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[XP] Version 2.8! CTB by Charlie Lee (v2.8) - aka a FFX like Battle System

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Wau~ This isn't half bad. The one notable thing that I can point out is the lag, but otherwise, this is pretty amazing. I love it, and I haven't come across any bugs yet...

The one thing that confused me was reaction... I have no idea what that's about. The printed message sort of scared me at first, actually...

Nice work, otherwise.
TY for your feedback.
Reaction forces the turns and gives the char that has been hit by the enemy the next turn in battle, so that he can... react.

Yeah, the lag... I know, I'm trying to understand the main reasons.
Hey, you know that you aren't really supposed to post a script in an encrypted demo here. but since you are planning to then I will let this slide.

I'll test this later and I'll tell you what I think, but I really can't say anything important until you actually have something code-wise to show.
Trickster;282409 said:
Hey, you know that you aren't really supposed to post a script in an encrypted demo here. but since you are planning to then I will let this slide.

Oh, no, i didn't know. I'll release the unencrypted version soon. Thank you.
Your CBS is really amazing. The reaction idea was very good, since you can make counter-attacks occurs in differents phases of a battle.It would be very nice if you release a non-encrypted version of your CBS. Tell me, what are those bars in the right side (the blue and red ones)?

P.S = i didn't notice any lags in battle.



Ah, hello. :) I just tried your custom system, I'd like to say is pretty good. But I have a little problem, you see, I cannot see the font of the game. ':| (There's even no letters at the main menu.)

I don't know if I missed something? :s

Othewise, good work. Hard to see systems like this around. :thumb:
well, the most common cause of not seeing a font is that you're using an illegal or import version of rmxp. where did you buy yours?

Don't quote me on that, but i think that's why.
Hmm, what's I'm found so far:

- No font for ANYTHING, not even damage or Names and HP/MP numbers

- The turn bar(s) consists of red and blue bars with nothing on them

- When the battle is won, the skill window doesn't appear in-game, it's an outside window. O_o

- Not a bug, but the battlers animate a bit too fast don't you think?


I dunno if you addressed any of these yet, I didn't read the majority of the topic, I just downloaded and tried. Anyways, that's all from me.
None yet. Still only in an encrypted demo format.

Got the same 'missing font' problem. Ya changed the font to something you got special for your game, eh? Something we don't have in our systems. That'd be a good explanation for it not showing up in the menu, battle or whatever.

Suggestion: One of your battlers seems to fire a gun. Consider checking the system just before he moves to see if that battler is so-armed. You'd go by the ID of the weapon in hand. If he is armed, make him stand still as he fires (same for bows).
Wow, your comments really encourage me to hasten the work for releasing the code... I have almost done.

For the lag, I identified a possible cause in the stretching of the background, I'm still trying to figure out other causes and I will welcome your help too when I will release the code (very soon).

As regards the font, it's my fault... I changed it to "MS UI Gothic" which I found very readable, and it is used almost everywhere because it's defined with the $fontface variable. What a noob I was for not telling you that. I remember that there is a way for telling rmxp to select the first font of a list that is available on the system... maybe it's $fontface="font1" "font2" "font3"... anyone confirms? I will try with "Arial" as the second choice.
EDIT: It's $fontface=["MS UI Gothic", "Arial"]. I will announce the update in the first post as I change the demo.

The red and blue bars on the right show the sequence of the turns. If the font had been visible it would have been clear. Sorry for that (see above).

For the chars that should not move because of the weapon (guns, bows): I actually didn't pay attention to this issue, because I think it is something that is already managed by newest Minkoff's animation systems, I just put some random battlers in the demo...
However my next goal is to integrate some more recent animation system, I will think of it by that time.
Moreover I wrote also a support for the float state, but the animation system I used, which (again) is very old, didn't show the actor floating properly. I will also try to fix that and add the float state.

Finally, the "skill learned" message: yes, I know, it is only a system message for the moment, I will add a report screen after the EXP and GOLD report (or together with it).

It hope I didn't forget anything. Thank you very very much. I ask you to be patient for a while more for the code.

EDIT: oh, yes, the speed of the animations can be easily set in the animation system... (if you can access to the code... muahahahaha... err... )
Code is available. You can download the demo with or without the font I used.
For those of you who are interested and will go see the scripts, well, you will find some parts commented and some parts not, and the old japanese comments here and there too (as I said I started this project ages ago). And some italian as well, ha (Italy here).
There is a lot of unused old code as well I think, I'm countinuing my cleaning work.

If you have suggestions (e.g. this can be done better this way...) feel free to post in this thread.
Again, enjoy!



@ Alistor: I don't think is Illegal... I got mine from the Enterbrain webpage. :s

@ charlie.lee: Thanks goodness it wasn't my program. ^_^ I managed to see the font now I must say you really got there fast. I'm still confused about a little of things like the bars. (I assume white is the current ally ready, blue is the allies and red the enemies?) The other options seems to work well.

I have two suggestions: I don't think you would need messages like: "Enemy 1 attacks" and so, I saw FF X in action and I beleive the enemy's animation would suffice. The other one, is that I found the gain skill messages... well, rather strange. :eek: Meaning that I haven't seen a RPG doing this. (Again that's just me.)

I saw another mistakes, like enemies turning invisible when their HP are low. (Supposing.) And characters doing 0 damage while attacking. (I'm rather forced to use arts.) But I assume that are things that have to be corrected in the future. Still you put a good effort it. :thumb:
@Rainer: You're correct about the bars.
I will add an option for disabling the "Enemy attacks" message. As you can see it's almost everything static now, a real configuration section does not exist.
Enemies are invisible because the spriteset is not complete, but I don't consider this to be a part of the BS.
0 damage: I have a modified skill and attack effect algorithm, I'm still trying different solutions. Eventually 0 damage will become 1 (not "Miss" because the reason is different).
For the "skill learned" message I actually didn't understand your thought, is it about the type of window or you don't want the notification at all?

I wanted to give a hint about the technique I used for the skills learning process. For many of you it won't be anything new. As you can see I set up a special class which has the same name of the weapon from which you can learn some skills. And I used the chart of skills that a char of that class learns through leveling up to tell what skills are learned and when. The level is used as a number of gained exp point needed.
Since you are limited to level 99, I'm planning to introduce a multiplier or something (so that when you put level 5, you actually need, say, 50 exp points or 500). The good point is that you can do everything from the database, and I think this is veeeeery cool.

A similar technique is used for identifying the arts and the techniques (I used an attribute/element this time, see the database), and the custom scopes (see the database).

Hence these things are very user friendly. No need to compile lists of IDs or anything. :) cool, isn'it? I will add these instructions in the first post.

I think that the same technique can be used to differentiate between weapons which ar used by standing still and those used in movement. But, again, imho this is more an animation issue, not a BS one. Given that I'm talking about the animations, I have the problem that monsters always pass behind the chars... I'm working on it.

A question... there is an option about the position in the class tab of the database. Is it used by RMXP? I guess not.



For the lag, I identified a possible cause in the stretching of the background, I'm still trying to figure out other causes and I will welcome your help too when I will release the code (very soon).

Ummm stretching the background wont cause any lag. Methods that use alot of pointless refreshs cause most lag.
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