This project also start with the idea of more little and simple project. I'm constantly having new ideas and testing things and i selected this.
Note that i'm spanish and for now i will by traducing it as good as i can.
The game have a nes or 8 bits style. Note that i wont limit to that game recipe.
Engine & Programing
I'm using RPG Maker XP because it saves a lot of time when creating RPG's and you can also can customize everything. But i am a skilled RGSS scripter with more than 40 scripts created for now and i am using a full set of custom scripts for my games.
Graphics and sound
My plan is to have a full custom graphics and music. I have started to make my own graphics and i will try with the music later, or hire someone, or use special free music. Note that for the prototype i don't use all custom and they are worse than in the final version
The game plot is situated in the place where a lot of other games wouldn't want to end: when the devil have triumphed and rule the world. Its also in a perpetual night.
You form a group of shadow anti-heros that served Effe, who have shadowed the world.
And one of the his used methods have been give special talents to his allies so they serve he better and defeat the light forces. But with the main war ended, Effe demands his talents, and he will send you to recover and bring them.
The group that i was talking later is composed of four powerful shadow warriors. Anyway after the war and the Larderan(the shadowing of the world) all have after-effects and also the group-s girl have felt in a strange comatose state.
Anyhow it will have some more characters and some secret ones. But for now i will only show the three main characters.
A Sagash warrior and the adventure protagonist. Its a mute character although it will be in a new improved way.
Sagash's are magic warriors but mediocre and rare in combat. They are very good resisting altered states. At last Hanow have also a relation with Enna that now is broken.
A cursed man that now is trapped transformed in a monster. Is a agile and versatile character although somehow limited in that all his equipment is unique. Stands out in the altered states use.
A strong men that have a legendary and powerful mallet, that he cant use now because he lost his arm. Hi will substitute this will some options and custom systems.
Obviusly the game is inspired in the 8 bits rpg's. Frontal turn combat and no save in dungeons or worldmap, limited item number, open worldmap and adventure, deduction and search of pistes, mazes, etc. Anyhow the game will include some original things:
-We can equip the dones that we recibe
-The altered states have been improved and grow in importance
-A improved combat positions system
-It will have a diversity in gameplay
-A collect items system for a lot of things
-A lot of freedom, sidequest and also three small worlds to discover
-You can interact with the dark zones of the world and try to restore or enter in them
-Some gameplay and plot decisions unique for each playthrough.
Other things
Note although that this isn't the full description. I reserve a lot of things and some extra surprises, and more complexity for each one of the wrote here.
The game will have also a improved paid version, but it will be in all terms a opensource and CC game.
Actual state
Public prototype 1.5 publicated. This version like we said before is multilanguage and includes two languages with it's owns walkthroughs and manuals. It also have a few improvements over the original spanish version.
Note that the traduction i suppose that will have some mistakes that i will correct if anyone report but i think it have a decent state and the game is fully playable.
Finally there are a lot of things that aren't totally implemented or polished in this version and that i already know. You can check them in the manual and in the main topic of the game.
Later i will update this new version a little if it have mistakes, and then i will work for the second protoype, wich will include more contents and all the other scripts and systems and the final polishment of the actuals, including creating maybe a total custom graphics. After that i will wait for the final version.
About screen captures
They are from the spanish version and have a mixed of original graphics and not. Anyhow the originals graphics are the majority for now, but i have to be improving and upgrading them a lot, some of them are just temporal ones.
Some things at a partial state or to improve in general(And to solve it in future versions):
-The graphics of green small beach areas in the map of the island. They are shown over the characters. But what do not how to do it because with the system of xp is very rare i will rethink and redo that in some moment. For that reason the coast are not made of the world map.
-After taking a chest it disappears instead of being open. No graphics of open chest and the same, i will not change now if im not going to do my owns. Note that some old classics games use this and im thinking if im going to make it or not, its not that bad.
-At the end of the battle there is a moment in which the growing music and postbattle sound coincide, it's nothing very serious but might take it off, i wanted to contact the author of the script but the website where this was temporarily off, and in another is reported but unanswered. We will have to wait.
-The game generates a small text file called Primer prototopio 2.0-0-Diario or something. This document is a diary of the game with information about your game in various important moments as well as the end to it. Obviously it is useful to test and develop and see how the game has gone. You can post it or if you want to read it its ok.
-When naming the character I get some strange characters in the blanks spaces. I was unable to locate the bug but im making another version, just type the name and do not worry as these are not seen in the game itself then only in that scene. Note that im looking to see if any other people see that good or bad.
-There are missing accents and stuff like that in the game. But they are not just misspelled, just missing some details as accents that are not me and because my keyboard or computer has a problem and write the rare keys. This will correct for in some next version that will be traduced and let more easy way to deal with that.
-About the MCI and the subject of codecs and such can annoy and i have already sent a suggestion to the scripter to put them in a pack, besides that if it give testing problems or something, and that solve the majority of bugs of convertion and compatibility. But i could make an installer for the game or a general installer version. Anyway being a super small installer should not bother much or i could seek for other alternatives, such as being able to choose between using or not using another script or whatever.
-The game will have a limited script and system objects but for this version uses default as it was not necessary, because of its low duration and do not access the people, so save me implement it for now.
-The save and die system is also test, and I've been thinking of putting a variable that has some kind of penalty to lose the fighting, for example, 5 percent of your total money that will be multiplied for each time you lose. Although it is not easy to do and can jump. Im doubting.
-Some things are half make or quick fixed, like post combat chests and some other like traps are made by hand by now simply, then i will finish. Like with most things, such as faces, especially that of Hanow, or a pair of transitions when changing colors. There are also other details to get better that I will include for example the menu, some graphics or system interface positions, a unique exploration system among many more. Maybe I also included a climber difficulty and even a unique sense this configurator.
-Includes guide and manual. Use the guide with wisdom.
-I suppose that last about 40m or a little more.
-It also gives me a small error but only seems to happen to me, if I deactivate the musics in the configurator of the game, can still be heard, I have to do from the windows audio control or via script. Rare because only happens in this... i will see if the error is mine alone or not.
-The cutscene skip system have a rare bug, because if after a scene with a combat you press to jump it will immediately not load the monster graphic, more rareey is that this does not seem to happen if the graphic is in the rtp (and not by the file format). In any case having a elections system after combat with boss system, and you can save too, but still try to wait a few seconds before pressing it or it wil prevent more or skip that scene.
-The save script seems to have a bug when loading and not just quite remember what was the last saved game and it defaults to 3.
-In the future the language selection will appear only one time and it will be configurable in the menu. It will include english as default too.
Credits, resources and licenses:
-Using free music basically, especially from free internet and sites like modarchive and FreeMusic. The sounds I've made all by myself with program. Will detail this better later complete with all major credits. All with free licenses. There is a sound of dragon quest nes, to take the box. The music of Ordak is of a commercial game.
-The game includes 19 scripts fully mine, 4 modified or created between several and 3 of other people. Now uses the improved battle 4.0 script which has millions of corrections and improvements though half of this done. Use the default battle system which im adding my small scripts and details over time too. By gerkrt, gerrtunk.
-Graphics. FF and DQ nes games used as a base (taken from the dragon fantasy game basically) for inspiration for mine but i use some in the game itself too. More than half of the enemies are mine. No chara is mine, but the faces, and many tiles of the maps, almost almost the majority. As for animations i have done all sounds and resources are all made by me, except a couple (the chest and the animation which use temporarily for various altered states, but they are edited of course). In the future, I will make more.
-The license of my graphics and resources is Creative Commons At- Nc- Sa. Scripts is MIT.
This project also start with the idea of more little and simple project. I'm constantly having new ideas and testing things and i selected this.
Note that i'm spanish and for now i will by traducing it as good as i can.
The game have a nes or 8 bits style. Note that i wont limit to that game recipe.
Engine & Programing
I'm using RPG Maker XP because it saves a lot of time when creating RPG's and you can also can customize everything. But i am a skilled RGSS scripter with more than 40 scripts created for now and i am using a full set of custom scripts for my games.
Graphics and sound
My plan is to have a full custom graphics and music. I have started to make my own graphics and i will try with the music later, or hire someone, or use special free music. Note that for the prototype i don't use all custom and they are worse than in the final version
The game plot is situated in the place where a lot of other games wouldn't want to end: when the devil have triumphed and rule the world. Its also in a perpetual night.
You form a group of shadow anti-heros that served Effe, who have shadowed the world.
And one of the his used methods have been give special talents to his allies so they serve he better and defeat the light forces. But with the main war ended, Effe demands his talents, and he will send you to recover and bring them.
The group that i was talking later is composed of four powerful shadow warriors. Anyway after the war and the Larderan(the shadowing of the world) all have after-effects and also the group-s girl have felt in a strange comatose state.
Anyhow it will have some more characters and some secret ones. But for now i will only show the three main characters.
A Sagash warrior and the adventure protagonist. Its a mute character although it will be in a new improved way.
Sagash's are magic warriors but mediocre and rare in combat. They are very good resisting altered states. At last Hanow have also a relation with Enna that now is broken.
A cursed man that now is trapped transformed in a monster. Is a agile and versatile character although somehow limited in that all his equipment is unique. Stands out in the altered states use.
A strong men that have a legendary and powerful mallet, that he cant use now because he lost his arm. Hi will substitute this will some options and custom systems.
Obviusly the game is inspired in the 8 bits rpg's. Frontal turn combat and no save in dungeons or worldmap, limited item number, open worldmap and adventure, deduction and search of pistes, mazes, etc. Anyhow the game will include some original things:
-We can equip the dones that we recibe
-The altered states have been improved and grow in importance
-A improved combat positions system
-It will have a diversity in gameplay
-A collect items system for a lot of things
-A lot of freedom, sidequest and also three small worlds to discover
-You can interact with the dark zones of the world and try to restore or enter in them
-Some gameplay and plot decisions unique for each playthrough.
Other things
Note although that this isn't the full description. I reserve a lot of things and some extra surprises, and more complexity for each one of the wrote here.
The game will have also a improved paid version, but it will be in all terms a opensource and CC game.
Actual state
Public prototype 1.5 publicated. This version like we said before is multilanguage and includes two languages with it's owns walkthroughs and manuals. It also have a few improvements over the original spanish version.
Note that the traduction i suppose that will have some mistakes that i will correct if anyone report but i think it have a decent state and the game is fully playable.
Finally there are a lot of things that aren't totally implemented or polished in this version and that i already know. You can check them in the manual and in the main topic of the game.
Later i will update this new version a little if it have mistakes, and then i will work for the second protoype, wich will include more contents and all the other scripts and systems and the final polishment of the actuals, including creating maybe a total custom graphics. After that i will wait for the final version.
About screen captures
They are from the spanish version and have a mixed of original graphics and not. Anyhow the originals graphics are the majority for now, but i have to be improving and upgrading them a lot, some of them are just temporal ones.
Some things at a partial state or to improve in general(And to solve it in future versions):
-The graphics of green small beach areas in the map of the island. They are shown over the characters. But what do not how to do it because with the system of xp is very rare i will rethink and redo that in some moment. For that reason the coast are not made of the world map.
-After taking a chest it disappears instead of being open. No graphics of open chest and the same, i will not change now if im not going to do my owns. Note that some old classics games use this and im thinking if im going to make it or not, its not that bad.
-At the end of the battle there is a moment in which the growing music and postbattle sound coincide, it's nothing very serious but might take it off, i wanted to contact the author of the script but the website where this was temporarily off, and in another is reported but unanswered. We will have to wait.
-The game generates a small text file called Primer prototopio 2.0-0-Diario or something. This document is a diary of the game with information about your game in various important moments as well as the end to it. Obviously it is useful to test and develop and see how the game has gone. You can post it or if you want to read it its ok.
-When naming the character I get some strange characters in the blanks spaces. I was unable to locate the bug but im making another version, just type the name and do not worry as these are not seen in the game itself then only in that scene. Note that im looking to see if any other people see that good or bad.
-There are missing accents and stuff like that in the game. But they are not just misspelled, just missing some details as accents that are not me and because my keyboard or computer has a problem and write the rare keys. This will correct for in some next version that will be traduced and let more easy way to deal with that.
-About the MCI and the subject of codecs and such can annoy and i have already sent a suggestion to the scripter to put them in a pack, besides that if it give testing problems or something, and that solve the majority of bugs of convertion and compatibility. But i could make an installer for the game or a general installer version. Anyway being a super small installer should not bother much or i could seek for other alternatives, such as being able to choose between using or not using another script or whatever.
-The game will have a limited script and system objects but for this version uses default as it was not necessary, because of its low duration and do not access the people, so save me implement it for now.
-The save and die system is also test, and I've been thinking of putting a variable that has some kind of penalty to lose the fighting, for example, 5 percent of your total money that will be multiplied for each time you lose. Although it is not easy to do and can jump. Im doubting.
-Some things are half make or quick fixed, like post combat chests and some other like traps are made by hand by now simply, then i will finish. Like with most things, such as faces, especially that of Hanow, or a pair of transitions when changing colors. There are also other details to get better that I will include for example the menu, some graphics or system interface positions, a unique exploration system among many more. Maybe I also included a climber difficulty and even a unique sense this configurator.
-Includes guide and manual. Use the guide with wisdom.
-I suppose that last about 40m or a little more.
-It also gives me a small error but only seems to happen to me, if I deactivate the musics in the configurator of the game, can still be heard, I have to do from the windows audio control or via script. Rare because only happens in this... i will see if the error is mine alone or not.
-The cutscene skip system have a rare bug, because if after a scene with a combat you press to jump it will immediately not load the monster graphic, more rareey is that this does not seem to happen if the graphic is in the rtp (and not by the file format). In any case having a elections system after combat with boss system, and you can save too, but still try to wait a few seconds before pressing it or it wil prevent more or skip that scene.
-The save script seems to have a bug when loading and not just quite remember what was the last saved game and it defaults to 3.
-In the future the language selection will appear only one time and it will be configurable in the menu. It will include english as default too.
Credits, resources and licenses:
-Using free music basically, especially from free internet and sites like modarchive and FreeMusic. The sounds I've made all by myself with program. Will detail this better later complete with all major credits. All with free licenses. There is a sound of dragon quest nes, to take the box. The music of Ordak is of a commercial game.
-The game includes 19 scripts fully mine, 4 modified or created between several and 3 of other people. Now uses the improved battle 4.0 script which has millions of corrections and improvements though half of this done. Use the default battle system which im adding my small scripts and details over time too. By gerkrt, gerrtunk.
-Graphics. FF and DQ nes games used as a base (taken from the dragon fantasy game basically) for inspiration for mine but i use some in the game itself too. More than half of the enemies are mine. No chara is mine, but the faces, and many tiles of the maps, almost almost the majority. As for animations i have done all sounds and resources are all made by me, except a couple (the chest and the animation which use temporarily for various altered states, but they are edited of course). In the future, I will make more.
-The license of my graphics and resources is Creative Commons At- Nc- Sa. Scripts is MIT.