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What do you think of my Custom Altair animated battler?

I took the base of another animated battler,  I wanted an assassin and I didnt get any replies from people in the requests, so I tried to make one myself. Tell me what you think. I mainly just did the head, boots belt, and re did the bow a bit.
Credit for original sprite to Green Raven.

<img src="http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p282/Gravetheory/altair.png">
Well it's really nice but I think you should have a few different weapons.
Maybe use the bow for skills and use the short sword for attacks?
I know Altair never used a bow (crossbow not used in game :( ) but it suits him well enough, it's just that he doesn't seem assassin-like enough with only the bow.

Good job though  :thumb:
I thought that too, but I'll have to find another base with sword and try to fit it to this guy too. Oh, and the person who made the original battler was Green Raven. 

I also re-colored another sprite, I didnt like the color scheme at all. So here it is

<img src="http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p282/Gravetheory/gunslingercustom.png">
Oh, well I already had edited that one actually. lol
It's this, I just thought I wanted something a bit different.

<img src="http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p282/Gravetheory/theifcustom.png">

I also made a masked Rider battler From one of dollmage's. Remember masked rider? Tv show around the same time as power rangers, made by the same people. Anyway here.

<img src="http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p282/Gravetheory/kamenriderblue.png">
I remember, it was a bad version of Kamen Rider IIRC.
I can still see the hair on the sprite, it doesn't really look like a mask, make it smoother.
Archer that fires knives?  Odd concept. And yeah, I have to fix the kamen rider, or maybe i'll just trash it, i dunno. I need an awesome character I'll use.
True, not original kamen rider. Also, I don't believe he carried an over sized cannon at all times. The head is kinda fuzzy, but i guess I'll work on it. And thanks to you who complimented.
Wildcard. Credit who needs to be credited. If you don't know who it is then do not post. Change your first post to show the credit.

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