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What the Fuck Moments

Have you every witnessed something that was unexplainable. There is no explainable emotion for it, it just proceeded with the common WTF. Now that you think back on it, it is funny and yet so random at the same time.

This thread is for posting memories of events that were extremely random to the point of making you say WTF.

Topics of discussion:
  • Have you had a WTF moment? If so, what?
  • Explain it
  • Any particular reason why?
Quite a few, mainly relating to a medical disorder. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone else, going to touch things that aren't there -

Other than that though I have MAJOR deja vu.

I never listen to what'shisname, see, I don't even know his name. He sand Sweet Caroline, and his music does not appeal to me. But on the same day I ended up listening to it four times. It was playing in the car, walked out of the car into WHSMiths and it strarted to play, got back in the car and changed the station and it played, then got home and someone outside was playing it on a boombox radio dealie.
The first time I played Earthbound, I ran into the camera guy five times in less than three minutes. I kid you not. I forget exactly how it happened, but in some strange twist of fate I ended up running into the exact spots where he would appear five times in a row. They were virtually one right after the other. It was glorious and horrifying at the same time.

Also, I get a LOT of dreams, mostly because of my erratic sleep schedule. I have a lot of moments where it's truly difficult to tell if I'm dreaming or not. Other times I'll wake up very suddenly and for a few seconds I forget that my life exists, that the dream world wasn't real. It's quite strange, but nothing like the terror that is sleep paralysis! Thankfully I've never had the misfortune to have to deal with that, which is kind of surprising to me.
i lost two weeks once. i was driving my car to work one day. then i remember snapping to while standing at work. but it was 2 weeks later.
i had functioned mostly normally, though very quietly i guess, the whole time. i just had some kind of temporary amnesia due to unknown circumstances.
really freaked me out!
apparently the state elections happened while i was out and i learned about the new state reps. i think that's the only notable thing that happened during the time though.
I wonder if Father had something to do with some organ transplant. Some patients tend to experience mysterious mood or attitude or abilities / skills changes after the surgery and need to get used to that. Sometimes they discovered the dead guy or gal was a sport or [insert a genre here] music fan or guitar player and even end up thinking they're now getting influenced by the dead people. It's a weird perception of reality but who knows...

There was a time during college that IDK if I really saw a ghost or something else. Nowadays I'm convinced it was just an optical illusion but I can't still say so for sure.

A few years ago a dead corpse of a baby let me think it might have something to do with a daughter I never met (in time so to say), that I never had the chance to know her. I'm sure that's a damn stupid idea but immediately after I learned about her dead on December 25th of that year I felt that was the truth about that little girl. Just one or 2 months before that I was dreaming about me going for a walk along my "supposed to be" daughter and there was a building under construction nearby and I pointed at it and we both felt quite happy. December put an end to that dream and replaced it with a similar one where there was no girl anymore and the building was left unfinished and I felt miserable. I think just a few days later I found out that the local reporters visited the crime scene to report the known details about the murder.

IDK if sometimes I just prefer to let my own mind show me its wacky side or at least I hope so.

Normally I'm just a very normal, boring guy but I can tell you for sure I'm not insane, not even a bit.
This morning when I got up, I felt like somthing was trying to pull me out of reality. Happend for about 5-10 minutes. Happend while I wrote this.

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