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Wellin ~ The Mouthless Wizzard

So, I decided to enter this contest.
Here's what the game is about.
You're a famous wizzard, which travels around the world making performances
for the people. When one day, something goes wrong: A spell you made is
backed to yourself, and your mouth literally is removed from your face, and you
cannot do any magic anymore. The objective of the player is to pursue
the mouth to undo the spell and being able to make magic again, but as soon
as the story progresses, the focus is not getting your powers back.
The spell you made at the beginning, it was going to get wrong, because by
error, or so it seems, you made a spell to unseal an evil creature. So the mouth, takes life and pursues
to conquer the world with the spells you have learned through all your wizzardy life,
so you feel guilty and willing to take your mouth back. For your luck, you find a special
wand along your way, and you get to make it work. So now you must re-learn your
spells with that wand and save the day from the evil mouth, which will gradually turn
into a monster, you'll have to battle.

That's pretty much the plot at the moment.
Now, the gameplay.
I tend to make the gameplay like a platformer, but I intend to add the
puzzle manipulation mechanic of Ghost Trick, letting the player to manipulate
objects with magic, like moving blocks, that stuff.

Progress so far:
I ported the graphics which I previously made and made the platformer basics,
along with the double jump. I will next add the first spell and introduction stage.

Yeah, I was thinking of that too, Aero. But since the backgrounds are also
going to be mouse-drawn, the overall proportions will be according to the player.
It won't be a bad idea to halve the proportions though.
So, I've been working in this, but I have a doubt which needs to be clarified in order to continue.
Suppose I have 3 objects of the same type, but I only want to make the 2nd one move. How can I do
this? I know there's a variable for the objects called unique id, but I don't know how I can apply it so
it only makes the action to the object with that unique id.
There is a Construct 2 support forum for asking technical questions. Although I suggest you to just make a separate object for that. It seems to me that if it "moves" while the rest stays, it's already a different object.
I would like to continue this, but since I've tried to get the information I need, but it seems I couldn't
find it, even in the Scirra forums, I must say I cannot continue this anymore. Sorry.
MarioSuperStar":3fbxsah4 said:
So, I've been working in this, but I have a doubt which needs to be clarified in order to continue.
Suppose I have 3 objects of the same type, but I only want to make the 2nd one move. How can I do
this? I know there's a variable for the objects called unique id, but I don't know how I can apply it so
it only makes the action to the object with that unique id.

Instance variables? The first tutorial on scirra.com goes over it (I think for setting health for the monsters) and here's the link to the manual entry: http://www.scirra.com/manual/73/instance-variables/page-1

Basically, every instance of an object of the same type can have a variable assigned to it and you can change the value of that variable to pick out a particular instance. Then you can test for that instance variable change in a condition to distinguish it from another instance of the same object. I had a lot of fun typing those last two sentences, which are technically correct but awfully wordy....but hope it helps some.

Aw don't give up! Are you still struggling with the same problem? You can export your project to show us a demo and explain what you're trying to do.
Yes, I am struggling with the same problem. I was kind of sticking to make separate events, but I wanted to know if it was a possible way to reduce the number of events. Supposedly, I want to create a event which will change its speed and direction according to the distance and position of the mouse in reference to the player. But I can't seem to figure out how, because every time I try to change for the one I just created, it changes all the events, making that if an event was moving right, and I click to the left of the player, and it shoots left, the one that is moving right will move to the left.
Do you have some examples?

If you just want to move an object out of many of the same type which were created manually you could use a 'pick all' + 'pick nth instance' event, pick nth work by index i think.
Hey MarioSuperStar, it's a pity I saw this too late. You could have made an instance variable called "triggered" or something and set it to 0 on start. After the object is "triggered" set the variable to 1. Then you could just check whether or not the variable is 1 or not to change the direction of movement of your object (ie if it is 1, let the object continue movement as it has before; else if it's 0, change the direction of movement of the object).

I think that's what you were after. Hope that helps if you decide to continue the game.
Thanks for the help, I really appreciated, even though it was late. I figured out how to control the instances i just created by putting the actions of direction and speed by putting them after the instance create action.

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