This board is designed for beginners to discuss the workings of the various game making programs, and to learn the ropes.
- Quick questions, and support for the basic workings of the program at hand, go here.
If you like, consider this a safe haven for newbies. New to the program, don't want people yelling at you for simple mistakes? Want to learn how things work completely before starting?
If you're more adept with the program in question and your support query is more intricate and detailed then the General support forum is better for you.
Remember to take everything with a pinch of salt. The members here are absolute beginners, they may not know the basic workings which everyone else takes for granted!
Remember that the Frequently Asked Questions may be useful for you. Don't forget you can always link to it when answering questions if the answer already exists!
These local rules are in addition to the General Forum Rules
Trolling, Flaming, Bawwing: will be dealt with strictly. This is supposed to be a 'safe haven' for beginners. As Thumper would say, "If you can't say sumpin' nice, don't say nuffin at all." This includes responses to harsh posts. There is no justification for "defending yourself". Use the "Report" button. - Warn for 1st offense. Ban from Beginner's Lounge for repeated offense.
Spam: "Wow, that's cool!", "Nice!", "This sucks!" are all spam. They add no value to the thread. If you like something take the time to specify what it is you like about it. If you don't, elaborate on that too. "Spam" posts will be deleted. - Warn for 1st offense. Ban from Beginner's Lounge for repeated offense.
Criticism: Criticism can be objective ("Using <feature> makes your game seem unprofessional."), or subjective ("I'm not really fond of that sprite style.") but in neither case should it be mean. "Constructive" criticism means you state your opinion, offer additional information to support it, and suggestions for improvement. If you can't take the time to post a well thought out criticism, don't post! - Warn for 1st offense. Ban from Beginner's Lounge for repeated offense.
Response / Rebuttal to Criticism: Think about your response. Don't jump to the defensive. Even a poorly written criticism is trying to point out a perceived flaw in something you've created. It's not directed at you personally. If you don't understand the criticism, ask for clarification. If you disagree with a criticism, that's OK. Just don't get nasty about it. Offer additional information to support your position, include comparative works to illustrate your point. Thank the critic for taking the time to review your work.
Don't expect all responses to be positive. In fact, expect the majority to be negative. It's natural instinct for people to point out the things they recognize as being 'below standard' as opposed to meeting or exceeding the standard.
If you think a post is spiteful or confrontational, don't respond. Just use the "Report" button. - Warn for 1st offense. Ban from Beginner's Lounge for repeated offense.