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Weapon assembly



No, i don't want a crafting script edit.

What i want is a system for the player to assemble thier weapons. I'm going along the sword route, but it could also be used to assemble guns and the like.

Along the sword line is my main concern.

What makes this unlike the crafting systems currently avalible? The weapons need to be able to be disassembled. I'll play out an example.

You have just graduated from the basic sword training, you are given a cheap Wakizashi. It consists of:
1 Basic Circle Tsuba
1 Basic Tsuka
1 Pin and spacer
1 Short Low-Grade Blade
1 Cheap Loose-Fitting Saya

After a few months, your blade is unrepairable, the saya has split and the Tsuka is cracked. So, you take it apart and with your winnings you replace the Tsuka and saya using similar parts. But, you have some extra monsy and opt for a better blade. The blade doesn't quite fit right so you add a spacer to tighten it up.

A year down the line you are able to aquire a better Tsuka. So again it comes apart and that part is switched out.

This goes on and you end up with a nice Katana:
1 Hand and a Half Oak Tsuka
1 Custom Sai Shaped Tsuba
2 Steel Pin and Steel Spacers
1 Differentally Hardend 1040 Steel Blade
1 Custom Oak and Bone Saya

So there are 6 Major parts to the sword:
Tsuka: The Handle/Grip
Tsuba: The Guard
Pins: Hold the Blade in place
Spacers: Tighten up the blade
Blade: Self explanitory
Saya: The Scabbard

What makes this different is that instead of making a pre-made sword it makes a custom sword with custom stats based off the items. So, you can't really turn sword 456 into sword 758... Actualy that gives me an idea. Sword 1,1,1,1,1,1 Would be the basic thing, Sword 1,1,1,2,3,1 would be the second example, and Sword 15,30,5,5,23,45 , Might be the last... But you can do it however you want.

I think this would be a good challenge for someone. If you want something for completing this, feel free to ask. I'll try to give you what you need.

I thank you for your time.



Bump and addition

I forgot to mention, there are some parts that won't work with each other. You can't have a Tando Handle and a Katana's blade... That sort of thing.

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