NOTE:This topic auto updates. There might be upgrades to the tileset that have not been posted about.
Well this will be the first in a series of futuristic tilesets I'm making.
I'll take object suggestions and critiques. I know it's not very shaded, but hell I don't know how to shade these damn tilesets.
When it's finished it should be compatible with RTP and VEX sized sprites.
Note that this work is amateur at best. I'm not really a pixel artist at all so...
Everything is pretty much original(the pics on the computers were googled and resized :P) It's a WIP. I still need to do a roof autotile, so excuse that.
Well this will be the first in a series of futuristic tilesets I'm making.
I'll take object suggestions and critiques. I know it's not very shaded, but hell I don't know how to shade these damn tilesets.
When it's finished it should be compatible with RTP and VEX sized sprites.
Note that this work is amateur at best. I'm not really a pixel artist at all so...
Everything is pretty much original(the pics on the computers were googled and resized :P) It's a WIP. I still need to do a roof autotile, so excuse that.[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]