This is my more complex and longest to create project(3+ years from now). It have a lot of design and script work, and a old 2k project. This is also my only 'normal' project, like a traditional adventure, with its mapamundi, decent duration, etc.
Note that altought im spanish, i will traduce it as best i can.
This game is a tribute to the calssics. Im going to add a very classic charm in any way, but refreshing and improving it(and originality), and not using simple history althought just for the sake of being classic (but i will have a simple and open main script, of course).
I also want to create a world and systems without any generic or filler things. The intensity is the key.
Finally, this game tries to narrate at maxium using the gameplay. It will exist always strong coherence with history and gameplay.
Im developing a lot of complex scripts for this game. 99% of my published scripts where originally created to be used with this game, and they will have its finals versions for this game.
Graphics and sound
Im going to use 16 bits styled gaphics in XP, because i love pixel and because i want to tribute the classics.
With the music althought, no original soundtrack, at least for now.
This is the project where i debate if use totall custom graphics or not. One of the problems are the enormous locations types that exist and will require a custom tileset.
My idea is that my spriting skills grow and grow more when working in each of the short games, that will have more and more custom things. But the problem will be the time needed. Anyway i will get with that in the future and release or work without custom tilesets at the start.
Ghy quitly sleeps in his room. But something happens, a intense explosion flood the house. His city is burning, and the noise and the lights increment at each moment.
When all seemed lost appears a extrange cat, cast a spell to the window and scape from it. Ghy cant a choose and he follow the cat in his new adventure.
The game script is very relaxed, dont look for very intensive or overloaded script, or a main complex argumental thread that guides you. In this game subhistory rules. What i try is that each part of the world have his own personality and be very intense, without any filling.
The history is based in the more surrealist or infantil fantasia like Ende, Carroll, Lewis, and even Grim or Andersen.
Note that this game have TONS of humor also.
-Ghy: His immediate objective is to find the cat to return to his world, but that wont be easy.
In combat is a complicated character, having a hidden immense power for large place. He is the only that can use the items from his world, that have strange powers here.
-Ralaa: Is the girl who Ghy meets when enters in the new world. Is the son of clan boss and she will have to leave beacuse she opposes to the slave desttiny of it.
In combat is the more flexible character and can talk with the enemies, using a very complete system for that.
-Naiala: Is a exiled pursued by the two kings and that hidde a ancient power.
She is a defensive character that can read the enemies information. She also have predictions that will help the party in the adventure.
-Iua: A little animal spirit that travels with Naiala and is also is exiled.
In combat can summon giant colossus, althought she have atribute ranges inverted and cant use the normal resources.
-Rarlie: Is a thief kid . His main objectivo is to rescue the secret closed in a magic book.
He can steal from the enemy and have useful skills to evade enemies.
-Eldrik: A powerful warrior from the dominating city of the world.
He's strong point is the physycal combat, with skills more simpler and with less resources consume.
-Alisa: Is a misterious kid that you will meet in your adventure.
In combat his main value is randomes, althought she is the most powerfull character in the game.
This game is so classic, with the balance and basic ideas of DQ, althouht it have a lot from FF and PS also. It will use classic mapamundi, dungeon, and frontal/turn combat system. Anyway, a lot of the combat ideas are original and much of the systems and interactions too. They are based a lot in the occidental rpg complexity and features but without the things that i dont like from they: the fault of a strong desing, making them too generic and empty.
-Argumental tree, replayability: One of the basis of the game is the freedom and the replayabilty. Each of the characters class tree is also a argumental one, but the main idea is that the game is going to have a lot of decisions and changues that you wont see just in the ending(althouth there are like 15) but in the full game.
-Exploration, secrets: Obviously it will give you a great freedom to replay the game, explore, find secrets, sidequests, etc. Note that this game will expand classic NES mapamundi exploration and will be more like zelda or PS or DQ where you will make little adventures in the mapamundi.
-Characters system: 17+ characters in the game. 7 main characters and 10+ secundaries. Each character have 3 skills. Note that this game dont use any complex skill system, the basis of this game are the characters that have very complex custom skills and roles.
-Special custom skills: One of the best things of this project, at least for me. Each character will have custom skills and features that are pretty original and can be very, very complex, being each one like small systems iteself. Each main character have 3 and each secundary 2.
-Class system: Each of the main character can develop to 7 subclasses.
-Tactics system. The enemies and party share a table, with 3 basic positions with different effects based on the situation. Include a menu to changue it. Note that characters positions affect the relations system.
-AI system. My hardest script to create and my personal challengue with RGSS, a complete AI script usable for all battlers. It will make that enemies have improving inteligency based in his role, so if you fight with a sage-human for example, he will estimate the complete battle strategy, use and register elemental or status resistencies, help his allies, etc(like 14 things in total).
-Item system. Uses a improved DQ inventory, where also exist a weight for items. With each actors bag, improved menu display with the 4 actors and the same time, and use of item weight. I also added a lot of interface improvement so its really nice to manage items in any situation, with a lot of functions, ordering, equipment in the menu, discarding, transfering groups of items of each players between players, etc.
-Challengue: This game will be very hard to beat, having 3 difficulty levels: one like ffvi, other little more hard than ffv, and the other like old NES RPG's. Im planning to add a few systems to balance challengue each time(a script i created) or just a small status autobalance, custom difficulty systems and the option to changue it any time.
Note that all is improvable and temporal, i will do full custom things probably.
This game is my more complex thing to create. It started in rpmaker 2k with SMP and SBP but i moved to XP.
Note that i try to make two projects at the same time, ore more simplier and short, but more original and risky, and then this, that i will have to work in it for a lot more years. I will be releasing some short projects when working in this complex project(i have like 3 or more).
To have a prototype, althought without the AI(and some patches for the occasion, AI is the more complex system to create) and custom graphics, For that i have all the design created but for the 2k version, but it dont take a lot to changue that. That will let me atleast check the gameplay and all in a non design document way.
Note althought that this isnt the full description. I reserve a lot of things and a lot extra surprises, and more complexity for each one of the writed here.
Finally, the screens are of the spanish version, and the old 2k one, except the item menu, where all the graphics are temporal.
After completing the first two rpgmaker prototypes(i have to traduce them only), im working on this one as the main one, and Ordra as secondary one, but now i switch more.
The game will have its own prototype with its two versions, and the other, more complete, including the worldmap and a dungeon.
Now im correcting the graphic conversion from 2k to XP(autotile's are the main problem) and finishing original graphics. I think that i will do the majority original except of xp autotiles that i dont understand very well for now.
Im creating the maps and gameplay basically, because the desing is very advanced. The first prototype will include two battles, a prologue and a town, and will last like 40m. The second one, like 1,30h.
The scripts have to be poluted something. I have to switch my compatibilitzet scripts with Improved Battled 4.0 from Larderan/The last night and make small changues here and there. Not much work, anyway.
I cant give a real date, but im not taking a lot.
This is my more complex and longest to create project(3+ years from now). It have a lot of design and script work, and a old 2k project. This is also my only 'normal' project, like a traditional adventure, with its mapamundi, decent duration, etc.
Note that altought im spanish, i will traduce it as best i can.
This game is a tribute to the calssics. Im going to add a very classic charm in any way, but refreshing and improving it(and originality), and not using simple history althought just for the sake of being classic (but i will have a simple and open main script, of course).
I also want to create a world and systems without any generic or filler things. The intensity is the key.
Finally, this game tries to narrate at maxium using the gameplay. It will exist always strong coherence with history and gameplay.
Im developing a lot of complex scripts for this game. 99% of my published scripts where originally created to be used with this game, and they will have its finals versions for this game.
Graphics and sound
Im going to use 16 bits styled gaphics in XP, because i love pixel and because i want to tribute the classics.
With the music althought, no original soundtrack, at least for now.
This is the project where i debate if use totall custom graphics or not. One of the problems are the enormous locations types that exist and will require a custom tileset.
My idea is that my spriting skills grow and grow more when working in each of the short games, that will have more and more custom things. But the problem will be the time needed. Anyway i will get with that in the future and release or work without custom tilesets at the start.
Ghy quitly sleeps in his room. But something happens, a intense explosion flood the house. His city is burning, and the noise and the lights increment at each moment.
When all seemed lost appears a extrange cat, cast a spell to the window and scape from it. Ghy cant a choose and he follow the cat in his new adventure.
The game script is very relaxed, dont look for very intensive or overloaded script, or a main complex argumental thread that guides you. In this game subhistory rules. What i try is that each part of the world have his own personality and be very intense, without any filling.
The history is based in the more surrealist or infantil fantasia like Ende, Carroll, Lewis, and even Grim or Andersen.
Note that this game have TONS of humor also.
-Ghy: His immediate objective is to find the cat to return to his world, but that wont be easy.
In combat is a complicated character, having a hidden immense power for large place. He is the only that can use the items from his world, that have strange powers here.
-Ralaa: Is the girl who Ghy meets when enters in the new world. Is the son of clan boss and she will have to leave beacuse she opposes to the slave desttiny of it.
In combat is the more flexible character and can talk with the enemies, using a very complete system for that.
-Naiala: Is a exiled pursued by the two kings and that hidde a ancient power.
She is a defensive character that can read the enemies information. She also have predictions that will help the party in the adventure.
-Iua: A little animal spirit that travels with Naiala and is also is exiled.
In combat can summon giant colossus, althought she have atribute ranges inverted and cant use the normal resources.
-Rarlie: Is a thief kid . His main objectivo is to rescue the secret closed in a magic book.
He can steal from the enemy and have useful skills to evade enemies.
-Eldrik: A powerful warrior from the dominating city of the world.
He's strong point is the physycal combat, with skills more simpler and with less resources consume.
-Alisa: Is a misterious kid that you will meet in your adventure.
In combat his main value is randomes, althought she is the most powerfull character in the game.
This game is so classic, with the balance and basic ideas of DQ, althouht it have a lot from FF and PS also. It will use classic mapamundi, dungeon, and frontal/turn combat system. Anyway, a lot of the combat ideas are original and much of the systems and interactions too. They are based a lot in the occidental rpg complexity and features but without the things that i dont like from they: the fault of a strong desing, making them too generic and empty.
-Argumental tree, replayability: One of the basis of the game is the freedom and the replayabilty. Each of the characters class tree is also a argumental one, but the main idea is that the game is going to have a lot of decisions and changues that you wont see just in the ending(althouth there are like 15) but in the full game.
-Exploration, secrets: Obviously it will give you a great freedom to replay the game, explore, find secrets, sidequests, etc. Note that this game will expand classic NES mapamundi exploration and will be more like zelda or PS or DQ where you will make little adventures in the mapamundi.
-Characters system: 17+ characters in the game. 7 main characters and 10+ secundaries. Each character have 3 skills. Note that this game dont use any complex skill system, the basis of this game are the characters that have very complex custom skills and roles.
-Special custom skills: One of the best things of this project, at least for me. Each character will have custom skills and features that are pretty original and can be very, very complex, being each one like small systems iteself. Each main character have 3 and each secundary 2.
-Class system: Each of the main character can develop to 7 subclasses.
-Tactics system. The enemies and party share a table, with 3 basic positions with different effects based on the situation. Include a menu to changue it. Note that characters positions affect the relations system.
-AI system. My hardest script to create and my personal challengue with RGSS, a complete AI script usable for all battlers. It will make that enemies have improving inteligency based in his role, so if you fight with a sage-human for example, he will estimate the complete battle strategy, use and register elemental or status resistencies, help his allies, etc(like 14 things in total).
-Item system. Uses a improved DQ inventory, where also exist a weight for items. With each actors bag, improved menu display with the 4 actors and the same time, and use of item weight. I also added a lot of interface improvement so its really nice to manage items in any situation, with a lot of functions, ordering, equipment in the menu, discarding, transfering groups of items of each players between players, etc.
-Challengue: This game will be very hard to beat, having 3 difficulty levels: one like ffvi, other little more hard than ffv, and the other like old NES RPG's. Im planning to add a few systems to balance challengue each time(a script i created) or just a small status autobalance, custom difficulty systems and the option to changue it any time.
Note that all is improvable and temporal, i will do full custom things probably.
This game is my more complex thing to create. It started in rpmaker 2k with SMP and SBP but i moved to XP.
Note that i try to make two projects at the same time, ore more simplier and short, but more original and risky, and then this, that i will have to work in it for a lot more years. I will be releasing some short projects when working in this complex project(i have like 3 or more).
To have a prototype, althought without the AI(and some patches for the occasion, AI is the more complex system to create) and custom graphics, For that i have all the design created but for the 2k version, but it dont take a lot to changue that. That will let me atleast check the gameplay and all in a non design document way.
Note althought that this isnt the full description. I reserve a lot of things and a lot extra surprises, and more complexity for each one of the writed here.
Finally, the screens are of the spanish version, and the old 2k one, except the item menu, where all the graphics are temporal.
After completing the first two rpgmaker prototypes(i have to traduce them only), im working on this one as the main one, and Ordra as secondary one, but now i switch more.
The game will have its own prototype with its two versions, and the other, more complete, including the worldmap and a dungeon.
Now im correcting the graphic conversion from 2k to XP(autotile's are the main problem) and finishing original graphics. I think that i will do the majority original except of xp autotiles that i dont understand very well for now.
Im creating the maps and gameplay basically, because the desing is very advanced. The first prototype will include two battles, a prologue and a town, and will last like 40m. The second one, like 1,30h.
The scripts have to be poluted something. I have to switch my compatibilitzet scripts with Improved Battled 4.0 from Larderan/The last night and make small changues here and there. Not much work, anyway.
I cant give a real date, but im not taking a lot.