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Weapon/Armor abilities (not equip. skills)

What I am referring too is how weapons influence the attack command and armors influencing the defend command. Armors and weapons can have abilities that affect the commands corresponding to them, such as counter skills and attacks.

Ex. Regeneration Armor recovers HP and SP when you defend.

Ex 2: If you defend with Fire Armor and the enemy attacks, the skill, Fire, will be used on them.

Ex 3: Defending with Frozen Armor will do 20 damage to you, but will use Icicle on the enemy if they attack.

Ex 4: If you defend with Legendary Armor, you have a 5% chance of all max stats raising by 1.

Complex Ex. If the you defend with Fire Armor and Iron Shield, Fire will be used on the enemy if they attack and Remedy will be used on the character as well.

Weapon Ex. If you attack with Regeneration Sword, you will recover HP.

Weapon Ex 2: If you attack with Heroic Blade, then you have a 10% chance of gaining 5 Max Strength and 5 Max HP.

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