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What is the biggest risk you ever took in your life so far?

Was sitting here listening to Kelly Clarkson's song breakaway..
So I was wondering, what is the biggest risk you ever done in your life?
And how did it end up, Good or bad? :smoke:

For me it was probably to pay 1800$ to go and see my boyfriend in Maldives for the first time.
Had earlier only talked to him on the phone and seen him in the webcam.
I didin't think about it at that time, but afterwards I think I did something many would consider stupid.
I paid so much money and that was only for the flight, after I had paid I only had 300$ left in saving haha.
So I putted complete trust that he would keep his word to be there for me.

For me it ended well, I have now been engaged to him for 3 months. :wink:

So how about you guys?
[*]Was accepted to a pretty good University
[*]Decided to pay the $10k tuition using loans after unfortunately not winning any scholarships
[*]Found out that my family makes too much even though they don't make anywhere near enough to help pay for the $10k a semester tuition, so the Stafford loan offered was almost enough to pay the $3000 room and board.
[*]Relied on another loan to pay first semester's tuition in hopes that the school would hold true to it's initial promise of helping me find a job and numerous scholarship opportunities within the school.
[*]Was one of many students who were bumped from winning any scholarship money due to a charming scholarship package offered to a student with Indie experience and parents within the industry considering whether to attend the school.
[*]Decided to keep persevering and went through another semester, delaying paying tuition until the end in hopes of something working out.
[*]It didn't. After working with the job coordinator who liked me and really wanted to help for two semesters, an opening was finally available for me to take as a Financial Office assistant. (The irony.) Unfortunately, this was offered at the end of the second semester and the school refused to work out a deal where I worked on campus for a semester to pay off the owed tuition.

To summarize:
[*]Debt to school - $10,000 plus a little interest.
[*]Debt to Government - $5000
[*]No college degree to make up for it, though I guess I get to have the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that it wasn't my grades that resulted in me dropping out.

Though now I only owe the school $3000 more :cheers:

I also met some amazing teachers who make great network contacts, and got plenty of game engines for free that I took on my way out.
united washcloth express":25prfsym said:
[*]Was accepted to a pretty good University
[*]Decided to pay the $10k tuition using loans after unfortunately not winning any scholarships
[*]Found out that my family makes too much even though they don't make anywhere near enough to help pay for the $10k a semester tuition, so the Stafford loan offered was almost enough to pay the $3000 room and board.
[*]Relied on another loan to pay first semester's tuition in hopes that the school would hold true to it's initial promise of helping me find a job and numerous scholarship opportunities within the school.
[*]Was one of many students who were bumped from winning any scholarship money due to a charming scholarship package offered to a student with Indie experience and parents within the industry considering whether to attend the school.
[*]Decided to keep persevering and went through another semester, delaying paying tuition until the end in hopes of something working out.
[*]It didn't. After working with the job coordinator who liked me and really wanted to help for two semesters, an opening was finally available for me to take as a Financial Office assistant. (The irony.) Unfortunately, this was offered at the end of the second semester and the school refused to work out a deal where I worked on campus for a semester to pay off the owed tuition.

To summarize:
[*]Debt to school - $10,000 plus a little interest.
[*]Debt to Government - $5000
[*]No college degree to make up for it, though I guess I get to have the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that it wasn't my grades that resulted in me dropping out.

Though now I only owe the school $3000 more :cheers:

I also met some amazing teachers who make great network contacts, and got plenty of game engines for free that I took on my way out.

Good that it is only 3000$ more, cheer for you



uwe I dont understand why you dropped out. If your family makes too much money for grants and other stuff then they are supposed to help you pay your tuition. my best friend is the same, he only pays 600 out of his pocket but he takes out loans and such

that or you could have transferred to a 2 year until you got enough funds and just lived at home.
Writing a letter to my parents at 3am in the morning explaining things. Probably the scariest moment of my life and definately the biggest risk I've ever taken.

Biggest mistake was trying to castrate myself with cable ties a few years back.
Taking on the IB program in a shit county and a shit school where the pass rate is 0%, in contrast to worldwide passrate, which is 80%.

Prolly gonna quit and do dual enrollment next year. Idk, another risk there i suppose.
Daxis":v0f0jc7a said:
Taking on the IB program in a shit county and a shit school where the pass rate is 0%, in contrast to worldwide passrate, which is 80%.

Prolly gonna quit and do dual enrollment next year. Idk, another risk there i suppose.

Come on, man. The international baccalaureate is as hard as you want it to be. Push through it. That's what I did.

The biggest risk I've taken so far is asking a girl I don't know well out. I hope it turns out okay. The date's on Saturday.
My biggest risk was abandoning my friends and family in one state, and moving 14 hours south to a new state with a guy I barely even knew personally. This guy is... Star.

Huge risk...
this school is not gonna make us pass. We have a 0% pass rate dude. We have terribad teachers, a biology teacher who didn't even know what options were for the exam, a 60-something year old chemistry teacher that has taught some of the other teachers here, literally, that 1) told us to we had 20 labs to due to pass, 2) later changed her mind and said something about quality/quantity, 3) gave 4 grades the entire last semester.
We have a literature teacher to whom I have not yet read a single book in the classroom, opting for gradesaver.com instead, and still passed with the 2nd highest grade in the class. She is also one of those ask questions and the entire class time will be wasted with her explaining things.
We have a... average Info-tech global society teacher, I guess you could say. Nothing real that i'm learning either.
Yo aprendo nada en la clase de espanol. El maestro este ano es terrible. Todo que yo sé es porque del maestro de los dos anos pasados, un maestro excelente que clasificó nuestros trabajos exactamente como IB. Es posible que yo tenga su clase el ano próximo.... pero ahora, yo aprendo nada.
The math teacher isn't all that bad :x
Horribad classmates. Terrible. Some of them failed a couple clases the year before and were not kocked out and I'm like, what? Old principal was fired for making football player's grades A from failing. One kid could not read from the textbook in 9th grade. This may not seem like much, but when the teachers want us to do group assignments together, I fucking hope I don't get the stupid people. (our history teacher assigns smart people to stupid, btw, to balance the class out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DGxC06AjjA)
The one thing that is tipping me to quit IB is becuase the school may or may not cancel it at our school, consolidate it to another school, or make us the last class, etc. we don;t know. I just entered this year, and the school is making it as BS as I expected from the shit county (which actually lost its accreditation a couple years ago :x) I'm not expecting too much, and if my biology exam goes as bad as I think it will, I'm out.

ps: 75% of the teachers i mentioned are their first year teachign IB classes. Serus.
Life is about the challenges. I've pushed through high school and medicine school even though my dad is in a very serious political trial. Whenever I fall down, I simply get right back on my feet. My scores haven't been the best, and I do get sad often, but it's all worth it, knowing my classmates can't possibly be in a situation as hard as mine. I love the feeling of empowerment. I love knowing others haven't been through this hardships.

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