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[WIP] Random Backstory for a Game

Well, since I'm back I might as well post something that I wrote.

The Pearls of Eight

Part I: The Siege of Tasin Britir

Long ago in the world of Warden (pronounced Varden), there dwelt 5 races. One race, forgotten by many, lay hidden in the east side of the mountains of Arro, and cut off from the rest of the continent. The ancients told tales of these people, given the name of Almrath, which meant unclean or dirty. These Almraths plotted against the most powerful realm known, Tasin Britir, which had cut the Almraths off from the continent many ages ago. Gradually, the Almraths grew in numbers while they waited patiently behind their mountains, never forgetting the terrible acts set against them by the rest of the world. On the 21st Day of the Second Quarter of the Year 412, the very same day they were cut off from the world all those ages ago, they struck. The Almraths stormed Tasin Britir, and took over the realm within weeks. The survivors of Tasin Britir travelled to Mid-Wake, another realm controlled by man. When Baldadir, the capital of Tasin Britir, was pushed back to their keep, King Lecardius vanished along with one of the Pearls of Eight. The ancients say that they are the only ones who know the true power of these pearls, but once they were set onto their stands, the whole world would find out the true power hidden inside the pearls. This, Pearl of Lecardius, as it came to be called, has been the only Pearl of Eight accounted for.[/FONT]

That's what I've finished proofing. Cs & Cs please.
@Cry I found parts of that under my bed. But yeah, I am normally better at presentation than content, but it still gets me A+'s in school. Thanks for the comment, though, I appreciate it.

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