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[WIP] Giant Dragon Boss

NEW EDIT - sunday, july 30th 2006.
Alright, havnt updated this in some time haha. I recently decided to actually finish this so here we go:
the only problem i see is that the bottom seems to be a little too dark. As in the dark outlines are darker than the outlines on the head and it looks kinda wierd.
Do you guys think i should make this boss appear like at an end of a ledge? give his waist and everthing below that like a fade out affect? so its not too big? like theres a ledge of a clif and the characters are on it and then theres a dark "endless fall or something" and hes staning out of it like hes Really huge. Hopefully you get what i mean haha.

This is one of my biggest projects I've started. This sprite is going to be a giant dragon boss for my game. Its going to be hell shading this thing and its going to be hell animating it, but well for some people it won't, but I have no excuses. Anyway, here it is (with a reference):
Do you guys think i should make this boss appear like at an end of a ledge? give his waist and everthing below that like a fade out affect? so its not too big? like theres a ledge of a clif and the characters are on it and then theres a dark "endless fall or something" and hes staning out of it like hes Really huge. Hopefully you get what i mean haha.

I think so, yes. I'm looking forward to see it finished.



Hey man it looks amazing. I think it should be on a ledge, maybe your characters are on a roof :) Well I can't wait to see it coloured, well done.



The outline of the sprite makes it looks as though the wings are going to be sticking out of the sides of the dragon's head... you weren't going for this effect, were you?
That looks amazing mate, truly great, however I think you've shaded the horns wrong though. Instead of them facing the same direction as the head they are shaded like they are pointed downwards. I suggest moving the highlighting to the middle of the horns rather than the edges. I hope you understood that :P. Yeah keep it up mate^^
nice work, dude!
anyway, about the horn shading, how about copying that reference shading? I mean, the highlight part of it...
Damn, it took a close look to tell that you pixel shaded this. So far, I absolutely love the style. But my one little gripe is the way the wings look so far. You might be planning to change this in the future anyway, but the wings so far look like they're just bones with no flying capability. Maybe add a leathery part to the wings coming out from the body...? Anyway, aside from that I absolutely love where this is going. The shading is superb.



Wow... that's so damn awesome. Just one problem..

It's too good for the RTP! If you looked at it compared to an RTP monster or resource, it'd be loads more detailed. But none the less, awesome work.

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