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World Map

Point is, this is not a complete map of the world, because folding it together would not form an orb. You could make it look a bit more like, when exiting one side of the screen, you reenter through the other side. If you look at every map of the complete world you'll ever see, you'll probably notice that there aren't any continents that are only depicted HALF (notice your most right continent? If anyone in your world would sell your main character half a map, you should let him get sued.)
That sounded a bit too negative, that last thing. The top of your map (the antarctic bit) is quite correct, and upon walking past that, you should under no circumstances be able to appear on the other side of the map (which does happen in some games and is, just technically impossible.)
But you've got a decent thing going on, it's just that it's not a complete world and you'd have to finish that Eastern continent, that's what I think.
If you look at every map of the complete world you'll ever see, you'll probably notice that there aren't any continents that are only depicted HALF (notice your most right continent? If anyone in your world would sell your main character half a map, you should let him get sued.)

Guild Wars has maps like that ^_^
It's not supposed to be a complete world for two reasons: first, only very primitive ships (early medieval-style ships) are available, and they're not suited to traveling the open sea, so exploration south and west is impossible. And the people of the eastern continent are very jealous of the land and water routes east (like the silk road) because a great deal of valuable products come through there.

What do you mean, not planet-ey? I get the feeling that something's wrong, but I don't know what to fix.
I think because it's "world map", instead of "game map" or some other better term than my stupid example, it creates the idea that it is a flattened globe.

A few things I noticed, that seemed strange. Your continents completely lack running or even gathered fresh water. There isn't a single stream, lack, river - there's what I assume is ice, and ocean only. Perhaps your zoomed out that much, but at least throw in a line or two o' blue.

That and it looks like construction paper cut outs. I know a lot of people like this seamless shape stuff, but I always think it makes things look... well... bad. Give some outline. It doesn't even have to be a solid outline. Just every so often throw in a few dashes and smidges. And if you do, don't forget to give some filler lines in the grass and forest, mountains too and ice, to add depth. Unless it's not meant to be a drawn map.

I actually like the shape. Though I think you went crazy on the ice (it is ice isn't it? like glacier ice?), I do like the layout.
The snowing part of it, up north, looks weird in someway... But other than that it looks good to me, but Sixty has a very good point.

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