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Writing Literature



Is anyone reading or have read books dealing with writing for games or writing in general. I am currently reading "Character Development and Storytelling" and a few others which are very good, but I'm interested in knowing whether there is anything else out there that would be useful.




serrated_colon":10b1qjoa said:
writing for games is like writing a story
don't go for books about games in general they usually suck

Thanks for the links but I would have to strongly disagree that they are the same, writing for novel or written format is a lot different from a game...just think of how the player interacts with a story in the first place...I could go on and on about the differences but I won't.

I think though that reading the book I mentioned may change your outlook as it covers the basis of storytelling and suggests how you can create something compelling that works with your game format.

My two cents

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