I'm making a sci-fi rpg with different types of firearms and I have a few questions.
1. Instead of having the hit chance determined by character's hit rate, I would like to have a weapon-specific hit rates, which would be modified by the characters Intelligence level (called Perception in my game) and the enemys Agility level. So, the weapon has a accuracy ranging from 1-100 and the character has a Int level ranging from 1-10 and the enemy has an Agi level ranging from 1-10 and the total accuracy would be a hit chance from 0-100%. The character's Int level would give bonuses to the base Acc of the weapon, and the enemy's Agi would give penalties. That is: (Bonus - Penalty) + Accuracy = Hit chance. Any hints on where to begin?
2. This far I have been using Syn's Ammo Requirements, but I would like to modify it so that I could make one weapon use more than one type of ammunition. In practice, you would equip a weapon to the Weapon slot and then equip the ammo type you want to use to one of the other equipment slots (for example Shield). Instead of equipping just 1 round, you would be able to equip or 'load' the amount of bullets equivalent to the magazine size of the equipped weapon (or less, if you don't have a whole clip). The ammunition would affect the weapon's Attack Power and Accuracy. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
These are the general ideas that I've been working on. I'm happy to give more information if needed. Thanks in advance!
At the moment, I'm not using any scripts that have to do with these classes, other than the mentioned Syn's Ammo Requirements, which is here:
1. Instead of having the hit chance determined by character's hit rate, I would like to have a weapon-specific hit rates, which would be modified by the characters Intelligence level (called Perception in my game) and the enemys Agility level. So, the weapon has a accuracy ranging from 1-100 and the character has a Int level ranging from 1-10 and the enemy has an Agi level ranging from 1-10 and the total accuracy would be a hit chance from 0-100%. The character's Int level would give bonuses to the base Acc of the weapon, and the enemy's Agi would give penalties. That is: (Bonus - Penalty) + Accuracy = Hit chance. Any hints on where to begin?
2. This far I have been using Syn's Ammo Requirements, but I would like to modify it so that I could make one weapon use more than one type of ammunition. In practice, you would equip a weapon to the Weapon slot and then equip the ammo type you want to use to one of the other equipment slots (for example Shield). Instead of equipping just 1 round, you would be able to equip or 'load' the amount of bullets equivalent to the magazine size of the equipped weapon (or less, if you don't have a whole clip). The ammunition would affect the weapon's Attack Power and Accuracy. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
These are the general ideas that I've been working on. I'm happy to give more information if needed. Thanks in advance!
At the moment, I'm not using any scripts that have to do with these classes, other than the mentioned Syn's Ammo Requirements, which is here:
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Syn's Ammo Requirements Â
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.00
# August 15, 2007
# Tested with SDK 2.1
# Customization Section
module Ammo
 # Format = {weapon_id => Ammo_cost}
 Range_weapons_id = {11 => 1, 12 => 1, 13 => 1, 14 => 1, 15 => 1, 21 => 3, 22 => 3, 23 => 3, 24 => 3, 25 => 3, 26 => 3, 27 => 3, 28 => 3, 31 => 1, 32 => 1, 33 => 1, 34 => 1, 35 => 1, 36 => 1, 41 => 1, 42 => 1, 43 => 6, 44 => 12, 45 => 1, 46 => 1}
 # Format = {weapon_id => Item_id
 Range_ammo_id = {11 => 61, 12 => 61, 13 => 64, 14 => 64, 15 => 64, 21 => 61, 22 => 61, 23 => 69, 24 => 69, 25 => 69, 26 => 71, 27 => 71, 28 => 71, 31 => 66, 32 => 66, 33 => 66, 34 => 74, 35 => 74, 36 => 74, 41 => 76, 42 => 78, 43 => 74, 44 => 81, 45 => 79, 46 => 80}
 # Format = {skill_id => Ammo_cost}
 Skill_ammo = {1 => 0}
 # Note on Skills: When using Skills the Current Ammo for the equipped
 # weapon will be used. So if Skill 73 is used and Weapon 17 is equipped
 # then Ammo #33 will be used.
# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
 # Alias Methods
 alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
 alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result
 # Alias the Attacking method
 def make_basic_action_result
  # Gather the current Ammo Cost
  gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Range_weapons_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
  # Gather the Current Ammo
  gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
  # Check if the Active Battler is attacking and if they are using a ranged weapon
  if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 and Ammo::Range_weapons_id.has_key?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
   # Check the Ammo Count
   if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
    # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
    # Insufficient Ammo
    @help_window.set_text("#{} is out of ammo!", 1)
   # Call Default Code
 # Alias the Skill method
 def make_skill_action_result
  # Gather the current Ammo Cost
  gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Skill_ammo[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
  # Gather Ammo
  gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
  # Check if the Actor is using a defiend skill
  if Ammo::Skill_ammo.has_key?(@active_battler.current_action.skill_id)
   # Check if Ammo is present
   if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
    # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
    # Call Default Code
    # Set Window; Do Nothing
    @help_window.set_text("#{} is out of ammo!", 1)
   # Otherwise SKip the check and call default code
# Written by Synthesize
# Special Thanks: ~Emo~ for the request
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ammo Requirements