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We Are Titans.

http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... ner363.png[/img]

You are Living your life as a Collage drop-out while sitting outside on a smoke break from your job at the local Gas station.
A bright light comes from the sky and Mythical warriors start falling from the sky and start causing havok, destroying everything.
Later in the game you figure out from one of the Drones that they were sent from heaven because of the sins of man.

Well--There is no story line to this, Its just a simple mini-game that I made for me and my brother to play together. But now I am thinking if I put a lot of effort into this, I could make this into a Real Multiplayer game.
I now have a Name for the game and I decided to make a Story-line. I have the Sprites we are going to use, but I don't know if the maps will look good with them.
Time Line-
2017: World War 3
2020: Massive RoBot Malfunction
2023: All RoBots Destroyed
2029: End of World War 3
2032: Present: Rebuilding from World War 3
WEAPON SPECIALIST SCENE- This scene tell you what Weapons you will start out with and what they do.
-Fade in-

Weapon specialist: Alright, This is your C.A.R.B. Compact Assault Rifle with Burst.
This puppy has two settings on it. Automatic, and Burst. Automatic shoots out rapidly non-stop
but it takes away your accuracy. Burst, on the other hand, Has a more accurate shot, But only shoots
out 3 to 4 bullets at a time.

This little square box is more than a little square box. We call it, Pandora's Box. PB for short.
Digital timer display on the front. Four buttons to make the time shorter, longer, or make
the grenade itself a Smoke grenade or a Proximity mine, But beware, These will go off when you get close too.
-------OTHER WEAPONS----
Gamut- This is the sniper of the game.
More coming soon!

Titans- Good
Havok- Bad

http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq163/cheezillionaire/Titantoprow.gif[/img] http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... Rotate.gif[/img] http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... ackGif.gif[/img]
Yeah, I will get a gun and whatnot on it, This is just a sample.

Cheeze's Mini-ABS: This ABS Includes Multiplayer (Which isn't completely finished- Still need to figure out how to split the screen in half or make it zoom out to show the whole map [30x30]. ) where you have to beat and shoot each other down with Gorrilla tactics.
Ghosting Cover: But when you get close to a wall your opacity goes down a certain amount depending on how much cover you are behind.
I am re-doing the Ghosting cover, I figured out how to make it to be more realistic with the player's X-Y and Terrain tags! Whoot! So you will be able to see the person whenever they are in the same room or in your sight as you! And if something is shorter than them and they are standing up, you will be able to see the top half of them.
PANIC!:Once your life is 5 or below- You run faster
Crouch: Turns your Opacity down everywhere, But you are slower
Wall Cover: Able to actually get up against the wall.
Pandora's Boxs: These are the grenades, a small box with a timer on it with four buttons, Less time, More time, Smoke, Proximity mine, regular grenade. But you only get one.

I had a friend test the sprite out and she took some Screens for me. (I doubt i will have the shadow script in)

http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... titled.jpg[/img]
http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... itled2.jpg[/img]
http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... itled3.jpg[/img]
I fixed the shiney Butt! ^
http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... itled4.jpg[/img]
Sorry if the colors are messed up--There is something wrong with my computer's colors
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s171 ... player.jpg[/img]
Arshes is player one, The Knight is player two
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s171 ... layer2.jpg[/img]
Where did player two go?
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s171 ... ntcies.jpg[/img]
There are different opacities
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s171 ... hostie.jpg[/img]
POW! Right in the kisser!

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MH3HB893 Unencrypted so you can make your own Levels!
Oh, Yes I know that there are no sound Effects or songs in it--My speakers on my other computer were not working for some reason.

So sing your own music!

           [W]=Up for Player 2                [^]=Up for Player 1
       [A][ S ][D]                            [<][v][>]
[Shift]=Attack for Player 2
                           [Spacebar]=Attack for Player 1

Player two stays Invis aslong as he doesn't stop running for some reason.
Some walls you can "Ghost" through- But I think I found all of them.

http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... serbar.png[/img]

Green Raven for the pallet
Crazybest For the sprite
Xilefox for the banner, edited logo, and userbars.

If anyone wants to help with this project (With sprites, custom maps, Map packs, concept art, ect) You will get something special (Maybe a Special type of weapon or a custom playable sprite)

If you help with a bunch of things, You may get the Golden Armor. http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... nArmor.png[/IMGzoom]
http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq16 ... rotate.gif[/img] Yes, I know the goggles on the down view is gray instead of blue, But i have fixed that
---Update Slot---



Alright, Once I get 5 maps done(I am working on Details on the second one [And I added Map Interaction]), I am going to Re-Upload it UNENCRYPTED so people can make their own maps( I will have a tut in the game), And Insert some map packs that I make and upload here. And if anyone else wants to Upload their maps--Do it. Just make sure to take screen shots! And if someone wants to make some right now with the RTP, Just put Screenshots up in a Spoiler and i will try to mimic them.

DEMO UPDATED: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MH3HB893
In this demo, I have inserted three new maps (Ruins of Jadion, Forbidden something -cant remeber-, and The fight with Gothrach!) and one Minigame(Joust). This is also UNENCRYPTED so that you can make your own maps and share them, Man!


So it's basically a little two-player ABS battle? Sounds like a good idea, but maybe you can further the idea. Maybe even model it after Super Smash Bros, like have different stages and characters to use.
Yeah, That is what i was wanting it to be like.

But if anyone can script or help me with the Screen part?

And is it Encrypted or not?

EDIT: Alright, I know it IS encrypted--If anyone wants to help me with this project, Tell me. I can use spriters, Mappers, and Scripters

EDIT 2: Help me think of some features to add on to it



Couldn't you have the arena and character selection through events?

Like , Loop , Show Text "Player 1 , Select your character!" Show Choices for characters , and when he selects one , change the graphic , and break loop , and then do the same for map , and use transfer player? Shouldn't that work? =)

*EDIT* Make it paraell proccess too , but I think you knew that.

*EDIT 2* If you're looking for a main screen , I could muck about with Photoshop for a bit , and see what I get. That's what I usually do. =P
Yeah, I already knew about the Character selection. And if you are just bored and have some time, Sure. The only bad thing is is i have to wait until i have access to a different computer so i can use my jump drive to get it on it and move it.

Alright, Once I get 5 maps done(I am working on Details on the second one [And I added Map Interaction]), I am going to Re-Upload it UNENCRYPTED so people can make their own maps( I will have a tut in the game), And Insert some map packs that I make and upload here. And if anyone else wants to Upload their maps--Do it. Just make sure to take screen shots! And if someone wants to make some right now with the RTP, Just put Screenshots up in a Spoiler and i will try to mimic them.
Okay I just tried the demo... it's decent, but really needs some work.

What I don't get is, why do the players randomly turn partly invisible when they walk over random tiles? What's the point of it? Also, you might want to work on the ABS. Add a health bar or a HUD, and a lot more tools to make it interesting (arrows, bombs, traps, etc.) And you might want to work on a split screen, player 1 has a huge advantage because the screen follows him :down:

Good start, though.
Yes, I have a script request section open, I just need to get someone to do it. The Screen resolution seems like it will Work, but I need a different computer because this one's jump drives do not work and It doesn't have a Burner on it.

Yes, I am working on the Weapons and whatnot as well-
The ABS from my game "Z" Wont work with it for some reason and It is very small and very good. Here in a little while i Might update again---But that is a BIG might


EDIT: Alright I am going to use this script http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=6178.0 because the resolution script that i found had a lot of bugs. I just need someone to help me tweak this some so you can attack eachother



Good thing, too.  I tried playing with somebody else, and I beat their butt just because I was screen god.  I'm working on a map pack for you, too.  At the moment I have this:

The Marsh -  Swampy lowlands covered in a dense fog. 
Great Hall - The ruins of a town meeting hall.
Avalanche - Rocks are constantly falling from the cliff above.  Dodge them while killing your opponent.
Chasing Shadows - A dark cave, watch your step, as traps are everywhere.
Sweet- Do you know how to make your person go invis and whatnot? Or do you want me to insert that once you send it to me?



I'm still here for the maps if you need.  In fact, I've got that marsh done somewhere.

I think YOU should head the project, though.



That sounds pretty good.  I was also thinking of some different modes of play.  The standard mode would be "Deathmatch" or something, but I was thinking about Capture the Flag and that sort of stuff as well.
Alright...I guess I will head the project....Do you two have A yahoo Messenger name or Windows live? (preferably yahoo)

Mine is jaden_the_jounin(@yahoo.com if you are going to add me on Windows live)

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