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[Workshop] Eight Direction Sprite Template

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This is a work in progress for an Eight Direction Sprite template to be used with RPG Maker scripts for Eight Direction character movement with support for additional frames.  The template is based on the Ragnarok Online sprite style.  I couldn't find any templates for Ragnarok Online sprites, so I decided to make my own, with separate elements for all the different body parts so sprite poses can easily be customized.

The size of the sprite is a full head taller than the Halfkaizer sprite.  I intend to use this sprite template along with hand drawn, non-tiled maps for my RMXP project Day of the Plague.

There's yet to be some tweaking done in the animation as not everything transitions smoothly, but the general proportions are there.  The next phase of development will be doing the walking animation for all eight directions, 40 frames in total, after subtracting frames that can be flipped.

Updated 4.24.08

Finished Views

http://www.blackhand.com/rmxp/test_sprite_2.png[/img] http://www.blackhand.com/rmxp/test_sprite.png[/img]





Awesome work man, this looks really intense :thumb:.

A couple of suggestions though:

The extended hand in the up/left and up/right facing views looks a bit off as it seems to be in the exact same orientation as the hands in the  view facing up.

Also in the groin in the down/left and down/right facing views looks as if it has an extra pixel on the one side

P.S. take my advice with a grain of salt I'm kind of new to the whole spriting game
spriting wise, it looks very good, job well done!

the front veiws look very nice, but from the side to the back veiw, even the font right and left a bit as well, he jsut looks like he's leaning over, and it feels a bit off.
Schnide and Monkeydlu, your comments are spot on.  Those were things that were bothering me that need to be addressed.

Larynni, the template is based off Ragnarok Online sprites as stated in the original post.  However I could not find an unclothed template, so I decided to make my own.  If there is an unclothed Ragnarok sprite template out there, then I just wasted a whole bunch of time.

My work on the sprite is original, but Ragnarok sprites are being used as an underlay and foundation.
looks very much like the template i commisoned from clest... but ours had more frames... (far to many) but its still being worked with.

so what did you do.. get a ragnarok sprite sheet and edit away all the cloths... that must have taken you ages :( lol

good luck. how you find some people williling to put the many weeks into spriting each sprite on it.

also are you going to make more variations of it. (female, child, fat and old?)
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.  I worked out a few of the kinks in the original template, but please continue to critique away.  If something looks wonky, it is wonky, whether you're an expert or not.

BunnyKinx, what I'm doing is taking Ragnarok sprite sheets and drawing over them.  It's a lot of guesswork as to how the limbs are positioned underneath the clothes, etc.  The people who made the game must have some kind of basic template, but I haven't seen it posted online, so I'm left to make my own.

After I get the basic male template done I'll move on to a female template.  Child, old, and heavyset templates will have to wait.  I'd like to get the basic male and female templates done so I can proceed with work on a demo.

After the templates are finalized, I have no problem releasing them for public use.
This thread has been updated to include the downward walking animation.  37 unique frames are necessary for a standing pose and a walking animation in eight directions.  My original count was off, so that leaves me with 28 more frames before the basic template is complete.  See you guys sometime next year...
ah, it's looking very nice :D

I'm actually starting to look forward to this, becuase it'll make custom Ro sprites much more easy to make, and with all of the already existing Ro resources, it'll really give a very nice leap to their usefulness.
Larynni":ykknbg2t said:
Excuse me...
Isn't that the Ragnarok sheet?

i'm so glad i'm not the first person to see this.

Yes that is how the Ragnarök online characters animate but there is no actual 'template' that they use at least not officially. I'de go as far as to say these are traced over and filled in but that would be a little presumptuous of me. Never the less, a useful tool for anyone who wants that. I would have liked to have seen something of your own invention though.
blackhand":2bi9l6da said:
This is a work in progress for an Eight Direction Sprite template to be used with RPG Maker scripts for Eight Direction character movement with support for additional frames.  The template is based on the Ragnarok Online sprite style.  I couldn't find any templates for Ragnarok Online sprites, so I decided to make my own, with separate elements for all the different body parts so sprite poses can easily be customized.

@ mascarpone:
Here's your answer.

@ Blackhand:
I love the animation :thumb:. Good luck with it, I'm really looking forward to see it finished.
Wow, I'm surprised at the sudden attention this has been getting.  The sprite template will be compatible with any existing Ragnarok Online assets, such as hair, headgear, clothing, etc.  It is essentially a male Ragnarok sprite with the clothing removed as best as I could approximate. 

There are several different variations of walking animations for the Ragnarok sprites, so I picked the most basic one.  The walking animations can be adjusted and modified by adding different body components, like adding different arms, etc.  Everything is separated so swapping out different parts will be easy.

Once finished, I will release this as a basic Ragnarok Online template for the different communities to use.  Then I'll make my own modifications to the template to make it unique and more suited to my game's art direction.

Bunnykinx, I'm guessing you mean in the down walking animation, the lower leg appears to be fatter than the upper leg when extended.  Though the lower leg is supposed to appear foreshortened, I think you are right in that it is a little too much.  I'll tweak the animation and see how things turn out. 
you should really try to use any job from Ro that doesn't have may clothing & apparel. Female Dancer and Male Hunter are some of the best choices for this, since they offer little clothing, and have no capes whatsoever to difficult your process.

I'd like to see how this is going to turn out :) keep up the good work.
I've updated the sprite with the diagonal-down and side walking animations.  I've also made some tweaks to the down walking animation based on the suggestions made.  I haven't shaded in the sprites yet because that's the part that I find most tedious.  Just two more views to go, then I can work on refining the animation and shading and start work on customizing the sprite.
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