So i saw this movie a few days ago (waking life). "whats your favorite movie" is such a fucking easy question for me, now. i loved every damn minute of the movie (aside from like 3 parts which were just a bit too 'difficult' for me). i loved the theories, i loved the art style, and i loved how good it made me feel.
i know i can't be the only guy here who's seen it, so i figured I'd ask what you all think of it.
for anyone that hasn't seen it, heres a halfbaked, quick explanation of it. i dont claim to be a journalist.
best scene of the movie (slight spoiler, but like i said, the plot isn't that big a deal)
i know i can't be the only guy here who's seen it, so i figured I'd ask what you all think of it.
for anyone that hasn't seen it, heres a halfbaked, quick explanation of it. i dont claim to be a journalist.
Waking Life is a film about a guy who is dreaming consciously. In his dreams he sees, and participates in, several conversations that cover topics like dreams, reality, free will, philosophy, the meaning of life, and just a small bit of politics, among other things. They talk. A LOT. It's a talk-y film. I know it probably sounds boring.. and it probably is for some people. However, it's actually a really interesting if you can get past (or actually fully understand) some of the more difficult conversations.
A short way through the film, the guy realizes he's sleeping. He also realizes that he can't wake up. Every time he thinks he has awoken, he realizes he actually hasn't. That's really about as far as the actual plot goes. The movie isn't really centered around the plot though. It's more about the message(s) it conveys, anyway.
A short way through the film, the guy realizes he's sleeping. He also realizes that he can't wake up. Every time he thinks he has awoken, he realizes he actually hasn't. That's really about as far as the actual plot goes. The movie isn't really centered around the plot though. It's more about the message(s) it conveys, anyway.
best scene of the movie (slight spoiler, but like i said, the plot isn't that big a deal)