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Xenosaga Tech Skills Script

A xenosaga battle system was once requested, but I just want the Tech Skills. Tech skills are used by pressing certain keys to use a different skill and two of them lead to a different skill. You have a bar showing how many slots you can use for the skills, items, and guarding.

Items take up one slot, skills take up two each, and guarding takes two.

You gain four slots each turn, and have six maximum slots.

You can only use the combination of tech skills after the first two if you guard, use an item, or only use one tech skill the turn before.

Example in terms of RPG maker skills: You are able to press C to use fire, following you are able to press X for aqua, which would lead to aqua flame where you could press Z.
not quite what I'm asking for. I already knew about blitz skills, i'm talking about using two different skills that lead to one other skill requiring slot points to use them. Like Fire, a seperate skill, is used with a certain button, and then ice, or something, is used right after that, and pressing both of the buttons required for these skills leads to pressing a button for another skill.

Ex. Fire (Press C) 2 Points, Ice (Press Z) 2 Points, Frost Fire (Press Z) 2 Points. This is if the person has up to six points that he/she can use Frost Fire.

and different if in a different order.

Ex. Ice (Press Z), Fire (Press C), Cross Cut (Press C)

These would be in a seperate skill list titled, "Tech Skills"

Blitz skills are pressing many buttons just to use one skill. Thanks for your help though.

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