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Hello! This is my first time posting hehehe :lol:So I'm kinda shy :blush: okay so anyways here's the game i thought i would like to translate it partly cause I haven't been contributing to RMXP.org at all.
Don't give credit to me.. cause XAS created this script and cairn translated it but he somewhat missed alot of scripts. :sad: Okay anyways here's the demo


( This is only for the Hero version the official isn't translated)
http://files.filefront.com/XAS+Hero+1+5 ... einfo.html
please be alright with the crappy translations.. I've done my best with it.

If you want the original Protuguese version please download it here ( This contains the official and hero version but i suggest downloading Hero)

Cool battle system
You can do almost anything with it like... creating puzzles
This ABS is HIGHLY customizable
A cool demo

Okay that's it guys  :smile: One note though... please don't credit me credit XAS instead. Any translations missed PM me or reply here. Thank you. :smile:
Hmm the translated  version is 1.5...

( I remember cairn did not translate it fully, for example, a few lines plus he did not  translate the skills descriptions)
yeah so this version doesn't include the overdrive feature version 2 has. if you could translate version 2 that would help out me alot.
Hi all! Can you re-upload translated version, cuz I cant download it :/ Please

This thread is over a year old; please don't necropost. There's a more updated topic here, you can dig through it or ask questions. ~Regi
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