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Weapon/Armor Upgrades


Guyz just wanna request this script if you can make them...(I repeat "IF" only you can make them)

Ok the First script is the Weapon enhancement script
I want a script that allows a self created item from the database of my RMXP to be able to Upgrade the Weapon/Armor of choice...

for Example:
Fine Burr: Increases Weapons Damage By 2 may cause the weapon to Fail when upgrading to level 5-9
===> So it means that when i have an Upgrade Item it allows the Weapon to Increase damage by 2

Burr: Increases Weapons Damage by 2 allows the weapon to be upgraded up to level 4 "SUCCESSFULLY" causes the weapon to Fail when upgrading to level 5-9
===> the possibility when Upgrading a weapon is 50-50 it means that The Difference of Burr to Fine Burr is that of Burr can only be upgraded up to level 4 and Fine Burr can be upgraded to 1-9 other than that Fine burr can be successfully upgraded w/o failing up to level 4 but the possibility of upgrade failing is level 5-9
===>Same as the Armors when upgrading it's Defenses

SCALING the Possibility of the Upgrade:
So...for example...there are two types of Upgrades
1st for Burr (1-4 Successfully)
2nd for Fine Burr (1-4 Success, 5-9 Rare Succession)
level 1 to 4 Successfully Upgrades a weapon/Armor without failing or vanishing the weapon/armor
level 5 to 7 12%-69% of Success Rate of Upgrading a Weapon/Armor, the rest of the percentage can cause the weapon/armor to fail upgrade and return it's condition to 0 (zero)
level 8 to 9 8%-23% of Success Rate of upgrading a weapon/Armor, the rest of the Percentage causes the weapon/armor to VANISH or fail and return to zero.
===>I included the weapon/armor VANISH at level 8-9 so that the users will have a hard time upgrading it...:D
===>Also...when upgrading a weapon/armor, at every level it increases it's defense depending on the Upgrade Item itself...
Protection Potion-Upgrades Defense by 2 allows the Armor to be upgraded from level 1 up to level 4 Successfully
===>so per every Upgrade it increases it's defense by 2
===>BEFORE UPGRADE Shogun Gloves +2(+4=2 per protection potion used, 2x2=4)
===>AFTER UPGRADE Shogun Gloves +3(+6=2 per prot pot used, 2x3=6)

RED-Means the Whole Attribute of the Weapon
YELLOW-The Upgrade level of the Weapon (if the weapon is not upgraded then the weapon has no Number beside the Weapon Name)
BLUE-The Damage of the Weapon with the Upgrade (the +beside the Original Damage is the Damage added by the upgrade)
(the Energy usage in the Picture is not included)
See the attribute? it's clear to add defense to the Armor (sorry i don't have a protection Potion-it's an item lower than Lux Protection Potion)
Adds damage by 2 but up to level 4 SUCCESSFUL Upgrade...
50-50% chance of level 5~9 Upgrades

it looks like this when it's upgraded by 3 protection potion
so the Script im requesting for is for Weapon/Armor Upgrades...
Thanks in Advance! :please:

(P.S. the Examples i used was from RAN online...they have some cool hard to get Upgrades! :yes:)

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