Authors: Ryex
Version: 1.25
Type: Front View Battle System
This script modifies the default battle system to provide better aesthetics and a more flowing feel in the UI.
- New lay out for the DBS
- Easy to use battler animation for actors and enemies (now included death images)
- Animated windows
- New status bar with Hp/Sp bars

please note:
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE THE "BLINKING TEXT" THAT IS DISPLAYED OVER THE BATTLERS IN THIS VIDEO IT IS ONLY A DEMONSTRATION OF THE ANIMATION SYSTEM!the idle is just a demonstration of frames I just drew the text over the battler in photo shop. your frames could be anything from ready stance to a sword flourish, the same for the attack, skill, item, and defend. you don't have to use the text stuff its just a demonstration that you can have animated battlers for each pose. if you don't put the images in the battlers folder they wont show, the idle and attack stuff is text I drew over the battlers in photo shop then put in as separate frames to the battler
Media Fire (now updated for latest version)
If you are using CRLS
Place CRLS below AnTBS and this plugin below both
In script
tested with:
CRLS - Plug in needed see above
Ryex's Weapons unleash skills - works
should be compatible with most scripts with a few edits for visual things
Credits and Thanks
- Ryex
- WcW
- Blizzard
- I'd like to thank Calintz for his valued input
Author's Notes
Make sure to look at the demo for battler animation clarification.
NOTE: I (the author) do NOT provide support in this thread. I simply don't visit this forum often enough. another scripter may be able to offer help but if you need support from me please go here