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(WIP) Title Screen

The title says


Whats in the middle of the image, a fetus?

And, whoa, make the text go away from the sides... They're too far to the sides!!! They might fall off..

The white dots bother me...



The text within the text is really distracting, also you misspelled Horrid.

Also what is that thing in the middle? It’s bizarre and makes little sense, although I can’t say that this would always be the case if it was quickly brought to our attention upon playing your game.
I didnt notice i spelled horrid wrong... Well, i took off the second set of Horrid Legacy, so now its just the black and white ones. the thing in the middle is a mutative cell, which goes in with the horrid part. So its like a little cell, the reason the words are on each corner is due to the fact i plan on finding the Japanese characters for each of these words and placing them in the middle of the entire thing. I really plan on making the middle different, but right now thats all i have because ive got nothing to base any drawings on (I want to put some kind of mutated character in the middle, but nothing to get a poser of someone).

http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h166/ ... itle-1.png[/IMG]

This is it newer, changed all the colors and took off the over laying words.
Im still working on it, and still trying to find something to base a mutant off of to put in it. Ill probably change the colors again, but Im not sure.

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