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Wild China -UPDATED Friday, September 25, 2009-

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  • :D - Has very good potential!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • :) - Might be a good book with a little more work!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • :| - It might survive if you like totally revise it...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • >:| - I can't believe this lame story...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • >:O - OMG you killed my day!!!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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I know that on my other topic Meerkats had highest votes, but I feel that the Wild China might be the one for me... at least for now. It doesn't mean I'm dropping the other one! That would be... heresy!!

-UPDATED Friday, September 25, 2009- I finally decided to have red foxes (vulpix vulpix) and monkeys (dunno yet) that live in the forests of China, or some other country. I was recently writing this, and sorry for the grammar problems, but I was just jotting down my ideas for the story: (it sounds a little cliched, and similar to the movies Ice Age and Tarzan, but bear with me :3)
"A long time ago, two species of animals lived in hostility to each other in the forests of ancient China…

-----Chief monkey and chief’s wife are at a river/pond surrounded by trees, talking about their dead monkey son. Then a monkey scout reports that the foxes are gathering in numbers. The chief rallies his troops into battle, and the chief’s wife is, as usual, anxious and sad. She stays at the river/pond, as the warriors (just them and the chief) go to battle. The other stay-at-homers are not around the chief’s wife. Then it focuses on what’s happening to the two armies. The enemy fox chief is a bit worried about that the other stay-at-home foxes will be OK. His assistant assures him all will be well. After a while, it centers on the foxes’ stay-at-homers. They are having a peaceful time (shows some kid foxes playing), when one of the foxes has to go behind some bushes to get something, when he sees a very scary creature. He runs back and the others soon follow to their parents as the creature and some of its allies chases them and wrecks havoc on the clan capturing or killing almost all of the animals. One mother fox grabs her baby and runs away. She reaches a cliff over a waterfall. She jumps over as the creature watches her, then goes away. Back at the monkey camp, the chief’s wife is looking at the water when she sees the mother fox holding the baby. The mother fox sets the baby fox on a rock, and fades away under the current. The chief’s wife picks up the baby and cares for it. Back at the battle, the monkeys become victorious and the chief comes back. He finds out about the baby and there is great argument. Finally the baby can stay, and the chief’s wife is seen caring for him. Then, back at the fox camp, the warriors return home, only to find some dead foxes, a missing wife (the injured fox), and a ruined place. One fox that is almost dead, utters a word and dies. The foxes think the monkeys did it, thought a select few do not. The foxes plan an all out attack on the monkey settlement, and plan to rally allies to their side, but this takes long years, as they wait for the right moment when the monkeys least expect it. The fox grows older and shares several mini adventures with his monkey friends, as well as learning and thinking the monkey ways. The chief still doesn’t approve of him being his son, and shuns him. They get into an argument when the fox sees and interacts with some other foxes (he has never seen another fox prior [besides baby memories]), and the fox hides near the pond. The mother cheers him up. The fox wants to learn more. He later learns from his mother about what happened to the foxes long ago. The fox finds a clue as to what happened and sets out on a journey with his friends to find them, and to learn more about foxes, and the sheer exploration, and meet strange and interesting people along the way, some helping them, others hindering them. He finally reaches the lair of the beasts and saves the foxes and they rejoice with reunions, but some of the strange creatures escape and/or some are not accounted for; for example the strange creature survivors, when the liberators have left, call their brethren from afar to wreck vengeance upon their enemies (even though they‘re really the bad guys lol). Then it shows back to what is happening at the camps. The monkey chief’s wife is still nervous, and the chief who detested the son fox, is sort of said himself, is sort of sad himself. Finally the foxes have planned the attack when some clue lets them in. The monkeys learn of it and they both meet to fight, two great armies. They are right about to go to battle when the son fox stops the bloodshed and shows them the prisoners of the strange creatures they liberated. The foxes and monkeys are both surprised and become life-long allies. But then an ally spots strange creatures whom of all they had not killed or accounted for, army comes and attacks. They fight side by side against them. They win, with minor casualties thanks to the fox and his friends’ cunning. Fox falls in love. Monkeys fall in love. Foxes are reunited. The end :D"

Any comment/suggestions/criticizms/questions are welcome! :biggrin:

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