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[XP] Reflecting Class Change Instantly in a Scene


I am tweaking on a Materia System, which can display modified HP,SP,int,dex,etc. from materia instantly within the scene.

However, I am unable to reflect a modified class(job) with the materia in the Scene unless I exit to the Scene_Map and then check my characters' class again through menu or the Materia Equip Scene.

How do I tweak it so that any class/job change within a menu can be reflected instantly?

I understand Legacy Class Change was able to reflect the changed class in the scene, but I don't know how to do such.

So the problem is basically: The class/job of an actor only refreshes after I exit the scene instead of refreshing along with the HP/SP modifications upon changing materia.

Thank you.
If I understand correctly what your problem is, that is because the contents of the window within the scene is not being refreshed immediately after data is changed. I'm guessing this information is displayed in the MenuStatus window (please correct me if I'm wrong), so when data changed on that window, you would do:


Replace @status_window with whatever window needs refreshing. I hope this helps :)

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