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[xp]Ryex's Collapsing CMS

Ryex's Collapsing CMS
Authors: Ryex
Version: 2.51
Type: CMS


As many on you know I have been working on a fully animated CMS that takes advantage of the collapsed CMS's layout. this is the result. a visually appealing and space efficient Custom Menu System.


  • Gradient Bars for Health, SP, and EXP that lag less through entire menu
  • Fully Animated
  • Map as background
  • Every menu is designed to fit in a smaller area so as to show the map and provide a more flowing feel
  • Icons in command menu
  • Small only visible when you need it actor select menu
  • Options menu with BGM/SFX volume change and Plug-In capability







in script


This is a one scene CMS so it only modifies Scene_Menu. In other words it should be compatible with anything but other CMS's

Credits and Thanks

  • Ryex
  • WcW (Plug-In capability)

Author's Notes


NOTE: I (the author) do NOT provide support in this thread. I simply don't visit this forum often enough. another scripter may be able to offer help but if you need support from me please go here http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=2365.0
hmm I don't remember being on RMXP Unlimited, but I may have. in hay case I've improved a TON sense I first made this as proof take a look at the other scripts I submit over the next hour or so
fine by me. the methods your looking for are something like "draw_hp_bar_ryex" "draw_sp_bar_ryex" ect. I added them to the bitmap class I think

just be sure to credit me :P
well one of two things happened either you messed with the configuration and suddenly the default volume for BGM's was set to nill.
or you put the script above another script that overwrites the Game_System init method

I'm guessing the latter, just put the CMS below your other scripts and you will be fine
I hate to contradict your solutions but I have yet to make any alterations to your script and I've placed your script in multiple locations while still retaining the error message above in each location. Any other solutions?
well I doubted it was the configuration error. but really that error is impossible unless Game_system has been inited properly...
do me a favor and place this line right above the problem line and screen shot the pop up box. you can remove the line after
p bgm.name, bgm.volume, vol, bgm.pitch
ya as I thought the two lines I aliased into game_system's init method aren't running thats the only way @bgm_volume can possible be nil, unless of course some other script is assigning to it.

when you say you figured it out can you enlighten me? in case other have the same problem I can help them better.
I was trying to load a previous save file to test your script in my game... So there was nothing incorrect with your script and it works just fine so far. I'll probably make edits to it sometime this week.

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