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Who here is sick of politics?

So you wake up early in the morning and get ready to go to work. While eating your cereal you decide to turn on the t.v to watch some cartoons or whatever. The first thing that comes on as soon as you turn on your t.v is a news report that shows Micheal Obama dancing with Elen Degenerous or however you spell it, then they show McCain who seems to be getting a year older every day. To prevent yourself from throwing up, you immediately shut off your t.v, finish eating your breakfast, brush your teeth, and then get in your car to head to work. You decide to turn on the radio... oooops... politics, so you shut if off. Then you go to your local seven eleven to grab some coffee and a newspaper. You are desperately looking for the sports section, but its buried somewhere underneath the hundreds of pages of politics. Argg, you shred up the newspaper until you finally find the sports section. :)

The whole moral of me writing this is that while our economy is falling apart before our very eyes, we are forced to listen to this politic nonsense every day, and have you ever heard some of the subjects that one of these two future presidents talk about? I mean, instead of worrying about what's going on in our country, (i.e: the demise of the economy, national security, soldiers in iraq, gas prices, people starving because they can't afford to live) we are more worried about Gay/Lesbian rights, Abortion, and rebuilding iraq. Don't get me wrong, i have no problem discussing those things, but shouldn't we be looking at the big picture first?

Anyways i am glad I have other hobbies to get my mind off that nonsense like game development. Everyone that comes on these forums day in and day out, really help me and i'm sure many other people get their minds off the chaos that's going on in this world. So thank you!
right now, in the middle of a historic presidential election, politics are making more money than cartoons or sports. it's good business to capitalize on the entertainment of politics.

once election season is over, things will die down a bit.
If all your getting is that very limited list, and not -including the things you mentioned- other more pressing info... umm... change the channel to a good news reporting.
i hear you there. The only problem with news channels, is that some are pro democratic and pro republican, its hard to find any that are neutral.
i honestly have never found a neutral one. they all swing in one direction or the other.

or, rather, Fox News and most AM radio swings to the right and everything else swings to the left.

After December all the shit will finally settle. But you know, the elections are like only a few months away so people're going crazy over it.

I hear you about being frustrated with the topics they discuss though. Roe v. Wade was over 30 years ago---GET OVER IT ALREADY. I don't care about eventually overturning a court case that should never be overturned, or rebuilding a foreign country. I care about what they plan on doing HERE and SOON instead of THERE and MAYBE EVENTUALLY.
i watch NY1, if anything it leans BOTH ways

they do their common political news, but they blast both sides.  they have segments where they read from the daily papers, on both liberal and conservative stories.  they save the real political stuff for round tables with higher political people like radio hosts (local of course - mostly AM), columnists, etc, and the table is almost always split.

There's two regulars who have differing opinions a lot, yet agree at times, but it's great to see them blast each other's ideals in such a civil and friendly way.

point is, most channels are going to give you the popular news that most people care about.  a good chunk majority of tv viewers, the core people, know who won every season of American Idol, but can't tell you the same number in last presidents.  people really don't care, you have to go to actual sources - daily news and regular spots aren't going to give you that.
Sounds like some guy bitching about how he forgot to leave his TV on Cartoon Network instead of CNN and it fucked up his day.
lol, I agree that some arguements in current politics are overdone and irrelevant, such as Roe vs. Wade, and rebuilding Iraw, which we should be in to begin with, but if you live in America and don't take an interest in politics, you aren't fulfilling your duties as a citizen, so move to Mexico or something.



Right now I'm much more interested in the US's current financial situation. It looks as if things might be headed towards a depression with the events of the past couple of days, and I'm kind of hoping that's as far as things go in that direction. This ties in with politics on a very fundamental level right now, though, since the next president is the one who's going to have to deal with the financial situation, so...

If you're referring to classic political posturing and weaseldom, then yes, I am very sick of it. It seems like both McCain and Obama have resolved at different points in their campaigns to start haranguing each other in true old-politics-what's-new form, and I kind of wish they hadn't; both candidates show a lot of potential, and I'm kind of hoping that the traditional politics thing is a ruse and they're both sleeper cells who are secretly Maitreya Buddha.

If you're referring to the political scene itself, I'm not sick of it. I don't think I could ever get sick of it. There's simply so much going on nowadays, and I like to be at least remotely informed in the issues. Once the presidential campaign is over, the traditional elect-me-because-x-is-bad-thing will stop (hopefully) and we'll be left with an administration which will at least be more skilled at handling the issues than Bush and Cheney were, and honestly I'm intrigured as to how Obama or McCain will get America out of its current fix.

Then again, that's the opinion of a Canadian, who hasn't had so much exposure to harmful campaign radiation as you Americans have (although Harper called another election, but I couldn't care less since Harper turned out to be a thoroughly uninteresting person.) I also get most of my news through Jon Stewart still, so there's that too.
You know, I didn't realize Canada was having it's THIRD federal election in four years until two weeks ago.

The way I see it, there are two subjects you never talk about: Politics, and religion.
in decemeber 12th 1991 ron paul was hit by a truck during a full moon,. every december stince then he rises from his tomb as an immortal mummy to wreck havoc on the townslpeople and buy lloyd banks ringtones. IF YOU DO NOT POST THIS COMMENT TO 25 OTHER VIDEO S BY TOMORROW MORNING GEREOGE BUSH SECRET POLICE WILL BREAK DOWN YOUR DOOR AND PUTT THEIR D*CKS AND BUTTS ON ALL OF YOUR TOOTHBRUSHES (THEY CAN DO THIS VOTE RON BAUL!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Srry, i dun wan't bussh two taik me toothbrush D:


Ven: :mad: no spammins in actual non-nfg topics!
i wake up at some point in the day (usually about 11-12 hours prior to passing out) and turn on my favorite liberally biased news network. i proceed to eat ramen noodles and watch the news until chowder comes on.
ixis":2x3bm1sw said:
Sounds like some guy bitching about how he forgot to leave his TV on Cartoon Network instead of CNN and it fucked up his day.

Actually no, they have political advertisements now on the cartoon network.

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