@Rainer: You're correct about the bars.
I will add an option for disabling the "Enemy attacks" message. As you can see it's almost everything static now, a real configuration section does not exist.
Enemies are invisible because the spriteset is not complete, but I don't consider this to be a part of the BS.
0 damage: I have a modified skill and attack effect algorithm, I'm still trying different solutions. Eventually 0 damage will become 1 (not "Miss" because the reason is different).
For the "skill learned" message I actually didn't understand your thought, is it about the type of window or you don't want the notification at all?
I wanted to give a hint about the technique I used for the skills learning process. For many of you it won't be anything new. As you can see I set up a special class which has the same name of the weapon from which you can learn some skills. And I used the chart of skills that a char of that class learns through leveling up to tell what skills are learned and when. The level is used as a number of gained exp point needed.
Since you are limited to level 99, I'm planning to introduce a multiplier or something (so that when you put level 5, you actually need, say, 50 exp points or 500). The good point is that you can do everything from the database, and I think this is veeeeery cool.
A similar technique is used for identifying the arts and the techniques (I used an attribute/element this time, see the database), and the custom scopes (see the database).
Hence these things are very user friendly. No need to compile lists of IDs or anything.

cool, isn'it? I will add these instructions in the first post.
I think that the same technique can be used to differentiate between weapons which ar used by standing still and those used in movement. But, again, imho this is more an animation issue, not a BS one. Given that I'm talking about the animations, I have the problem that monsters always pass behind the chars... I'm working on it.
A question... there is an option about the position in the class tab of the database. Is it used by RMXP? I guess not.