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Where are the event's original info (speed, frq, etc.) stored?

Do you know where the original data (speed, fequency, etc.) of events are stored? When you change speed and such, and then transport to a different map and back again, the speed (and location!) will be reset back to what you gave to the event in the map editor. Do you know how to access this data? Because I want to do the "resetting" of speed, frequency and event location by hand. :) Thank you!

By the way this is for RMXP.



You didn't specify the maker, but I'll assume you are talking about RPG Maker XP.

The data you are seeking are stored in the mapXXX.rxdata files in the Data folder. (RPG::Map)
It has an events accessor where you can retrieve a hash mapping eventing ids to there corresponding events.

One Game_Event is created for each RPG::Event in the map. The Game_Event will contain the temporary data that will be gone when you change map.

You can look at RPG::Map and RPG::Event in the help file.

If you are using RPG Maker VX I believe that a similar structure is present and it can be located in the help file as well.

- Zeriab
Hi Zab Zab~! *emberrased because I haven't read your script test yet but you come here to post a helpful post* D:

So, I'm not quite sure what to use. I tried using blabla.events~something, but it said undefined method "events". I'm sure you understand what I mean. I used it in a script call. Is it possible that "events" isn't reachable in a script command, or did I just use the wrong prefix for "events"? Could you give me an example? ^.^ Tytyttyy. *hug*

By the way this is for RMXP.



No problem Twin ^^

You cannot by default access the RPG::Events directly. At least not through Game_Event.
You can add an accessor to Game_Event which allows you to get the RPG::Event.
I think this snippet will do:

class Game_Event < Game_Character
  attr_reader :event

Now you can retrieve what you want through an Game_Event by using the .event method ^_^

- Zeriab
Hmm, I added the reader and then tried this:

p $game_map.event[8].graphic.opacity

and this:

p $game_map.events[8].graphic.opacity

But both times it says "graphic" is undefined. D:

(I'm trying to reset the graphic's opacity back to the map standard, and then store the original x and y in a variable, but I can't find that either. @_@)

Edit: I decided to try and make the x/y storing work first, so I did this:

p $game_map.events[6].x

But it simply gives the current x of the event and not the original. >_<



$game_map.events[6] is a Game_Event, if you want the original you have to get the RPG::Event:

p $game_map.events[6].event.x

This does require the reader.
Notice how you have to use the .event to get the RPG::Event after you get the Game_Event ^^

- Zeriab



The opacity depends on which page is in use at the moment. (A quick look in the help file will tell you this. Look under RGSS Reference Manual->Game Library->RPGXP Data Structure)
Each event has an array of RPG::Event::Page.
Each page has a RPG::Event::Page::Condition and a RPG::Event::Page::Graphic.

You need to look at the conditions to determined which page will be the active page. Only then can you look at the graphic of that page and find out what the opacity is.

- Zeriab

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