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(WIP) CHar... RTP type...

You've not done terribly with the folds, although they are a bit random. Remove the gap between his legs, and work a bit on the shoes. You shouldn't be able to see that line colored line (due to the perspective of the RTP) so just color it as if it was the top of the shoe.

Also, don't use pure blacks and greys. Use a slightly colored tone.. maybe something a bit blue, or red, in this case.
well... I kinda wanted to reproduce an all star shoes on him... guess it dindn´t turn out good...
but, removing the gap... it get assimetrical... in a ugly way.
and I kinda don´t remender who did this template...
sorry bout that...
I´m searching all trought the RM comunity in the network to find out...
This is a pretty good sprite overall, however there are some areas you should focus on for improvement. Let's have a zoomed in look at your character:


Alrighty, you should notice that I have circled and numbered different portions of the sprite so you can individually assess them as you read this.
  • Point 1 - The eyes are a bit freaky, mate. You might want to consider not making this poor boy look like the spawn of Satan (unless that was your intention). Sometimes when detailing isn't possible, it is always best to compromise certain pixels and alter the surrounding pixels to give the impression that an object has formed (confusing?).
  • Here is a mock up of an eye taken directly from your sprite, with the modifications that were made while fiddling around with it (the bottom left pixel is transparent).
  • When detailing a human face, attempt to be as politically correct as possible. Unless dye is used, generally a person's eyebrow colour will match his/her hair colour (to some extent). As you can see from the mockup, I changed the hex value #000000 (black) that you had, to #522100 (dark brown) for the two upper, right most pixels and the second row, left pixel. The corner pixel was changed to #773a10 (medium brown), to round the eyebrow out a little bit.
  • Points 2 & 3 - I'm not quite sure what happened with the highlights on those arms. I see that you used the darker face colour to shade them, but maybe it would be in your best interest to use some mid tones to even out the complexion. Compare the face to the arms and you should see what I mean.
  • Point 4 - As Prexus said, close those legs. You don't have to actually move the legs in one pixel to close them. All it takes is a row of dark coloured pixels.
  • Points 5 & 6 - What the DEVIL is this?! Please do not shade any part of a sprite with a gradient-type effect. It looks like rubbish. If you are confused as how to shade these shoes, read this post > Click < and look at the example I provided. Actually, you should read the entire post, it should help you with consistency in light source and proper pixel placement.

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