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walking sounds

Requesting a script that enables walking sound when the hero is moving.

Example: Player Makes the hero walk forward, during the movment of the hero, i want a walking sound. so it sounds like the player is walking.


Awesome Bro

That would be good but at the same time, very annoying, it would be good only used in places like a dark cave or a sewer, and not in a big city or anything, too much noise and it would soon become annoying. But nice request, I think I saw something like that on rmxp.net, go over and check
Thanks, but it's in japanese :thumb: , lol If someone could translate it.

Im useing the walking sound script for a quiet game, and a hard game too. lol i also need it to make the game sound very weird lol. I don't really care if its annoying, if the sound is right it won't get annoying. Every play resident evil? if you do you will know what im talking about.



If you're using mine, just add
and self.tile_id == 1
self.moving? and self.hear_steps == true and (Graphics.frame_count + 2 * self.id) % (18 - @move_speed) == 0
It's the first line in the update method ;)

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