Kain Nobel
This is a neat little extra to add to your game, it allows you to set cursors to any and all of your selectable windows. The customization is super simple, wether you want to use one constant cursor throughout all of your window scenes, or you want all of your windows to each have their own special cursor, its up to you! Since there are many cursors of all shapes and sizes, its easy to line up the coordinates just how you need them without EVER having to edit/hardcode it into the script! Lastly (although I chose to leave mine on) you can even decide if you'd like to hide the actual Cursor Rect from your windowskin while using this script.
Place this script anywhere below SDK (XP if using) and above 'main' at the bottom of your scripts page. You can set which directory you would like to list your cursor images in the settings module (its "Graphics/Windowskins/Cursors/" by default). The settings module prettymuch explains itself, its the easiest thing in the world.
[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite' (XP w/ SDK)]
[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite (XP w/o SDK)]Its the same as above, just replace Scene_File in the SDK Version with...
...Then delete the SDK.log, SDK.enabled? test and the last 'end' in the script.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite' (VX)]
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... cursor.png[/img]
I believe credit goes to gRaJiVa for the finger?
Author's Notes
Free to use in commercial and non-commercial games, please remember to credit me and have fun :thumb:
This is a neat little extra to add to your game, it allows you to set cursors to any and all of your selectable windows. The customization is super simple, wether you want to use one constant cursor throughout all of your window scenes, or you want all of your windows to each have their own special cursor, its up to you! Since there are many cursors of all shapes and sizes, its easy to line up the coordinates just how you need them without EVER having to edit/hardcode it into the script! Lastly (although I chose to leave mine on) you can even decide if you'd like to hide the actual Cursor Rect from your windowskin while using this script.
Place this script anywhere below SDK (XP if using) and above 'main' at the bottom of your scripts page. You can set which directory you would like to list your cursor images in the settings module (its "Graphics/Windowskins/Cursors/" by default). The settings module prettymuch explains itself, its the easiest thing in the world.

[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite' (XP w/ SDK)]
# ** Window Cursor Sprite                    (by Kain Nobel)
# * SDK Log
SDK.log('Window.CursorSprite', 'Kain Nobel', 2.5, '12.02.2008')
# * SDK Enabled Test - BEGIN
if SDK.enabled?('Window.CursorSprite')
# ** Window::Cursor
module Window::Cursor
 # * Directory = "Graphics/..."
 Directory = "Graphics/Windowskins/Cursors"
 # * Hide_Cursor_Rect
 Hide_SRCRect = false
 # * Enabled  = {"Window_???" => true/false}
 Enabled = {}
 Enabled.default = true
 # * Filenames = {"Window_???" => "filename"}
 Filenames = {}
 Filenames.default = "Cursor"
 # * Delay   = {"Window_???" => (Integer)} (*Note : Set as 1 or higher)
 Delay = {}
 Delay.default = 5
 # * OX  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 OX = {}
 OX.default = 0
 # * OY  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 OY = {}
 OY.default = 16
 # * Mirror = {"Filename" => true/false}
 Mirror = {}
 Mirror.default = false
 # * Angle = {"Filename" => (Numeric)} (*Note: Anything between 0 and 360)
 Angle = {}
 Angle.default = 0
 # * Opaq  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 Opaq = {}
 Opaq.default = 200
 # * MissingError = true/false
 MissingError = true
# ** Window_Selectable
class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :cursor_image
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_initialize, :initialize
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_dispose,   :dispose
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_update,   :update
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(*arguments)
  if cursor_sprite_enabled?
   @cursor_sprite = Sprite_CursorSelectable.new(self)
  @cursor_image = cursor_sprite_image?
 # * X = (n)
 def x=(n)
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
   @cursor_sprite.x = cursor_sprite_x?
 # * Y = (n)
 def y=(n)
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
   @cursor_sprite.y = cursor_sprite_y?
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
 # * Update
 def update
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
 # * Cursor Sprite Enabled ?
 def cursor_sprite_enabled?
  return Window::Cursor::Enabled[self.class.to_s]
 # * Cursor Sprite Image ?
 def cursor_sprite_image?
  return Window::Cursor::Filenames[self.class.to_s]
 # * Cursor Sprite X ?
 def cursor_sprite_x?
  return self.cursor_rect.x + self.x + Window::Cursor::OX[@cursor_image]
 # * Cursor Sprite Y ?
 def cursor_sprite_y?
  return self.cursor_rect.y + self.y + Window::Cursor::OY[@cursor_image]
 # * Cursor Sprite Visible ?
 def cursor_sprite_visible?
  return false unless self.index >= 0 && cursor_sprite_enabled?
  return (self.visible && self.opacity > 0)
 # * Cursor Sprite Opacity ?
 def cursor_sprite_opacity?
  opacity = [Window::Cursor::Opaq[self.class.to_s], 1].max
  return (self.active && self.index >= 0 ? opacity : opacity / 2)
 # * Cursor Sprite Delay ?
 def cursor_sprite_delay?
  return [Window::Cursor::Delay[self.class.to_s], 1].max
# ** Sprite_CursorSelectable
class Sprite_CursorSelectable < Sprite
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(window)
  @window = window
  self.x = @window.cursor_sprite_x?
  self.y = @window.cursor_sprite_y?
 # * Update Bitmap
 def update_bitmap
  unless self.bitmap.nil? || self.bitmap.disposed?
   self.bitmap = nil
  @cursor_image = @window.cursor_image
  self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
  self.mirror = Window::Cursor::Mirror[@cursor_image]
  self.angle = Window::Cursor::Angle[@cursor_image]
 # * Update : X
 def update_x
  ox, delay = @window.cursor_sprite_x?, @window.cursor_sprite_delay?
  n = [(self.x < ox ? (ox - self.x) : (self.x - ox)) / delay, 1].max
  self.x += (self.x < ox ? n : -n)
 # * Update : Y
 def update_y
  oy, delay = @window.cursor_sprite_y?, @window.cursor_sprite_delay?
  n = [(self.y < oy ? (oy - self.y) : (self.y - oy)) / delay, 1].max
  self.y += (self.y < oy ? n : -n)
 # * Update
 def update
  update_bitmap if @cursor_image != @window.cursor_image
  update_x   if self.x != @window.cursor_sprite_x?
  update_y   if self.y != @window.cursor_sprite_y?
  self.opacity = @window.cursor_sprite_opacity?
  self.visible = @window.cursor_sprite_visible?
  self.z = (@window.z + 5)
# ** Scene_File
class Scene_File < SDK::Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_mainsprite, :main_sprite
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_update,   :update
 # ** Main Sprite
 def main_sprite
  if Window::Cursor::Enabled["Window_SaveFile"]
   @cursor_sprite = Sprite.new
   @cursor_image = Window::Cursor::Filenames["Window_SaveFile"]
   @cursor_sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
   @cursor_sprite.mirror = Window::Cursor::Mirror[@cursor_image]
   @cursor_sprite.angle = Window::Cursor::Angle[@cursor_image]
 # * Selected Window?
 def selected_window?
  for i in 0...@savefile_windows.size
   if @savefile_windows[i].selected == true
    return @savefile_windows[i]
 # * Update
 def update
  w, c = selected_window?, @cursor_sprite
  oy = w.cursor_rect.y + w.y + Window::Cursor::OY[@cursor_image]
  c.x = w.cursor_rect.x + w.x + Window::Cursor::OX[@cursor_image]
  c.z = (w.z + 5)
  if c.y != oy
   @cs_delay ||= Window::Cursor::Delay["Window_SaveFile"]
   n = [(c.y < oy ? (oy - c.y) : (c.y - oy)) / @cs_delay, 1].max
   c.y += (c.y < oy ? n : -n)
# ** RPG::Cache
module RPG::Cache
 # * Alias Listings
 class << self
  alias_method :cursor_rpgcache_windowskin, :windowskin
 # * RPG::Cache.windowskin
 def self.windowskin(filename)
  bitmap = cursor_rpgcache_windowskin(filename)
  if Window::Cursor::Hide_SRCRect
   bitmap.fill_rect(128, 64, 32, 32, Color.new(0,0,0,0))
  return bitmap
 # * RPG::Cache.window_cursor(filename)
 def self.window_cursor(filename)
  directory = Window::Cursor::Directory
  if directory.length > 0
   unless directory[-1] == "/"
    directory += "/"
   unless Dir.exists?(directory)
   self.load_bitmap(directory, filename)
   if Window::Cursor::MissingError
    self.load_bitmap(directory, filename)
# * SDK Enabled Test - END
[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite (XP w/o SDK)]Its the same as above, just replace Scene_File in the SDK Version with...
# ** Scene_File
class Scene_File
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_main,    :main
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_update,   :update
 # ** Main Sprite
 def main
  if Window::Cursor::Enabled["Window_SaveFile"]
   @cursor_sprite = Sprite.new
   @cursor_image = Window::Cursor::Filenames["Window_SaveFile"]
   @cursor_sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
   @cursor_sprite.mirror = Window::Cursor::Mirror[@cursor_image]
   @cursor_sprite.angle = Window::Cursor::Angle[@cursor_image]
 # * Selected Window?
 def selected_window?
  for i in 0...@savefile_windows.size
   if @savefile_windows[i].selected == true
    return @savefile_windows[i]
 # * Update
 def update
  w, c = selected_window?, @cursor_sprite
  oy = w.cursor_rect.y + w.y + Window::Cursor::OY[@cursor_image]
  c.x = w.cursor_rect.x + w.x + Window::Cursor::OX[@cursor_image]
  c.z = (w.z + 5)
  if c.y != oy
   @cs_delay ||= Window::Cursor::Delay["Window_SaveFile"]
   n = [(c.y < oy ? (oy - c.y) : (c.y - oy)) / @cs_delay, 1].max
   c.y += (c.y < oy ? n : -n)
...Then delete the SDK.log, SDK.enabled? test and the last 'end' in the script.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Window.CursorSprite' (VX)]
# ** Window Cursor Sprite
# Written by : Kain Nobel
# Version   : 2.5
# Last Update : 12.02.2008
# ** Window::Cursor
module Window::Cursor
 # * Directory = "Graphics/..."
 Directory = "Graphics/System"
 # * Enabled  = {"Window_???" => true/false}
 Enabled = {}
 Enabled.default = true
 # * Hide_Cursor_Rect
 Hide_SRCRect = true
 # * Filenames = {"Window_???" => "filename"}
 Filenames = {}
 Filenames.default = "Cursor"
 # * Delay   = {"Window_???" => (Integer)} (*Note : Set as 1 or higher)
 Delay = {}
 Delay.default = 5
 # * OX  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 OX = {}
 OX.default = 0
 # * OY  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 OY = {}
 OY.default = 16
 # * Mirror = {"Filename" => true/false}
 Mirror = {}
 Mirror.default = false
 # * Angle = {"Filename" => (Numeric)} (*Note: Anything between 0 and 360)
 Angle = {}
 Angle.default = 0
 # * Opaq  = {"Filename" => (Integer)}
 Opaq = {}
 Opaq.default = 200
 # * MissingError = true/false
 MissingError = true
# ** Window_Selectable
class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :cursor_image
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_initialize, :initialize
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_dispose,   :dispose
 alias_method :cursor_winselect_update,   :update
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(*arguments)
  if cursor_sprite_enabled?
   @cursor_sprite = Sprite_CursorSelectable.new(self)
  @cursor_image = cursor_sprite_image?
 # * X = (n)
 def x=(n)
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
   @cursor_sprite.x = cursor_sprite_x?
 # * Y = (n)
 def y=(n)
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
   @cursor_sprite.y = cursor_sprite_y?
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
 # * Update
 def update
  unless @cursor_sprite.nil? || @cursor_sprite.disposed?
 # * Cursor Sprite Enabled ?
 def cursor_sprite_enabled?
  return Window::Cursor::Enabled[self.class.to_s]
 # * Cursor Sprite Image ?
 def cursor_sprite_image?
  return Window::Cursor::Filenames[self.class.to_s]
 # * Cursor Sprite X ?
 def cursor_sprite_x?
  return self.cursor_rect.x + self.x + Window::Cursor::OX[@cursor_image]
 # * Cursor Sprite Y ?
 def cursor_sprite_y?
  return self.cursor_rect.y + self.y + Window::Cursor::OY[@cursor_image]
 # * Cursor Sprite Visible ?
 def cursor_sprite_visible?
  return false unless self.index >= 0 && cursor_sprite_enabled?
  return (self.visible && self.opacity > 0)
 # * Cursor Sprite Opacity ?
 def cursor_sprite_opacity?
  opacity = [Window::Cursor::Opaq[self.class.to_s], 1].max
  return (self.active && self.index >= 0 ? opacity : opacity / 2)
 # * Cursor Sprite Delay ?
 def cursor_sprite_delay?
  return [Window::Cursor::Delay[self.class.to_s], 1].max
# ** Sprite_CursorSelectable
class Sprite_CursorSelectable < Sprite
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(window)
  @window = window
  self.x = @window.cursor_sprite_x?
  self.y = @window.cursor_sprite_y?
 # * Update Bitmap
 def update_bitmap
  unless self.bitmap.nil? || self.bitmap.disposed?
   self.bitmap = nil
  @cursor_image = @window.cursor_image
  self.bitmap = Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
  self.mirror = Window::Cursor::Mirror[@cursor_image]
  self.angle = Window::Cursor::Angle[@cursor_image]
 # * Update : X
 def update_x
  ox, delay = @window.cursor_sprite_x?, @window.cursor_sprite_delay?
  n = [(self.x < ox ? (ox - self.x) : (self.x - ox)) / delay, 1].max
  self.x += (self.x < ox ? n : -n)
 # * Update : Y
 def update_y
  oy, delay = @window.cursor_sprite_y?, @window.cursor_sprite_delay?
  n = [(self.y < oy ? (oy - self.y) : (self.y - oy)) / delay, 1].max
  self.y += (self.y < oy ? n : -n)
 # * Update
 def update
  update_bitmap if @cursor_image != @window.cursor_image
  update_x   if self.x != @window.cursor_sprite_x?
  update_y   if self.y != @window.cursor_sprite_y?
  self.opacity = @window.cursor_sprite_opacity?
  self.visible = @window.cursor_sprite_visible?
  self.z = (@window.z + 5)
# ** Scene_File
class Scene_File < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_start,   :start
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_terminate, :terminate
 alias_method :cursor_scnfile_update,   :update
 # ** Main Sprite
 def start
  if Window::Cursor::Enabled["Window_SaveFile"]
   @cursor_sprite = Sprite.new
   @cursor_image = Window::Cursor::Filenames["Window_SaveFile"]
    @cursor_sprite.bitmap = Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
    @cursor_sprite.mirror = Window::Cursor::Mirror[@cursor_image]
    @cursor_sprite.angle = Window::Cursor::Angle[@cursor_image]
    if Window::Cursor::MissingError
     @cursor_sprite.bitmap = Cache.window_cursor(@cursor_image)
 # * Selected Window?
 def selected_window?
  for i in 0...@savefile_windows.size
   if @savefile_windows[i].selected == true
    return @savefile_windows[i]
 # * Terminate
 def terminate
 # * Update
 def update
  w, c = selected_window?, @cursor_sprite
  oy = w.cursor_rect.y + w.y + Window::Cursor::OY[@cursor_image]
  c.x = w.cursor_rect.x + w.x + Window::Cursor::OX[@cursor_image]
  c.z = (w.z + 5)
  if c.y != oy
   @cs_delay ||= Window::Cursor::Delay["Window_SaveFile"]
   n = [(c.y < oy ? (oy - c.y) : (c.y - oy)) / @cs_delay, 1].max
   c.y += (c.y < oy ? n : -n)
# ** Cache
module Cache
 # * Alias Listings
 class << self
  alias_method :cursor_cache_system, :system
 # * Cache.system
 def self.system(filename)
  bitmap = cursor_cache_system(filename)
  if Window::Cursor::Hide_SRCRect && filename == "Window"
   bitmap.clear_rect(64, 64, 32, 32)
  return bitmap
 # * Cache.window_cursor(filename)
 def self.window_cursor(filename)
  directory = Window::Cursor::Directory
  if directory.length > 0
   unless directory[-1] == "/"
    directory += "/"
   unless Dir.exists?(directory)
   self.load_bitmap(directory, filename)
   if Window::Cursor::MissingError
    self.load_bitmap(directory, filename)
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... cursor.png[/img]
I believe credit goes to gRaJiVa for the finger?
Author's Notes
Free to use in commercial and non-commercial games, please remember to credit me and have fun :thumb: