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[XP] theory's map layers advanced

Hey guys.  This is my first actual script, so go easy on me.
This is for RPG Maker XP.

Demo 0.9 Beta

Script: (Warning: Massive)

++    theory's advanced map layers

Version 0.9 Beta
October 15th, 2008


The purpose of this script is to grant mappers more layers to work with,
in hopes of seeing some higher quality maps made from this.

First off, added the ability to scroll the panorama.  Don't know why this wasn't
included.  Makes boat scenes sooo much easier. (scrolling water...)

I've added a second panorama layer- this layer is *below* the default layer
due to my inability to get priorities to cooperate.

There's also a second fog layer now.  This layer is *above* the default layer,
again because the priorities hate me.

And then the fun part.  Based on terrain tags, tiles can be displayed above the
lower fog, and then additionally above the upper fog.  This is to add depth.
Better yet, the player can ascend and descend through these fogs dynamically.

This should allow mappers a few more options for their maps.  I tried to make it
easy to use, but I haven't slept in 38 hours and I'm a zombie at this point...
so I hope you can figure it out.

In tests, large images produced a minimal amount of lag; but RTP-sized fogs
and panoramas didn't produce any noticable lag.

Credit goes to SephirothSpawn for his work in bringing tiles over the fog
layer.  This allowed for depth of this script.  He scripted the original Sprite_FogCover class, which is a heavily used inside this script.

Usage is pretty simple and straightforward.  The script itself, on the other
hand, took me over 8 hours to hack out and is still choppy.  I'll touch it up
over the next few days.

EDIT : :
Known Bugs:
Somehow, I lost control of the Fog_2_Priority.  I can put it under everything,
or above everything.  I can't seem to make the player move through it correctly.
If anyone can fix this, please, please help.  I can't think anymore XD

Get the upper OVERFOG layer support working
Fix the subfog pindown (it's not working how I'd hoped...)


  # What terrain tag do you want to be the overfog layer?
  $overfog_tag = 7
  # Do you want to use the overfog ascension fix?
  # (This makes it so that if you are standing 1 tile *below* an overfog tile,
  # you are still on top.  Keeps it from looking funny when climbing up or down)
  $overfog_ascend_fix = true
  # What terrain tag do you want to be the midfog layer? (Above the lower fog,
  # below the upper fog)
  $midfog_tag = 6
  # Ascend fix this one?
  $midfog_ascend_fix = true

  #Pin down subfog events?
  $subfog_fix = true
  # How fast would you like the normal panorama to scroll?
  $Map_Panorama_Speed = {
  1 => {'x' => 3, 'y' => 0},
  2 => {'x' => 0, 'y' => 5}
  # What is the name of your panorama file?
  # MAP ID => {'img' => 'FILENAME'}... etc.  Should be under Graphics\Panoramas
  $Panorama_2_File = {
  1 => {'img' => "Sunset"},
  2 => {'img' => "stripe"}

  # How fast would you like your second (beneath) Panorama to scroll?
  $Map_Panorama_2_Speed = {
  1 => {'x' => -3, 'y' => 0},
  2 => {'x' => 0, 'y' => 6}
# DEBUG SETTING - If you don't know what this is, don't touch it.
  $Panorama_2_Priority = -1001
# DEBUG SETTING - If you don't know what this does, don't touch it.
# If you can fix the problem I mentioned above, dig in.
  $Fog_2_Priority = 1
# Name of the second fog layer file (should be under Graphics\Fogs)
# MAP ID =>  {'img' => "FILENAME"}, MAP ID...
  $Fog_2_File = {
  1 => {'img' => "clouded"},
  2 => {'img' => "stars"}
# How fast do you want the second fog layer to scroll?
# MAP ID => {'x' => X SPEED, 'y' => Y SPEED}, MAP ID...
  $Map_Fog_2_Speed = {
  1 => {'x' => -1, 'y' => 1},
  2 => {'x' => 0, 'y' => 7}

## END SETTINGS################################################################

class Game_Character
  alias zztheory_hack_priority screen_z
  def screen_z(height = 0)
        #Ascension Fix
        if $overfog_ascend_fix = true
          if $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y-1) == $overfog_tag
            return 9999
        if $game_player.terrain_tag == $overfog_tag
          #set player priority for overfog tiles
          return 9999
        if $midfog_ascend_fix = true
          if $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y-1) == $midfog_tag
            return 3003
        #This is a tricky one here.
        if $subfog_fix = true
            if $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y-1) != $midfog_tag
              if $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y-1) != $overfog_tag
                        if $game_player.terrain_tag != $overfog_tag
                          if $game_player.terrain_tag != $midfog_tag
                # Get screen coordinates from real coordinates and map display position
                z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
                # If tile
                if @tile_id > 0
                  # Add tile priority * 32
                  return z + $game_map.priorities[@tile_id] * 32
                  # If character
                  # If height exceeds 32, then add 31
                  return z + ((height > 32) ? 31 : 0)
        if $game_player.terrain_tag == $midfog_tag
          #set player priority for overfog tiles
          return 3003
        # If display flag on closest surface is ON
        if @always_on_top
          # 999, unconditional
          return 999
    # Get screen coordinates from real coordinates and map display position
    z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
    # If tile
    if @tile_id > 0
      # Add tile priority * 32
      return z + $game_map.priorities[@tile_id] * 32
    # If character
      # If height exceeds 32, then add 31
      return z + ((height > 32) ? 31 : 0)

class Sprite_FogCover < Sprite
  attr_accessor :tileset_name
  attr_accessor :autotiles
  attr_accessor :autotiles_name
  attr_accessor :terrain_tags
  attr_accessor :priorities
  attr_reader :map_data
  def initialize(viewport = nil)
    @refresh_data = nil
    @autotiles_name = []
  def map_data=(map_data)
    @map_data = map_data
    if self.bitmap != nil
    self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@map_data.xsize * 32, @map_data.ysize * 32)
  def refresh
    @refresh_data = @map_data
    for z in 0...@map_data.zsize
      for x in 0...@map_data.xsize
        for y in 0...@map_data.ysize
          id = @map_data[x, y, z]
          next if id == 0
          next if terrain_tag(x, y) != $overfog_tag
          id < 384 ? draw_autotile(x, y, id) : draw_tile(x, y, id)
  def draw_tile(x, y, id)
    bit = RPG::Cache.tile(@tileset_name, id, 0)
    self.bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, bit, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))
  def draw_autotile(x, y, tile_id)
    filename = @autotiles_name[tile_id / 48 - 1]
    bit = RPG::Cache.autotile_tile(filename, tile_id % 48)
    self.bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, bit, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))
  def update
    if @refresh_data != @map_data || Graphics.frame_count % 16 == 0
  def terrain_tag(x, y)
    for i in [2, 1, 0]
      tile_id = @map_data[x, y, i]
      if tile_id == nil
        return 0
      elsif @terrain_tags[tile_id] > 0
        return @terrain_tags[tile_id]

class Spriteset_Map
  attr_accessor :mad:panorama2
  attr_accessor :fog2
  alias_method :zzhack_old_init, :initialize
  alias_method :seph_tilefogcover_scnmap_updt, :update
  def initialize
    @viewport0 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) #
    @viewport4 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) #
    @viewport4.z = $Fog_2_Priority
    @fog2 = Plane.new(@viewport4)
    $panoramamove_x = 0
    $panoramamove_y = 0
    $panoramaspeed_x = 0
    $panoramaspeed_y = 0
    $panorama2move_x = 0
    $panorama2move_y = 0
    $panorama2speed_x = 0
    $panorama2speed_y = 0
    $fog2move_x = 0
    $fog2move_y = 0
    $fog2speed_x = 0
    $fog2speed_y = 0
    @viewport0.z = $Panorama_2_Priority
    @panorama2 = Plane.new(@viewport0) #
    @panorama2.z = $Panorama_2_Priority
    @fog_cover_sprite = Sprite_FogCover.new(@viewport1)
    @fog_cover_sprite.tileset_name = $game_map.tileset_name
    @fog_cover_sprite.autotiles = @tilemap.autotiles
    for i in 0..6
      @fog_cover_sprite.autotiles_name = $game_map.autotile_names
    @fog_cover_sprite.terrain_tags = $game_map.terrain_tags
    @fog_cover_sprite.priorities = $game_map.priorities
    @fog_cover_sprite.map_data = $game_map.data
    @fog_cover_sprite.z = 3002
  def update
      if $Panorama_2_File[$game_map.map_id] != nil #
        if $Panorama_2_Color == nil
            $Panorama_2_Color = 0
        $zz_h4x0rTEMP = $Panorama_2_File[$game_map.map_id]
        @panorama2.bitmap = RPG::Cache.panorama($zz_h4x0rTEMP['img'], $Panorama_2_Color) #
      end #
    unless @fog_cover_sprite.nil?
      @fog_cover_sprite.ox = @tilemap.ox
      @fog_cover_sprite.oy = @tilemap.oy
    @panorama.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8 + $panoramamove_x
    @panorama.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8 + $panoramamove_y
    @panorama2.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8 + $panorama2move_x
    @panorama2.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8 + $panorama2move_y
    @viewport0.update #
    @viewport0.tone = $game_screen.tone #
    @viewport0.ox = $game_screen.shake #
    if $Fog_2_File[$game_map.map_id] != nil #
    fog2temp2 = $Fog_2_File[$game_map.map_id]
    fog2temp = "Graphics/Fogs/" + fog2temp2['img']
    fog2temp3 = fog2temp['img']
    @fog2.bitmap = RPG::Cache.fog(fog2temp2['img'], 0)
    end #

    @fog2.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8 + $fog2move_x
    @fog2.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8 + $fog2move_y

  alias_method :zz_hack_pandispose, :dispose
  def dispose
    @panorama2.dispose #
    @viewport0.dispose #

module RPG::Cache
  # * Auto-Tiles
  Autotiles = [
    [[27, 28, 33, 34], [ 5, 28, 33, 34], [27,  6, 33, 34], [ 5,  6, 33, 34],
    [27, 28, 33, 12], [ 5, 28, 33, 12], [27,  6, 33, 12], [ 5,  6, 33, 12]],
    [[27, 28, 11, 34], [ 5, 28, 11, 34], [27,  6, 11, 34], [ 5,  6, 11, 34],
    [27, 28, 11, 12], [ 5, 28, 11, 12], [27,  6, 11, 12], [ 5,  6, 11, 12]],
    [[25, 26, 31, 32], [25,  6, 31, 32], [25, 26, 31, 12], [25,  6, 31, 12],
    [15, 16, 21, 22], [15, 16, 21, 12], [15, 16, 11, 22], [15, 16, 11, 12]],
    [[29, 30, 35, 36], [29, 30, 11, 36], [ 5, 30, 35, 36], [ 5, 30, 11, 36],
    [39, 40, 45, 46], [ 5, 40, 45, 46], [39,  6, 45, 46], [ 5,  6, 45, 46]],
    [[25, 30, 31, 36], [15, 16, 45, 46], [13, 14, 19, 20], [13, 14, 19, 12],
    [17, 18, 23, 24], [17, 18, 11, 24], [41, 42, 47, 48], [ 5, 42, 47, 48]],
    [[37, 38, 43, 44], [37,  6, 43, 44], [13, 18, 19, 24], [13, 14, 43, 44],
    [37, 42, 43, 48], [17, 18, 47, 48], [13, 18, 43, 48], [ 1,  2,  7,  8]]
  # * Autotile Cache
  #  @autotile_cache = {
  #    filename => { [autotile_id, frame_id, hue] => bitmap, ... },
  #    ...
  #    }
  @autotile_cache = {}
  # * Autotile Tile
  def self.autotile_tile(filename, tile_id, hue = 0, frame_id = nil)
    # Gets Autotile Bitmap
    autotile = self.autotile(filename)
    # Configures Frame ID if not specified
    if frame_id.nil?
      # Animated Tiles
      frames = autotile.width / 96
      # Configures Animation Offset
      fc = Graphics.frame_count / 16
      frame_id = (fc) % frames * 96
    # Creates list if already not created
    @autotile_cache[filename] = {} unless @autotile_cache.has_key?(filename)
    # Gets Key
    key = [tile_id, frame_id, hue]
    # If Key Not Found
    unless @autotile_cache[filename].has_key?(key)
      # Reconfigure Tile ID
      tile_id %= 48
      # Creates Bitmap
      bitmap = Bitmap.new(32, 32)
      # Collects Auto-Tile Tile Layout
      tiles = Autotiles[tile_id / 8][tile_id % 8]
      # Draws Auto-Tile Rects
      for i in 0...4
        tile_position = tiles - 1
        src_rect = Rect.new(tile_position % 6 * 16 + frame_id,
          tile_position / 6 * 16, 16, 16)
        bitmap.blt(i % 2 * 16, i / 2 * 16, autotile, src_rect)
      # Saves Autotile to Cache
      @autotile_cache[filename][key] = bitmap
      # Change Hue
    # Return Autotile
    return @autotile_cache[filename][key]

class Scene_Map
    def update
      $zz_mapID = $game_map.map_id
      if $Map_Panorama_Speed.has_key?($zz_mapID)
        settings = $Map_Panorama_Speed[$zz_mapID]
        settings_x = settings['x']
        settings_y = settings['y']
        # If Setting Is Nil
        if settings_y.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $settings_y = 0
        if settings_x.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $settings_x = 0
          # Sets Defined Parameters
          $panoramaspeed_x = settings_x
          $panoramaspeed_y = settings_y
        ####Begin Pano 2 speed
      if $Map_Panorama_2_Speed.has_key?($zz_mapID)
        settings2 = $Map_Panorama_2_Speed[$zz_mapID]
        settings2_x = settings2['x']
        settings2_y = settings2['y']
        # If Setting Is Nil
        if settings2_y.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $settings2_y = 0
        if settings2_x.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $settings2_x = 0
          # Sets Defined Parameters
          $panorama2speed_x = settings2_x
          $panorama2speed_y = settings2_y
                  ####Begin Fog 2 speed
      if $Map_Fog_2_Speed.has_key?($zz_mapID)
        fsettings2 = $Map_Fog_2_Speed[$zz_mapID]
        fsettings2_x = fsettings2['x']
        fsettings2_y = fsettings2['y']
        # If Setting Is Nil
        if fsettings2_y.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $fsettings2_y = 0
        if fsettings2_x.nil?
          # Set Speeds to Zero
          $fsettings2_x = 0
          # Sets Defined Parameters
          $fog2speed_x = fsettings2_x
          $fog2speed_y = fsettings2_y
    $panoramamove_x -= $panoramaspeed_x
    $panoramamove_y -= $panoramaspeed_y
    $panorama2move_x -= $panorama2speed_x
    $panorama2move_y -= $panorama2speed_y
    $fog2move_x -= $fog2speed_x
    $fog2move_y -= $fog2speed_y
    # Loop
    loop do
      # Update map, interpreter, and player order
      # (this update order is important for when conditions are fulfilled
      # to run any event, and the player isn't provided the opportunity to
      # move in an instant)
      # Update system (timer), screen
      # Abort loop if player isn't place moving
      unless $game_temp.player_transferring
      # Run place move
      # Abort loop if transition processing
      if $game_temp.transition_processing
    # Update sprite set
    # Update message window
    # If game over
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # Switch to game over screen
      $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
    # If returning to title screen
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # Change to title screen
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
    # If transition processing
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # Clear transition processing flag
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # Execute transition
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # If showing message window
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # If encounter list isn't empty, and encounter count is 0
    if $game_player.encounter_count == 0 and $game_map.encounter_list != []
      # If event is running or encounter is not forbidden
      unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
        # Confirm troop
        n = rand($game_map.encounter_list.size)
        troop_id = $game_map.encounter_list[n]
        # If troop is valid
        if $data_troops[troop_id] != nil
          # Set battle calling flag
          $game_temp.battle_calling = true
          $game_temp.battle_troop_id = troop_id
          $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
          $game_temp.battle_can_lose = false
          $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # If event is running, or menu is not forbidden
      unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
        # Set menu calling flag or beep flag
        $game_temp.menu_calling = true
        $game_temp.menu_beep = true
    # If debug mode is ON and F9 key was pressed
    if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::F9)
      # Set debug calling flag
      $game_temp.debug_calling = true
    # If player is not moving
    unless $game_player.moving?
      # Run calling of each screen
      if $game_temp.battle_calling
      elsif $game_temp.shop_calling
      elsif $game_temp.name_calling
      elsif $game_temp.menu_calling
      elsif $game_temp.save_calling
      elsif $game_temp.debug_calling

This script increases the amount of layers and options available to mappers.
For details on what this script does, see the introduction in the script itself.

Oh, and credit goes to SephirothSpawn because without his hint about rendering tiles over fog, this script wouldn't have been nearly as good.

Feedback, people, please!  It's appreciated and I will be listening for any suggestions or critique.  Even if it's negative.

Thanks for not yelling at me for submitting something so choppy- I hadn't had much sleep.  I slept for 5 hours and it's *much* better now.  Removed the crash-related bugs.  All that's left to fix is the overfog and midfog layers- they still don't quite display right.  The overfog layer is displaying under fog 2... :( and the midfog layer tiles aren't showing up right.  I'll work on it when I get home from work.

Screens : :

The mountain demo - shows all 10 layers in action
(Panorama 2, Panorama 1, Tile 1, Tile 2, Tile 3, Events, Fog 1, Midfog, Fog 2, Overfog)
(Midfog and Overfog are Psuedolayers)

http://hosting07.imagecross.com/image-h ... 5800s2.jpg[/img]
This shows the starlight demo.  This just demonstrates one application of this script.

http://hosting07.imagecross.com/image-h ... 6305s3.jpg[/img]
This is the water demo, a powerful use of this script.  In this shot, he's on the Overfog layer.

http://hosting07.imagecross.com/image-h ... 7188s4.png[/img]
Another water demo shot, this time on the Subfog Layer.
I have plans for this.  I'm reworking the Mid- and Over- fog layers.  They are *almost* supporting NPevents correctly, with the exception of subfog appearing above the fog when the player is in overfog.  I have a fix in mind for that.  Once the layers are working correctly for player and events, I plan to add in tile priority addition support- this will allow full 3layer structures to display correctly.

Once THAT gets done (there's more :p) I plan to unlimit fogs and panoramas (basically by including an array that can dynamically expand.)
I would also like to allow for opacity, but this is a (steeeeeeep) learning curve for me (literally, my first script that's more than 5 lines) so I still have to figure that one out. 

Coming up next: automatic bridge support.
I intend to do it like this:

If player is standing on map layer 1 tile, and steps onto a map layer 2 tile(with terrain tag 5), he goes under it.
If player is standing on a map layer 2 tile, and steps onto a map layer 2 tile (with terrain tag 5) he goes onto it.
I plan to seperate collisions, too.  If the $On_Bridge flag is not active, then player will collide with map layer 1.
If the $On_Bridge flag IS active, player can pass through layer 1 collisions, but will collide with layer 2.
...I don't know how layer 3 will fit into this yet.  My current plan is to allow bridges over bridges.
At the very least though, layer 3 can be "over-bridge" obstacles, like rails, etc.
The hardest part will be collisions- I'm almost there.

After that, I intend to add moving platforms (with overfog, subfog, etc...)
And then the absolutely insane part: making 6 map layers instead of 2 (by loading a second map on top of the first;
This would involve rewriting priorities for maps declared in a hash to new levels.  These maps could only function as additional tile layers and would probably crash if loaded by themselves.)
And then, I'll add bridge support for that.
And my final challenge: moving, rotating fogs and panoramas (useful for tornado or similar scenes.)

It's a work in progress.

I still need to clean up the code, and I intend to make it more aliased, and less rewriting classes.

Feedback, please.  What else do we want from our map layers?  I'll take any suggestions for coding or features.

[Edit: typos]
Thanks  :grin:

I'm having some trouble with the 1.0 release.  For those who are interested...
So first I wanted to get the rotating fogs working.  Well, you can't angle a plane, and I can't figure out how else to rotate the entire plane as a solid unit (rather than each repeat of the image rotating seperately.)
So, what do I do?  I decide the fogs should, if $Fog_Type_(1 or 2) = 2, draw them as a sprite instead.  Well, for this, I had to learn sprites.  Then I had to get rotation direction and speed settings.  And then I had to keep it from crashing in between maps- that's where I am now.

For the bridges, I had to edit yet another class, that controls movement and input cases to store the current map layer (which was hell) as well as terrain tag to variables before moving.  This gives me variables that store the *previous* terrain tag and map layer.  Okay, now I just have to get .z to cooperate and bridges are pretty much done.

For the six tile layers- I've been studying how the scripts load map data... that one's going to be the hardest, I believe.

And then there's moving platforms.  Now, due to my lack of experience, these will be limited to predefined paths- I'll try to overcome this when I can.  But I'll promise a wide array of paths, anyway.

If anyone else wants to help or understands this stuff better than I do, please speak up.  The rest of you, thanks for your encouragement- It helps.
I was just reading over your script and saw "Sprite_FogCover" and said, now wait a minute... didn't I script that? lol

It's a pretty good script.

For your rotating fogs, I suggest making your own plane class. How is up to you. What you will probably end up doing is figuring out how many times and bitmap can fit into a viewport, then adding more bitmaps on the side off the viewport. IE, your viewport is 640x480, your bitmap is 320x240. You will need your actual plane bitmap to be 1280x960, tiled with your 320x240 image. Then use the % function so when your x and y values pass your 320 or 240, they stay within your width and height range (0 - width and 0 - height). That would work. I haven't tested it (just something in quick reply), but something like this:

class Sprite_Plane < Sprite
  def initialize(viewport)
  def bitmap=(bitmap)
    return if @bitmap == bitmap
    @bitmap = bitmap
    max_length = [bitmap.width, bitmap.height].max
    tiles_wide = (max_length / bitmap.width.to_f).ceil + 2
    tiles_long = (max_length / bitmap.height.to_f).ceil + 2
    new_bitmap = Bitmap.new(tiles_wide * bitmap.width, tiles_long * bitmap.height)
    for i in 0...tiles_wide
      for j in 0...tiles_long
        new_bitmap.blt(i * bitmap.width, j * bitmap.height, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
  # this is probably wrong
  def ox
    return super % @bitmap.width
  def oy
    return super % @bitmap.height

Something like that. If you need any help with it, just ask.
Thanks seph.  That puts me in a much better direction on those fogs.  I hope you don't mind I included your FogCover class- I didn't want to require it seperately seeing as you didn't release it as a full blown script- and to be honest, I've edited it a bit (you probably noticed.)  If you'd like I can seperate that.  I've already edited the first post to make it clearer *what* I was crediting to you.

But again... thanks for the map to the badlands  :crazy:
Thanks dark.  Keep in mind the version posted is a beta and is not working completely.
1.0 should be released sometime tommorow afternoon and features the bridging, fixed overfog, and spinfog layer.

Does anyone want animated (frames) fog / panorama layers?  Or would that just be a waste?

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