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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6 problem [Solved]

Link for the thread: http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=24608&start=330

Hi, I'm using this script as my combat system and it's nice and all but for some unknown reason when I use a ranged weapon animation (Done by me) and try a fight unless the background is totally black the animation will be pretty much white instead of showing how I made it to show from the animation tab.

It could maybe be a script confliction problem but I don't know what script would it do that. (I had a script for invisible battle backs and at first thought it was it's problem so I removed it but nope still here. :/)

Anyone had this problem when they used this script?

In the Animation Editor, go to the animation with the issue, and click on the Cell Batch option, and check the Blending option. Make sure the Blending box says 'Normal' and click OK.

It should fix your problem. I don't have RMXP on this computer so I cant check at the moment.
I hope it works out :)

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