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Water Level Autotiles

This is actually something pretty simple that I made today, but I think it could get a lot of use since it should work pretty good with a lot of the RTP Graphics. Would be ideal for water level puzzles, or just spicing up a map, just make sure you use it correctly! See the screenshot for an example of how they look and how to use them, because the auto tiles by themselves aren't going to look like much.

I have to say, I think I prefer this to the rtp water. To me the stuff always looked like an indoor swimming pool, ya know? But this is cool.

The colours are a little bright for me personally, but overall it looks good.

I'm wondering if there's a way to add the illusion of more depth.... My first thought was to make the bottom two rows of the autotile more opaque but I can see that causing issues.

Still great job, I like it.
Thanks guys, hopefully its of some use.

Really the only bad thing about the RTP indoor water is that its not animated at all and part of the tileset itself.

As for your suggestion, no that wouldn't work. Remember how autotiles work, most of the water is going to be that 32x32 middle square repeated.
oh i just realized that they were transparent, someone mentioned that before that you could see through them, GREAT idea lol now as long as you got some edge tiles for tiles where the water ends, this can save alot of room on tilesets i would think, for example when i'm creating my water temple, big ups!

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