It seems to me like at some point you got a certain portion of the style down to a science and then just decided to stop developing there. I say this because, with the exception of your Marilyn Manson and Alice Looper, all of your characters have the
exact same face. The only minor variations occur in the hair, and in the clothing on the second one.
I know that as critique goes I'm not being very insightful, but honestly speaking, it's as if you've submitted the same piece of artwork three times. Experimenting with different views is pretty important when you're refining your drawing skill. The picture of Alice is a good place to start -- I was actually really glad to see it, since she actually has an expression and none of that dead dolls-eye look that your various Arshes (and Jessica) possess.
So, in essence, I'd like to see more original work and less front-facing Arshes, because, honestly, drawing the same thing multiple times is good for practice but not showcasing. It'll help you develop as an artist, too, if you stop drawing as if you use an ink stamp beside you with Arshes' face on it.
You also need to pay more attention to the positioning of features on the face. The hairline, for instance, looks like it's rather high on Arshes' scalp, and the ears are positioned strangely. In real proportions, the eyes are roughly around the vertical center of the skull in your average human being, with the top (or center, I forget) of the eyes coinciding with the top of the ears. Drawing a + that intersects the center of your character's blank face before you add features is a pretty good way to keep track of the relative position of said features.
Long hair is usually referred to as Japanese Art, but it's actually Anime, anyone watch bleach?