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what is the proper way to call an event database variable vx

I decided to toy around in scripting for once and can't seem to figure out how to properly reference a variable from the game's database.

I'm essentially trying to use a variable from the set you can manipulate via normal eventing in an if statement. But I can't figure out how it is supposed to be referenced in rgss.
Start with Scene_Title.load_database,

Each of the database files gets loaded into a separate $data_* object.
The definitions of each object are in the help file (Game Library --> RPGVX Data Structure)

So, if you want to reference a specific actor's weapon_id...


In a "script" event command, check to see if the actors weapon id is greater than 12 (an advanced weapon)

if $data_actors[3].weapon_id > 12
## do something

In a "Conditional Branch", the "if" is implied, so you just need:

$data_actors[3].weapon_id > 12
in my case, i don't want to compare the id, i want to call on it to get the value stored in it and compare the value:


get value of variable [0003]
if value of [0003] = 0
do this

all i want to do is be able with play with the variables you can control easily in the event editor.

I found $game_variables is loaded in the title screen, but i can't figure out how to use that to call on game_variable[003] specifically.

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