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Which skin do you use often?

Which style do you like?

  • Default vBulletin Style

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Pixel Voodoo by Erk

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Spivtastic by Spivurno

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Aruarian Dance by Andy6000

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Death Wish by Andy6000

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Flow by (I forgot who. :()

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



I always wanted to ask this question but I always feared it would be closed down but now I'm sure it wouldn't because this isn't something everyone would post and flood so I'm confident it wouldn't get closed.

Greetings, everyone. I'd like to ask you this question. I made a poll and I would like to ask...which style do YOU like the most? I'm asking this out of curiosity.

As for me, if I were to vote on this poll, it would be a tossup between Pixel Voodoo and Spivtastic. Now since this is a one choice poll, I'd pick Spivtastic over Pixel Voodoo. I like how it looks overall. I know it probably sounds funny to some, stupid to others but Spivtastic, unlike Pixel Voodoo gave me that feeling that RMXP.org is friendly. I mean, I know it is friendly but Spivtastic makes it look friendly.

---I'll edit this post later on.
Pixel Voodoo. Teh best one, it's plain and simple and... makes it look like RMXP.org. And I haven't seen it used anywhere else.

(It's by Erk? That explains it.)
Doin' the Spiv.

When I come here from other computers and haven't logged in yet I'm always like "--wtf?" when I see the default skin. I've had Spivtastic the whole time I've been here :'P
Pixel Voodoo.
Spiv's not bad. But I like my mellow. I'd actually hit up flow first. Spivs... well, my eyes kind of water if it's on unsuspectingly. But I do switch up on occasions between those 3, but usually PV.



i'd use spivtastic if it were less neon and didn't have GLOSSY ANIME ELF GIRL actually.

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