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White Ties Style Battlers

Okay, so maybe I only have one so far, but the next one will be posted as a WIP at some point today.

The first sprite is of this guy: http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6852/weaponbx6.jpg

The hair's just wrong at the moment in the picture. It'll be fixed later. And no, I didn't draw it. XD That was done by our artist.

Here's the sprite:

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/5237/w ... 003qq2.png[/IMG]

And yes, I am aware that the idle animation moves a bit. I'm still working on fixing it. >_< Also, there aren't any Woozy or item using actions because you only play as this guy for a short time at the beginning of the game. After that he's an NPC.

Next up is Vastale! This one's going to be quite the challenge.

Here's a picture of him:

Please, give me critique if you can, ^^ I'm still willing to make edits on it, and I'll take as much to mind as possible.

Edit: Also, can anyone tell me why it's not letting me change the title? o_0 It comes up as what I wanted to be at the top of the actual topic, but the link outside still claims it's a WIP.

Edit numero dos: THESE ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO USE IN THEIR GAMES. You may edit them, with proper credit, but the originals were made purely for Epic: Contention. Sorry.
Thank you to both of you! ^^ I'm happy you like it.

But... competing with Dollmage? ^^; I... don't think I'm quite at that point yet... but... Thanks!

By the way, I added the running and damage actions. Now he can run for his life, stand there, guard helplessly, and take damage! Isn't he such a warrior?
Yesterday when I saw it... two 4-framed poses. Today two more sets of poses, and none of it based on some 'template'. All freehand work.

But I gotta ask. Other than the 'charging/running' pose, do the others have any movement or are they static?

Well... you've not finished it yet, so that's probably premature. In any case... Nice. :thumb:
Added the finished version of Weapon, as well as the art for the next character I'll be spriting! Everyone rejoice! Also, thank you to everyone who liked it. ^^ It's good to know that these are turning out well.

DerVVulfman;256937 said:
But I gotta ask. Other than the 'charging/running' pose, do the others have any movement or are they static?

Yes, the only ones that are static are the guard, damage, and KOed poses. The idle one looks like it just stays still, but it actually bobs slightly.
Hey this looks great, u think u can fix him up for me? I'd love to use him in my game. Can u make him not move too much, and when he attacks d purple sword wave is like sticking out of nowhere. Nice job though. = )
b0ioncrack;257233 said:
Hey this looks great, u think u can fix him up for me? I'd love to use him in my game. Can u make him not move too much, and when he attacks d purple sword wave is like sticking out of nowhere. Nice job though. = )

I'm glad you like it, but this isn't available for other people to use. ^^; It was made for Epic: Contention, and we'd rather not have a bunch of Weapon clones running around. I'm sorry, I should probably add that to the first post.

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