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World Map Mini-Map

I can't seem to find a script that does this. I have seen mini-map scripts but I'm looking for a script that makes a mini-map on the corner of the screen that shows the ENTIRE MAP (not just the visible parts) in the corner, and your position on it. Here is an example.


If you can see, it shows the entire world map in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
I use the SDK and I don't have any scripts that interfere with maps or tilesets. My world map is 416x350 tiles.

The only thing I can think of you doing is drawing a map on Paint or whatever, (the lines don't have to be perfect, after all, continent edges can look very sketchy and wiggly), and filling in the continents with a slightly darker colour than the background or a stronger opacity, then saving the image on to the Pictures file in Graphics on your game. Whenever you enter the World Map and you want the Mini-Map displayed, you need to use the Show Picture event and position the picture in the right-hand corner of the screen. You may also want to do it on a slightly lower opacity, so you can see through it as well. Whenever you enter a town and want the mini-map put away, just use the Erase Picture event to take it away again. The only hard part would be drawing the map, especially if you want it to look perfect.

If you really can't do it yourself, try asking one of the graphics specialists on the site, I'm sure they'd be glad to make up a mini-map for you.

I hope I have helped.
I can make the image of the map, that wouldn't be hard at all, I'm looking for the indicator. I want a little red dot to show up in the approximate location of where my character is.
Shouldn't be too hard, it can all be done by events. Here's what you do:

Make a new image, just a tiny red dot or arrow or whatever. This will be your indicator. Make it literally big enough to see just on the map.
Once done, import the picture.

Whenever entering the World Map from a town, you'll want to set up an auto-event which displays the picture of the indicator over the top of the map, in exactly the right place on the map to show where you are. So, this would be initially hard as you would need to find the x and y coordinates exactly for where you are on the map, (bearing in mind that the very bottom right pixel is (640,480), so say you were in the right-bottom hand corner of the map, you would want to display your indicator on coordinates (610, 460), roughly.) But once you have done that, you should get the image of the map always being there, and wherever you are on the map after exiting a town and entering the World Map, a red indicator should display. The only hard thing here is finding the exact right coordinates, so you're going to have do a lot of fiddling around with that.
You could also use the indicator type thing for towns as well, but make them white.

To get the indicator to scroll up, down, left or right as you move those respective directions is relatively easy, too - you'll want to imagine 'invisible borders', as it were, between, say, every 15-20 squares across your map. They would have to be exactly the same size each. So, in a sense, you are mentally dividing up your map into squared areas. To divide these squared areas, you will need a row of events. These would mark when one area starts and the next begins. Upon reaching the end of one area on the map, your indicator being in, say, position (520,460), as you approach the events, the indicator should shift a couple of pixels in any way you direct as you pass them. I know this hard to understand just reading it, so I'll show you screenshots of what I mean.(don't worry if the mini-map looks stupidly drawn, I did it in a hurry):

The mini-map with indicator in action:
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c187/ ... rshot1.jpg[/IMG]

The squared area of events: (see what I mean? These would be all over the world map, dividing everything)
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c187/ ... rshot2.jpg[/IMG]

This would appear as when you pass over, the indicator shifts just a tiny bit. repeat this all around the world map, moving it just one or two pixels in any direction. The only problem you might have is lag - slower computers might not be able to process movement well with so many Good luck!

I think that's about clear, if you have any other problems do ask me and I'll see if I can help more.
I may give this a try. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use events, as my map is VERY large. I think if I use common events and conditional branches though, I may be able to reduce the lag quite a bit (I wouldn't have to put events all around my map) I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Mark's minimap is recommended to not use with big maps, but I think you could do it anyway. By the way your picture shows it could work. The player indicator would just look a little large in comparison to the picture.
I think i figured it out but it's going to take a little work. If you figure out the length of your x map tiles and relate it to the x of the pixels (of the minimap) there might be a chance. So, for my particular map, 1 tile is the same as .45 (proportionately) tiles. What does this mean? That if I multiply my players x by .45, then it gets the coordinate of the minimap!
So, once i figure this out, I shall post it in here and this can be closed or moved. (this would be easier to do with scripting though, if someone could do that, it'd be great)

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