    @autotile_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite[0].dispose if !sprite[0].disposed? }
    # Get rid of disposed sprites
    # Save changes aka don't call this method again
    @oldautotiles = @autotiles
    # Draw if allowed
    draw_region if @can_draw and @priorities and @tileset
  # * Draw new Visible region
  def draw_current_region
    # Determine x and y coords for tile top left
    left_x = @ox / 32
    top_y = @oy / 32
    # Set origin for bitmap
    @sprite.ox = @ox % 32 + BitmapWindowOffset * 32
    @sprite.oy = @oy % 32 + BitmapWindowOffset * 32
    # Set New Region
    @region.x, @region.y = left_x, top_y
    # Set New Sprite Positions (pray for non disposed sprites: checking = cpu cost)
    (@priority_sprites + @autotile_sprites).each { |sprite| sprite[0].x = (sprite[1] - left_x) * 32 ; 
      sprite[0].ox = @ox % 32; sprite[0].y = (sprite[2] - top_y) * 32; sprite[0].oy = @oy % 32;
      unless (priority = @priority_ids[tile_id(sprite[1], sprite[2], sprite[3])]).nil? then sprite[0].z = @viewport.z + sprite[0].y + priority * 32 + 32 end}
    # Return on old data
    return if @oldregion == @region
    # Draw complete region if new?
    return draw_region if @oldregion.nil?
    # Determine missing rect
    first_drawing_x = [((left_x - @oldregion.x) >= 0 ? @region.width : 0) - (left_x - @oldregion.x)].max
    drawing_rect_x = Rect.new(first_drawing_x, 0, ((left_x - @oldregion.x).abs), @region.height)
    first_drawing_y = [((top_y - @oldregion.y) >= 0 ? @region.height : 0) - (top_y - @oldregion.y)].max
    drawing_rect_y = Rect.new(0, first_drawing_y, @region.width, ((top_y - @oldregion.y).abs))
    # Determine Rect that is still visible
    stay_rect = Rect.new([(left_x-@oldregion.x) * 32,0].max, [(top_y-@oldregion.y) * 32,0].max, (@region.width - (left_x-@oldregion.x).abs) * 32,(@region.height - (top_y-@oldregion.y).abs) * 32)
    # Dumplicate bitmap and clear Original
    dump_bitmap = sprite_bitmap.dup; sprite_bitmap.clear
    # Place Old bitmap on screen
    sprite_bitmap.blt([(@oldregion.x-left_x) * 32, 0].max, [(@oldregion.y-top_y) * 32, 0].max,dump_bitmap, stay_rect)
    # Remove Out of Range Sprites
    if KillOutScreenSprite
      _prio, _auto = @priority_sprites.dup, @autotile_sprites.dup; @priority_sprites, @autotile_sprites = [], []
      for sprite in _prio do if (sprite[1]) < @region.x - BitmapWindowOffset or (sprite[1] - BitmapWindowOffset) > @region.width + @region.x or sprite[2] < @region.y - BitmapWindowOffset or (sprite[2] - BitmapWindowOffset) > @region.height + @region.y  then sprite[0].dispose else @priority_sprites << sprite end end
      for sprite in _auto do if (sprite[1]) < @region.x - BitmapWindowOffset or (sprite[1] - BitmapWindowOffset) > @region.width + @region.x or sprite[2] < @region.y - BitmapWindowOffset or (sprite[2] - BitmapWindowOffset) > @region.height + @region.y  then sprite[0].dispose else @autotile_sprites << sprite end end
      # Remove nil elements (error prevention)
      @priority_sprites.compact!; @autotile_sprites.compact!;
    # Draw New Columns
    for x in 0...drawing_rect_x.width
      for y in 0...drawing_rect_x.height
        for z in 0..2
          draw_tile(drawing_rect_x.x + x , drawing_rect_x.y + y, tile_id(left_x + drawing_rect_x.x + x - BitmapWindowOffset, top_y + y - BitmapWindowOffset, z), left_x + drawing_rect_x.x + x - BitmapWindowOffset, top_y + y - BitmapWindowOffset, z)
    # Draw New Rows
    for x in 0...drawing_rect_y.width
      for y in 0...drawing_rect_y.height
        for z in 0..2
          draw_tile(drawing_rect_y.x + x , drawing_rect_y.y + y, tile_id(left_x + x - BitmapWindowOffset, top_y + drawing_rect_y.y + y - BitmapWindowOffset, z), left_x + x - BitmapWindowOffset, top_y + drawing_rect_y.y + y - BitmapWindowOffset, z)
    # Set region sprite coords
    @oldregion = Rect.new(left_x, top_y, @region.width, @region.height)
  # * Draw complete visible region
  def draw_region
    # Clear Sprites
    (@priority_sprites + @autotile_sprites).each { |sprite| sprite[0].dispose }
    @priority_sprites.clear; @autotile_sprites.clear
    # Determine x and y coords for tile top left
    left_x = @ox / 32
    top_y = @oy / 32 
    # Set Sprite ox/oy
    @sprite.ox = BitmapWindowOffset * 32
    @sprite.oy = BitmapWindowOffset * 32
    # Set New Region
    @region.x, @region.y = left_x, top_y
    # Iterate through new xses
    for x in 0...(@region.width)
      for y in 0...(@region.height)
        for z in 0..2
          # Draw new tiles
          draw_tile(x, y , tile_id(x + left_x - BitmapWindowOffset,y + top_y - BitmapWindowOffset,z), x + left_x - BitmapWindowOffset , y + top_y - BitmapWindowOffset, z)
    # Set oldregion (sprite coords)
    @oldregion = Rect.new(left_x, top_y, @region.width, @region.height)
    # Update Sprite
    # Prevent Frame Skipping
  # * Draw a tile
  #     x       : x coord in tiles on screen
  #     y       : y coord in tiles on screen
  #     tile_id : tile id
  #     tx      : x coord in tiles on map
  #     ty      : y coord in tiles on map
  #     tx      : z layer on map
  #     src_... : bitmap to draw on
  def draw_tile(x, y, tile_id, tx, ty, tz, src_bitmap = nil)
    # Return on invalid data
    #return if @region.x < x or @region.y < y
    #return if @region.width + @region.x > x or @region.height + @region.y > y
    return if x < 0 or y < 0
    return if tile_id == nil
    return draw_autotile(x, y, tile_id, tx, ty, tz, bitmap = bitmap) if tile_id < 384
    # First, Get Bitmap
    if (src_bitmap = @normal_tiles[tile_id]).nil?
      # Get Bitmap
      src_bitmap = Bitmap.new(32, 32)
      src_rect = Rect.new((tile_id - 384) % 8 * 32, (tile_id - 384) / 8 * 32,32,32)
      src_bitmap.blt(0, 0, @tileset, src_rect)
      # Save Bitmap
      @normal_tiles[tile_id] = src_bitmap
    # Now, if tile is not a priority tile...
    if @priority_ids[tile_id].nil?
      sprite_bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, src_bitmap, Rect.new(0,0,32,32))
      # ... Set Sprite and bitmap
      sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport)
      sprite.visible = visible
      sprite.bitmap = src_bitmap
      sprite.x, sprite.y = (tx - (@ox/32)) * 32, (ty - (@oy/32)) * 32
      sprite.ox, sprite.oy = @ox % 32, @oy % 32
      # Priority matches 32 (above normal) + value * 32 (priority) + tile y * 32
      sprite.z = @viewport.z + y * 32 + @priority_ids[tile_id] * 32 + 32
      # Add to sprites Array
      @priority_sprites << [sprite, tx, ty, tz]
  # * Draw an autotile
  #     x       : x coord in tiles on screen
  #     y       : y coord in tiles on screen
  #     tile_id : tile id
  #     tx      : x coord in tiles on map
  #     ty      : y coord in tiles on map
  #     tx      : z layer on map
  #     src_... : bitmap to draw on
  def draw_autotile(x, y, tile_id, tx, ty, tz, src_bitmap = nil)
    # Kill invalid calls
    return if x < 0 or y < 0
    return if tile_id == nil or tile_id >= 384
    return if tile_id == 0
    # Get AutotileGraphic
    autotile = @autotiles[tile_id/48-1]
    return if autotile.nil? or autotile.disposed?
    # Get Frame Data
    frames = (autotile.height == 32 ? autotile.width / 32 : autotile.width / 96)
    current_frame = (Graphics.frame_count/AutotileLength) % frames
    # First Get Bitmap
    if (src_bitmap_array = @auto_tiles[tile_id]).nil?
      @auto_tiles[tile_id] = []
      # If autotile is weird... :P
      if autotile.height == 32
        # Just iterate trough frames
        for i in 0...frames
          # Create a bitmap for this frame
          this_frame_bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
          src_rect = Rect.new(i * 32, 0, 32, 32)
          this_frame_bitmap.blt(0, 0, autotile, src_rect)
          # Save this frame's bitmap
          @auto_tiles[tile_id] << this_frame_bitmap
        # Set the bitmap array to the created one
        src_bitmap_array = @auto_tiles[tile_id]
        # If autotile is normal, iterate
        for i in 0...frames
          # Create a new bitmap for this frame
          this_frame_bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
          # Get the tiles from the Autotiles Array (tile_id corresponds
          # to the autotile graphic, so left_top is different to center
          tiles = Autotiles[(tile_id % 48)>>3][(tile_id % 48)&7]
          # Iterate trough 0, 1, 2 and 3
          for j in 0...4
            # Get tile_position (to get from the graphic)
            tile_position = tiles[j] - 1
            src_rect = Rect.new(tile_position % 6 * 16 + i * 96, tile_position / 6 * 16, 16, 16)
            this_frame_bitmap.blt(j % 2 * 16, j / 2 * 16 , autotile, src_rect)
          @auto_tiles[tile_id][i] = this_frame_bitmap
        src_bitmap_array = @auto_tiles[tile_id]
    # Now Get Frame Bitmap
    src_bitmap = src_bitmap_array[current_frame]
    return if src_bitmap.nil?
    # Now, if tile is not a priority tile...
    if @priority_ids[tile_id].nil? and autotile.width == 32
      sprite_bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, src_bitmap, Rect.new(0,0,32,32))
      priority = (@priority_ids[tile_id] or 0)
      # ... Set Sprite and bitmap
      sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport)
      sprite.visible = visible
      sprite.bitmap = src_bitmap
      sprite.x, sprite.y = (tx - (@ox/32)) * 32, (ty - (@oy/32)) * 32
      sprite.ox, sprite.oy = @ox % 32, @oy % 32
      # Priority matches 32 (above normal) + value * 32 (priority) + tile y * 32
      # Because this sprite is created later then the normal base sprite, it
      # has a higher internal z value. We fix this by setting the z value to
      # minus 2 + z value of this tile. This results in that a autotile is below
      # minus 2 + z value of this tile. This results in that a autotile is below
      # a normal sprite on the same priority
      sprite.z = @viewport.z - 2 + tz # Fix for ltr drwn.
      unless @priority_ids[tile_id].nil?
        sprite.z = @viewport.z + y * 32 + @priority_ids[tile_id] * 32 + 32
      # Add to sprites Array
      @autotile_sprites << [sprite, tx, ty, tz]
  # * Get new autotile Bitmap
  #     tile_id : tile id
  def get_update_autotile(tile_id)
    # Kill invalid Data
    return if tile_id == nil or tile_id >= 384
    return if tile_id == 0
    # Get AutotileGraphic
    autotile = @autotiles[tile_id/48-1]
    return if autotile.nil? or autotile.disposed?
    # Get Frame Data
    frames = (autotile.height == 32 ? autotile.width / 32 : autotile.width / 96)
    current_frame = (Graphics.frame_count/AutotileLength) % frames
    # Now Get Frame Bitmap
    src_bitmap = @auto_tiles[tile_id][current_frame]
    return src_bitmap    
  # * Set x origin value
  #     value : new value
  def ox=(value)
    # Next line is needed if you want to do complex things if ox changes
    return unless @ox != value
    @ox = value
  # * Set y origin value
  #     value : new value
  def oy=(value)
    # Next line is needed if you want to do complex things if oy changes
    return unless @oy != value
    @oy = value
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Redraw autotiles if changed
    redraw_autotiles if autotiles_changed?
    # Cancel updating if invisible
    return if not visible?
    # Flash Tiles
    update_flashing if flashing?
    # Update autotiles
    update_autotiles if (Graphics.frame_count % AutotileLength) == 0
    # Draw Region
  # * Update (flashing)
  def update_flashing
    # To be released
  # * Update (autotiles)
  def update_autotiles
    # Determine x and y coords for tile top left
    left_x = @ox / 32
    top_y = @oy / 32 
    # Iterate trough sprites
    for sprite in @autotile_sprites
      # Get Data from Array
      real_sprite, tx, ty, tz = sprite
      tile_id = tile_id(tx, ty, tz)
      # Replace Bitmap (can't clear the bitmap, for some reason - don't try to)
      real_sprite.bitmap = get_update_autotile(tile_id)
      # We do not need to update the positions already, because it will be done
      # the next method call (below update_autotiles, there is draw_current_...)
      # so it will be 'fixed' there. No need to call something twice, right?

Meâ„¢ obviously and I used the autotile index array from poccil's script - not sure who it was that created it in the first place...
Way to go! This looks pretty good. I was wondering when someone would come out with a hidden Tilemap that enables larger resolutions. Bravo! I always used SepirothSpawn's, but I'm definitely checking this one out.
Glitchfinder":6j0isi20 said:
Way to go! This looks pretty good. I was wondering when someone would come out with a hidden Tilemap that enables larger resolutions. Bravo! I always used SepirothSpawn's, but I'm definitely checking this one out.

Hey, I didn't actually TRY to do it with larger resolutions - but I suppose it works, looking at the way I scripted this bitch - However, do tell me how it works out.
nowayskill":3tutyiuy said:
Great Tilemap,
the map objects are flashing when i'm moving O_O

Flashing as in? I dunno, it seems that I do move the graphics, but when the graphical update comes before the movement, or the tilemap update gets skipped for whatever reason and the new psoitions of the sprites aren't processed yet, the bitmap moves and the sprites don't. Very weirdish. But I think I can reduce it - trying it now.

Edit: I fixed it

Also I tried other resolutions - it works fine if you change the viewport etc... (and especially: the ox and oy update in game_player)
Me(tm)":wm1jkncb said:
nowayskill":wm1jkncb said:
Great Tilemap,
the map objects are flashing when i'm moving O_O

Flashing as in? I dunno, it seems that I do move the graphics, but when the graphical update comes before the movement, or the tilemap update gets skipped for whatever reason and the new psoitions of the sprites aren't processed yet, the bitmap moves and the sprites don't. Very weirdish. But I think I can reduce it - trying it now.

Edit: I fixed it

Also I tried other resolutions - it works fine if you change the viewport etc... (and especially: the ox and oy update in game_player)
thanks, your a really great programmer.
but l'll keep the original resolution.
damn this tilemap is awesome!
Me(tm)":yurz9x2z said:
I hope so - I don't know what it is compared to other tilemaps, because my computer is crappy.
its much better, my friend changed his game resolution using your tilemap
and it's lag-free =)
I hope this isn't a severe necroposting (as the original author is still working on the project)
if I'm wrong I'm really sorry please forgive me  :dead:
Error report!!
Runs very well, almost perfect indeed, but randomly crashs, when exiting from the menu most of the times (to be more specific) the Rgss player stops responding, don't know why (but I started using another script and it's ok now "rth script"...)

Hope this helps improving your script

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