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Writers block

Hmm... not sure if this is allowed here.
Oh well. Some tips I've been given for when I have writers block is:
1) Open up a document or notepad
2) Write the first thing you plan on saying without thinking about it too much (If you are stuck for over 5-10 mins, either write the current thing in your mind or skip that piece of dialogue/description, maybe putting a small note of what it is supposed to be important for)
3) Take a look at what you have written. If it is useful, polish it up and use it. If not, get rid of it and try again.
That technique takes a while, and may result in less sophisticated or a different style than what the rest of the story is.
One I use for descriptions is:
1) Get a picture/song/etc. that is related to what you are writing about.
2) If it is a song, listen to it while writing -/- If it is a picture, look at it while writing (yeah not very helpful, but works)
There are a lot of tips online for writers block, so maybe a quick google search could help you find one more suited for you. You could open up a notepad/word document for a few minutes and write random things for a few minutes to clear your mind. Not sure if that would really work, though.
Oh man, writers block, the killer of stories. XD Man, I get it all the time, I'm sure everyone does. All you have to do is just keep thinking about it. Sometimes it takes me days to figure out what the next line of a story I'm writing is going to be. It just takes patience. Normally, I get my inspiration from my dreams. My dreams tell me what should happen next. Sounds crazy I know, but my whole story Domain came from a dream. It all depends on the person. Try some of Neverplayd’s advice. It might help.

And just to clarify, I'm also talking about dialogue. The same things apply. =)
Whenever I get writer's block... I just stop writing... take a nap... and do some of what Neverplayd said, just write what comes to your mind, and edit it later...
Speedpaws":18rpwt5g said:
Normally, I get my inspiration from my dreams. My dreams tell me what should happen next...
I take some of my ideas from sub-reality. Or should I say, the internet! Or should I say, even odder maybe, but my hardships in forums give me some story-type ideas, or at least bits of plot.
ChronoStopE":1jsab7m8 said:
Whenever I get writer's block... I just stop writing... take a nap... and do some of what Neverplayd said, just write what comes to your mind, and edit it later...


It is never a good idea to force writing, especially dialogue. If you're stuck, put it all down. Go live life for a while. Inspiration comes from anywhere and nowhere, and the way to be in the proper position to be hit by it is to be doing something. One of my favorite authors was inspired for a 300-page novel by looking at the mountains on a bottle of Coors Lite during a picnic in his backyard.

Admittedly, dialogue is different than storyline and plot. This may sound a bit odd, but read some of the more serious comics. Comic authors rarely have time to waste with dialogue, but often need to use it as their main communication between characters. So, often (in good comics anyway), the verbal exchanges are well done and ought give you a good idea of what you should be aiming for. I'm assuming you're writing for a video game, and similarities abound between the two mediums. Your average game player won't have the patience for a string of long diatribes and soliloquies, and neither will a comic reader.

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